Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1961, page 11

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The following spccml commium \lcrv: Jp- Financc ('ommmcc: The Prank-m. the Km iJch Eh: Scurluyl'rcburcn the Dun-um. mc anomlc: Scum: plus Ihrcc 1m: \c.n' rd Mcmhzh. Mrs. Rm MAX-Hum. \In I‘ Brmm. \|r~ Fllon Armsunng Safcl) tommmcc: Mr» [\mhmm'r. \Irx Hol- r. Mm \chL-rchcr. Mrs Runmlly \lz~ Inm- (‘ommmcc un Raul “1mm I.ur I\hII‘Ll I'uI» RCIJIIUI‘I‘ (Itficur. Mn I’ 3 \LI .lIIIIIC\\. I anrnmn. .\lr~ lnnhulncr. \lm “(In-4.;th \Iu -‘ m ‘VIIIIJL‘L'. .\Ir~ H .-\ Dulcnmn Dule .II VdIIUnJI I \Imcnhnn \Il\ [nu ma. \hn \lckcrchcr, \In II.I.'.'.\,’I‘\\_ \h. .J l’cnncx. \le Illun ‘\Im~In\u' (ummIIIu‘ on ( .III.I\II.I|'I \I\‘\.II.. \ln Ixm rncr_ \Il\\ \Ickcrchu. Hm I II mmm, “uh ucr In .ulxI Mcmlwhhlp (unmullcc \Il\ \\.|.LI.I.\' \In Dicilnxurn \In I linen. \II-- \van Huh, ‘Mrs Inn'hulnrr. \Im \Iukcuhm l'wt-Iu Rd. V lionx ("INN SchulJlshIr' lulmmllcc \Iiw I ambulm" \ln olulur. \Ilu \lckcuhcl. \qu ham \.-‘.I \II- Norman I .IIIIL'IUIL \II\. I III‘II \le !:\vl\: \Ix‘ \'.;Im[.u~ln;‘ Iumlx lummlllcc \Ir Iaml-w I‘nml \Il'\ {IIJIIJIII \pn HI II-mI-vll IIr-Imt Chairman uI Ihc Iu-umu Immmnu III A.(‘“'\\' .thI ruprcwnl.ulm‘ HI | \\ II \I MCKurL‘hu hm I’nL'HnI Hm Iluw "Thu: 1.1! In Iuc' unrkJI-tp «Imh In I». mu Ifrncd, luchhu nllh 1hr prnmu ‘IvI‘HII‘ I hm hm ycl 11.nI mm: In Ich Ihc Lam: in” II” r-uh kit mulcrml \ccnh In 11-. .II‘-I'I|IILII IN I III iuxl Ihc NUII nI Ihlm: uc My Mum" In y :nm-Ir FA (1 In p111 mu m wnnuuun “uh (In In .Ium From IIunL'u taunt-urn “c Imw . u! 1' .-H .' Dflcc Im II“: I'Iunlcnl In ll M 4 1w IIIH‘ “1 some of rha land-u Iron Eall Elgm Warner-I I In”- halo! 5! Hus duh.” I r.‘ lairuon Wovilhop on I n proiul "Ea! Io Lnr Slur-dung u Min IDI Ciuplhnn ol Homo (“a norm” Szmu who (or duel-rd Iho Worhhcp nu. Hm Mckcrchcr. Mrs. Huldcr. Mrs. Hug gum Rcmlulmux \‘unmqu-c' .\lr.\ Ilaggcrly. Mrs. “mgr l‘oIIncII. \er U W. I‘umcmn. Mrs. hung;- \nung Fulrnuimncul 0n III: u‘x‘UIhI cum.ng ul' Ihc Hand MCI-ling. lhc Unhum I‘cpdllmcul nl :\gI'lcuIImc L‘IIIL‘I- hum-J Ihc Hand \Icullx‘lx .II .‘I lluumx .\II I‘. R. IIIIIIJIII, \nmmI I‘Icpnh \lmhh-L .\II Ix. I_Inl.“ Uuuhu ~11 I \lvuuun .lIhI .\Il\\ \Ixhn‘h‘htl Icpwumnl IIIr I'IL'IMIIIHM'HI \II IIIIILII‘I. .n .\I.Ilet M Imam-Inn .lI-wlmml .m lulmuul |11u~ zmmnw uI "Hm.qu 1mm Ihc gunk .md \ln, 1\ml‘mnu LIL'III'III\'\1 IIII‘ I‘.III\ ulIIl .I )EIUlIP UI‘ \nlfI. \I [Mr Ilmmv «mm-n \In [\IIII‘IIIIIL‘I crnnul IIII.‘ Hunk Isl {hr lhuhl In 1hr III-Imul Ilh'llI I-I \muulluu IIan In: IIu‘ II‘I\.II\I.|I‘I\‘ llclp nl \lnw “JIM-“hrs Ilh'n II‘I punuhm‘ I \\ III \lIIII .:rl nun.» .uLI .Ill IIITIu' wuclmni Maw \Innl .m'H IIIS' I‘IIHIII'III (\I‘IA'HL‘II Ih‘I [WI ~.m..l :Ian In \I:~. Ila-mm 1m In: Iu‘Ip .u 1'.\‘I l‘r. «Inn '..|u,u\ {In-I. In .|\\I'~I I‘III unr: IIMw-va fuv I'l'll'lh‘ll‘u nu sun," .uul I” II'IL’ \ an“: Ii. I .mI In; Iirx \lurk .I |'|\'.I| \Il'JI HI .I \‘mllr I‘fIIIIIII IIIr un'm‘. ” II:.' \pnm limit-I \II'IIHII' II.III\- .III \I.I\ I. III-I '- \-\II|- Iln' IIIIHI‘I'. lullhlrlnr mmn‘ .I ‘u'- h IUH-m-II; Eu! (0 Lirv I’rujvrl 0mm 'I'rurvlling [urn-mum“ .mI II I \Imn Iirlml Im nun I-m Innmm'n III aka-"nu uluull I. I-Iug' IIIIII Il'l |'.w. rIw :I,.‘u I-‘I I I III I VIIII .nn‘ III»! II «ml I mmunlI w ‘Iu! |4I Hum “.mlvl H II n III. Ian M In Imh‘ l'lIIII' .l I“ win: nr II“ I» ,I “In” I. ..r Jug.“ IIi|‘|.-_I I! :, III. ILHJI n! IIIJI‘ JIM-II IuI l'\-||II|'II‘ \le ‘Ilfl‘ .i.\| .uu'I hh In Inn I'm |:.uI||I\~ |Il|l [H m II“ “mm.” In Illulu In \‘,.. Aland mu! I ...1 ,m. IIH‘ mm. III mu nIII-I In uln‘ “uni-l I I1IIIIIIIJ|!.I Ii. .nI a-u. -- mmlI IIII ‘IIIIIIIH' ll

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