rally beneï¬ts more members than any other meeting. I A ' A Hobby Display of weavmg, painting, leathercraft, needlework was a worth while part of our meeting â€" Teeswater and the vicinity had a hobby club last Winter With one hundred and ï¬fty attending. As a result of this display I believe other hobby clubs may be started in the county. # ¢ * Grey county, by Mrs. Emerson Knott: This year Grey county held its fortyâ€"ninth annual rally. It is one of the highlights of-our Institute year. It unites our four districts. Through the rally we make Institute friends in all parts of the county. I Comparing work done in the districts is 111‘ teresting. We have an address from each disâ€" trict. These are excellent. We have county projects. We established the Flora Durnin Grey County Women‘s Instiâ€" tute of Ontario Scholarship which is presented each year to a girl who has done outstanding work in 4-H clubs. Our present project is a memorial to Nellie McClung. Having bought a plot on the farm where she was born, a mile south of Chats- wot‘th, we are planning to erect a cairn to her memory. Picnic tables will be placed on the grounds. Working together broadens our outlook and gives each member pride in her county. * it AI York county, by Mrs. Charles Agnew: When York county went over the top in raising a fund for a county scholarship the committee in charge decided that a special occasion should be planned at which the scholarship would be presented to the deserv- ing girl. Such occasions require organization and so York County Women’s Institute was formed. One by-law stated that the annual meeting would be called a rally. The ï¬rst rally was held on July 7, 1955 with informality as the key~note. The second objective of the rally was to give the members throughout the county an opportunity to get to know each other and to exchange ideas pertaining to Women’s Instiâ€" tute work. A picnic lunch at noon did much to stimulate friendliness. The very brief morning session included a talk on conservation. and so our education was not neglected. The 4-H Junior Homemaking Club girls and Junior Institute members who were in charge of the afternoon program out of doors, proved that the Women’s Institute will be in very effluent hands in years to come. The presentâ€" ing of the scholarship provided the thrill of the day. The members left for home early and the expresstons of pleasure and satisfaction in a day well spent answered the uestion “ a County Rally in York?" q ’ Why 30 Lambton county, by Mrs. David Brown; Ever since the re-division of our rim-.- from two to three there have been requm a getâ€"together again, as some of the old in have not an opportunity to meet. As fa] ., _ were able to ascertain, it was ï¬fty yew. 5., that the ï¬rst Women’s Institutes began ; 11,5. East and West Lambton, so we thouur- it > good opportunity to make it a Golden; ,i as well as our ï¬rst county conferenu. we got together on a very hot day in at the United Church, Petrolia. A great deal of work on the part chairman, Mrs. Ronald Turner, and the presidents, past and present, was carrii; .n, n tracing up old records and presenting a N that those attending might appreciate tit - M; of the Women's Institutes many years -_. ml in reading over old minute books, tr. ,1: that they were then, as now, dealt: m: practical things to better the let .u m women. One of our purposes was to bring illn mm, to our groups and to individuals and ‘ information to them about our Provinr eration of Agriculture (Women's D. 41-. our Provincial Institute work and mu on setting up a museum which is beiniT now in our county. At the close of our day’s activities that the ladies voted to hold anothei :r: ence should indicate that the effort \\ m- cessful. Our speakers were Mrs. E .:..:‘ Tuckey, Chairman Women‘s Division -:- tion of Agriculture; Mrs. Gordon Mm l rm Provincial President Women’s Instill. ii : Mrs. J. R. Futcher who spoke on ' museums. "llit‘v II It i Huron county, by Mrs. Kenneth Jol Huron County rallies have been i '1: nually since November '52 with each In in turn being responsible for the progi To date as a county, Huron Women . . tute members have contributed pt“ tili- designed and autographed hot pads as ‘i members of the A.C.W.W. conventior. Tr- ronto; set up a scholarship fund Whll i: it be concluded at our rally in November v I to the aid of our County Council in p9! m ing records of the Huron county ni Hm begun thinking of their next project the of beautiï¬cation of home and country. We have found that the rallies are it or full of business as the district annuals : have increasing attendance each yct- V" have good discussion periods and in th Will we get to know one another better. ’, iiLlii‘ we are not ofï¬cially organized but W 3W“ to be in the near future. 1 It i From Oxford county, by Mrs. J. D. H‘ “Wk Women’s Institute geography diviclu‘ 031' ford into two districts, North and South. lint? although they both belong to London Lon- vention area, work in diï¬erent subclit'flnn‘ HOME AND COUNTFI'f