Front ROW (tell to right) : Sidney Harvey, Mimeogrophing and Mailing; Rhea J. Simpson (Leeds, Grenville and Fonten‘oc Counties); Jean Davis (Lincoln, Welland and Holdimond Counties); Agnes Turnboll (Middlesex and Elgin Counties); Jean Steckle (Bruce and Huron Coun- ties); Thos. J. Blair, Mimeogrophing and Mailing. Second Row: Edith M. Collins, Supervisor, Cultural; Elorence P. Eadie, Supervisor of Junior Extension; Audrey Spencer, Supervisor of Home Cratts; Grace Ham- ilfon, Health; Anna P. lewis, Director, Women's Institute Branch and Home EconomiCs Service; Margaret J. Myer, Supervisor of Nutrition; Ethel Chapman, Publicity; Eleanor Kidd, Supervisor of Clothing. T'hird Row: Marian Wight, Nutrition; Lulu Row, Clothing; Mrs. Zetta Hayes, Cultural Activities; lsabel leslie, Home Crafts: Mrs. Ethel Hayes (Carleton County); Ethel J. ‘Cowan. loan Library; Mary Little (Dundas, Glengorry. Prescott, Russell and Storrncmt Counties); Mrs. Ruth Clarke (Hutton, Peel and York Counties); Ruth Shaver “'Idays to attend in this class. So the sisters . ‘o attended on different days, and each took care Of the other’s children. One woman took glove '.Jmaking, moccasins and needlepoint. the other (leather work and textile printing, and each will teach the other what she learned. The Detlor and L'Amable Institute in North Hast- ings sent a car to bring a young mother and her children to their course in Cultural Ac- †tivities, The same outgoing spirit is shown in the way Institutes are reaching out to other groups in the community. Several branches have brought in members of Farm Forums. and Garadoc Centre Farm Forum took the re- sponsibility of sponsoring a course in Foods and Nutrition when there was no Institute nearby to do this. Roseneath had represent» 'tives from a neighboring Indian Homemakers‘ Mime: 1953 1» ‘.'â€"' WOMEN'S lNSTlTUTE BRANCH AND HOME ECONOMICS SERVICE STAFF 1953 (Ontario and Simcoe Counties); Lilly Petty (Northern Ontario]; lono M. Winierburn, Secretary to the Dire:tor.- Monica MacNeil, Stenographer; Mrs, Hazel Shoreholts, Stenographer; Ina Lindsay (Lanark and Rentrew Caunr ties); Mrs. Jean Wilkie, Stenographer; Mrs, Helen Hew- son, Psychology; Mrs. Margaret Hamilton, Womens In- stitute Procedure,- Jean M. Scott (Perth County). Back Row: Nora Creyke, Clothing; Flora Durnin (Dul- ferin, Grey, Wellington Counties); leslie Wall (Norfolk and Oxford Counties); Mrs. Marion Montgomery, Cloth- ing; Mrs. Mabel Borgstrom, Junior Extension; Florence Wright, Home Cratts; Eileen Ness (Hastings, Prince Edy ward. Lennox and Addington Counties); Jane Robertson (Brant, WaterlOi: and Wenlworth Counties); Jean Noble (Durham, Northumberland, Peterborough and Victoria Counties),- Ftorence Arnold (Essex, Kent and Lamblon Counties); Jeanne Armour, Home Furnishings; Mrs. Mary Dawson, Loan Library; Doro Burke, Clothing; Elaine Found, Nutrition. Club at their course in Citizenship. At Buxall‘s course in Effective Speaking there were members of a Farm Women's Club. County librarians have been especially invited to the course in Cultural Activities and no doubt these librarians will be of great help to the women in supplying books for the reading recommended in the course. Institutes are also giving excellent advance publicity to their extension services through the local press and radio. When Pine Grove in Hastings County had their course in Ef- fective Speaking, they met in a church where they could accommodate a good-sized class. and every day for a week in advance of the course. the local radio broadcast an invitation to every woman in the community, and to neighboring Institutes to come to the course. bringing their lunch with them, and the Inf ‘1