Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Summer 1958, page 35

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Mrs. Walker Drummond receives the Joe Fletcher Trophy as Wenlworlh Woman of the Year. Left to right: Gordon .larniesonl Chairman Selection Committee; Kenneth Gunsen Wenlworlh Junior Farmers; Mrs. Drummond; Mrs. Russell Wisg' District Presidenl North Wenlworlh Women's In» slilules. The citation submitted by the North Wentworrh Institutes referred to Mrs Drummond's devoted service as a member and officer in various capacities; her work for the Hamilton Sanitarium; and for the bays overseas in the second world war; her membership on Wulcrdown Fair Board and Flumbaro Horticultural Sociely and her trip to Ottawa for "the most deserving" student in the upper grades, and his or her mother, and cash awards to “the three best students” in the lower grades. (The reâ€" port did not state the basis on which those awards are made.) Maynard sponsored a number of "Family Square Dance Nights” last winter for teen- agers and their parents. A considerable num- ber of parents and practically all the turn- agers of the locality took part. (From the report it appears that some instruction in square dancing was given.) Glen Orchard assisted a newly fox-mud drama club by providing funds to buy thi- books needed for the first play. Most of the Institutes in Lincoln county seem to be contributing funds to support the V.O.N. work. (The Institutes of Lim-nln ‘were instrumental in starting this nursing service for the rural parts of the county as well as for the towns and cities.) The Insti- tutes of this county are also taking an zit-tin: part with other women's organizations in setting up an auxiliary for the county lirimu for senior citizens. Rocklyn last winter contributh funds in help the pee-wee hockey team and to promutc figure skating for their young people. Camp. bellville had a pee-wee hard ball uniform displayeri at a meeting and the members (lo- cided to make uniforms to supply all the members of the team. Roseneath holds an annual “At Home" for all the women of the community, an afternoon gathering with euehre, crokinole and other entertainment and a “pot luck” lunch, Buckhom sponsored an “Irish Stew Supper” on St. Patrick's Day, SUMMER 1958 unbiased clforrs lor the Women‘s Instilule, lrom serving in nllicc to providing alder members with transportation to meetings. It is indeed an hanour in Woolworth Counly to receive the Joe Fletcher trophy. Almost ten years ago. Joe Flelcher, a promising young larmcr, loved and respected all over lhe counly, lost his life in a farming accident. He was an active member at the Junior Farmers' Association and his 'Cllhl‘l, Niram Flclrher presented tho memorial lrophy to lho Wantworrh Junior Farmers "to be awarded annually 10 a citizen in appu-ciolion of leader ship and service to his or her fellow citizens." More and muru wv suurn to hear of In- stitutes mot‘ting with or working with ulhur groups. Bear (“n-ck :n'lt-tl us lln- huslvss organization for the "l'uul‘lh night" of illL' Farm Forumx of thu township Inst lr'vln-uury. :‘\ t‘ut‘lvly ])l‘tll_{l‘tlllllnl,‘ was lll'l'hl'llll‘tl il_\' mum: hvrs of both nruznnmtinns. .'\t (‘rystul Brut-Ii the lllKllltllt‘ Ill\'ll('l'l thn uirl WIN] 1:»: [tl'l'sl (lent (ll “11' Tut'll 'l‘nwn t‘luh tu t'lllllt‘ in n Inthng and lull :Ilmnl tlw :n'1i\'|liu>: ul' lint l'lLli)‘ It is I’rpurli'tl tlml lln- yum”; |:nl_\ "unu- u \‘l‘l"\' inn-rusting lulh (Ill lm-Imw- ill'll\‘llll'!:mtl :lskuti that mm‘r- wnmi‘n ('ltllll‘ hi livlp Mtpi'rViM} lhv llll'l'llrltgh .iml «hum-:1." Whit!" i-hurch spullriul’I‘il :i ley “lll‘i'l‘ t'nnu-x (‘lizlr lie" hy lln- .Immn' it'lll'lllr'l'a :ilnl .llmlul' lllzwllr tutu. 'l'hu play was tullnu’i-tl h_\' n tilllll't‘. A1. Stamford“: inn-plum un lll'illlil‘ xiiurml gut-sly; \t't'l't‘ l'l'lll't‘t-t'lllilll\'l'?§ l'ruln llu- [ilrl'itl Cotilll‘ll HF Wumvn :Hnt hill‘ll'lli Hlli'hl'p illlll “1L'll1ijlfi'fillfill"l'xl'l'lil]\‘l'"iliilrllrllll‘(Il‘l'illl'l‘ Niagara (li‘nvml lliwpilnl. ’l'llr- lulll'l‘lill tifll'ilkr i-r Win: illl‘ (ltri'i'hir nl' lh'lrl I-il‘l't‘ll'i'”. I'III‘ lllt‘ Ml‘ntul llt-ulth ASLHN'IUIIUII Many lri>:tituIi-. tnkv 1m mun-1.1. in llu- Ilny Scouts and GUI (:unh-s. ltm-i-nlly it. Was; l'l' portr'd that Burlurd hmi n Smut. Jimmy Hooves. show his :-'.|irlt':< lulu-n ill. the .lnmliuri-i- in England at tlwir Family Nitzh1. Al \VI-llinu- ton when lln- run-st spuuki-r n-rmlrt 1.01 ('rllllt' to :i nlL'OlllILZ :i Sc'uut. Erhhe Villl Dinwn, “av:- nn illustrnlt-d lulh ulmul thi- Jillllhiil'l‘t', Ami ill, :1 meeting, of the Jean Brampton ln'um'll, three Boy Scouts rh-mnnstrnlt-il :irtilic'inl rm:- pirutiun nnrl tlu- tri-ntn‘n-nt fur trust liltvu, cuts, bl'uisr-s, sprutng and trm'turr-s. At thl' same mun-ting :n Irmul huki-r gum: in rlr'i'nulmlru~ 11011 on icing a «mist; The hukur untunlly icucl [hm-4:- r-nkm‘, (ll,‘t'0l'i’ll.(.‘(l thum with tho St’llUlN' 35

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