v’.|.O. Board Members. Left to right:â€"- Front row: ., N. A. Moundrell, on step; Mrs. L. G. Lymburner, gident F.W.I.O.,- Mrs. E. J. Roylunce, President '.l.C.; Mrs. Jos. Huggerty, Past President F.W.|.O.,~ . Gerald Holder, Secretory-Treasurer F.W.|.O.; Mrs. .glos Hayes, Mrs. A. Furren, Mrs. Cecil Runnulls. 3nd row: Mrs, Roy McCartney, Mrs. E. S. Brown, Lewis Keefer, Mrs. Wm. Wallace, Mrs. John Tunton, . Sherman Foster, Mrs. Wesley Redlord. Third row: . M. Emerson, Mrs. Norman Cameron, Mrs. Gordon they had done. Mrs. Tyrnhtirner thanked the t rd and said the task was hard but that they the help of a lot of people. The experience ‘ed has probably been more than “O'L'lltl have gained in any other way. Without the t rd Members and suggestions from the mem- l hip it' could not have been as good. \lrs. Lymburner stated that when the Hand l l. is received by the Branches it would be to review their own layâ€"laws to see if they r :revision. Financial Report By Mrs. Gerald Holder ‘11 giving the ï¬nancial report Mrs. Gerald l‘ lcr, Secretary-Treasurer F.W.I.O. sztid Ill 0 lClS out of 113 had reported 37.501 members. 1.399 branches, 3 decrease of about 900 mem- l‘- The two districts still to Come should rtdd l "ranches and 450 members. 4 new branches l1 . been organized and three disbanded, \lt‘s. Holder asked secretnries to mark cheques to F.W.l.O. “plus exehunge" us the cost of U :.tnge is not the same in :11! parts of the P? trite. Because banks are charging exchange (W .|| forms of American currency she asked thztt Wt Canadian currency be sent. "1 branches had sent†requests for 176 recon- SUMMER 1950 Bolhwell, Mrs. E. W. Briese, Mrs. Clayton Oliver, Mrs. Frank Rodger, Mrs. Bruce COnncll Fourth row: Mrs. W. Phillips, Mrs. H. A. Dickenson, Mrs. Lily Dempsey, Mrs. A. F. Merrett, Mrs. Clifford Gillespie, Mrs. R. M. Ross. Back row: Mrs D. W. Cameron, Mrs. W. Elmore, Mrs. Greer Hislop, Mrs. J. O. Forrester, Mrs. L. Humphrios, Mrs. Fred Droyson, (Mrs. L. Trivers and Mrs. Eorl Bognoll ware not present when the photograph was taken.) ditioned radius I'rnm the 'l’nrontn lelegrnm. The amount rceeitett tor the Adelntde Handles: Home Fund is “ï¬lllll '15. World lit-linger Ye.†receipts were $0712.76 from 7% hunt-hex and $42.76 only had been resulted tmmrtl the lv.W.|.(.‘. FOLIntltttlUtt Fund. i\lt'\. l‘lUlLlL‘l \\.l\ :Ipptltttlcd to the 1-inttnee ('ommitleu. Mrs. G. (iordnn l\l.t_\n;irtl, pm secretary- treasurer gate :1 tinnl report of her \\ltll\ up In the time ul‘ it being tttlxen mer h} \llx. Holder. Proposed llurlget H} Mrs I'Tilllh Roger The proposed budget IUI l*.\r\'.l.t), urns pre- sented In er. Frttnk Rodger. (l member ol' the Finance ('mtintiltce. Prnpmed IL'L‘L'lptN $l‘i.7‘tï¬.tJtl, propmed expenditure-x including speeittl e\pcndi- tures BELTS-UH). \l‘lllulltg .1 proposed tlelieil of ‘3].52900. Special L‘\Puntllllll'e\ included H.000 for the Adelaide Houdlesx Home l-und 11nd SlJltlt) [or hull .‘\.(j.\\.\’l’. Conference cmlx for WM. The explanation for 'iulJllltl lo the {\llL'ltllth Hoodless Home Fund is its Follows: ’l he lionrtl Memberx :teeepted the reunntnenclution tor pity- ment of ltlc per nicmher toward the purchase of the Adeldide Hoodlexx Homestead. This now beâ€" comex .m uhhgutmn :tnd \tnLe the fund to tlute l‘lux renlt/ed lexx thnn (me-hull of F.W.I.().‘s