Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Summary Issue 1950-51, page 2

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2 HOME AND COUNTRY Publilhpd Qulnnrly by The Fairground “'ummi'a Iiisliluiol ui Ontario and His \\'ouii~ii‘ii Institute Branch and noun. c............. 3mm l‘npnriiiieilt iii Agriculture Ontario Conumcs ER 1. St. Thomas. 545 East. Mnry Sircni. Emmxiu. Mrs «l. ll Filit’licr. iir- it U Purcell. For: wiiiumi. ins. Aniiu r- Ltui . Torunw 5. )Itiit'rsiis' or i‘itm‘ixt‘uli BOARD. issuissi an iiurary Proficient: Mrs. J R iFuxnnor. R.R.i. St. Thnnina. iliss Aiinu l‘. Linus. Toronto 5. Pn'ui'ilenl Mrs li ti Furtull. 1H5 Elm Mary Su‘uui. Fort William. [inguinal Vic! Printiniu Ii. than... on m, Miwuippl. . J. Unlin, RR“, \\'iurlan. \irge Ridicy. Kit 3, Caledonia. [in/tonal Errculirr Dimmi- Juuits Block. no; cu. Compbclliord. i. Kennedy Agini'oui’l. out. n . Culdwuter. w r Simpson. Byron. mm: Huzzard, sun-rum. Additional Dirrtlnfl ALi-s. .i. a Buchanan. Mon... Creek. iin. i-i. Hoppcr, no 1. wescnnm. Mn. r.er Bo .-. Hurrawamith. Mrs. lrs Lows, Idu . John F. \\'ondluiid. no.5. Ornnzenlie. .\Iis. Gordon MncPhiitlcr, mu. Owen Sound Mr; Loren Gniid Rockwuud. Mrs Arnold Dnrrucii, L‘Iillorti, K. Lizibrrlcy. Nancy Creek. un- E ll Dttivoud, non. 5mm». iris i. Mn Mrs in. [r .\. Cnrniicbucl, RR 3, llderion. . rd Rtiuncr, R RJ. Aylnier iirs. it... on)... ' inch \irs. A i:. no. u l. Tilbury. Mrs. R, B. n . Wittiord. Mr: 5 E. ii. . ~16 Prospect Ave. Kirkland L 2 Mrs. \‘v'rn A smith. [LR i. Diuion. un- Herb, Aihlns, Cuilandt-i’ “1:: iiarrici L'rnrss Kukuln‘ka Falls. in. . “t-niiurd Bo o. FurtFrunt‘cs Glad)» Hung!“ anion .mu \ullith. , Candi-Id. Syn/[urn In‘nniYU Mrs John ll. .\i.L‘ulltuti. R.R.‘l, Brampton. own-.v...“ m shunting Commuters 4;». “Jury and Canadian [Mudil'itab‘ . x .l C. Ibo pswn. nit-.2. Bennisi’liiu I Educ-Aliniii .l on”... wu s. Edi-i Within: . u‘tr, Marla. Street. a, n. \l r. i and Public minimisâ€" -. Cup. .3 Ingrown and ('umnt El'flilai in, :sniam also”. it n.2, Graeman an... comm"..- and Iltddlhi up. grin... wet“. inst Mauirosn R rtmin-r. Thomas. Inn on unite R n.1, St. . taunt-id [:1 EDITORIAL COMMENT A Record of Work Done “omens Institute members value HOME AND COUNTRY as a re- ference for further study and future action. L'p to the present it has never been considered u "newspaper" nor has the Editorial Committee found it p ssible to have HOME AND L‘OLSTJIY reach VVDmen's Institute meuilmi's while the information con- taincd is still news. But rather, it has been the custom to release news items as soon as possible through the daily, weekly, farm press and radio and through circular letters to Institutes: then use HOME AND COUNTRY as a record of work done. The Editorial Committee regret that this issue is unduly late reaching you. The reason is pressure of Women’s Institute work. Since HOME AND COI‘NTRY last went to press your editor has completely organized and acted as business manager for a Can~ adian Women's Institute tour to visit sister oruanizations abroad. As well, the co-or motion of Women’s Insti- tute activities throughout the Prov» ince requires considerable assistance. A great deal of time, thought anti 2112qu has gone into this, We have appreciated the loyal sup- port of Women‘s Institute members and the kindly encouragement and understanding shown. The Editorial Committee. HOME AND COUNTRY Summary issue 1950-51 PROVINCIAL BOARD FEDERATED WOMEN'S INSTITUTES 0F ONTARIO I950, . ' i i 'bt: M" Grace Voiilck Junior Institute Activilics Convener). R.R.2. Cnnfieid; Mrs. Hugh :§:;L.Rgli‘z.ilkironlhilig deionlii the Honorable (T. L. Kennedy. Min-star of Ashanti-[22 Mrs. 1- K.Fut=her. P351 President and Resolutions Convener, R.R.l. St. Thomas: Mr- C. D. Graham. Per-pry Minister of, Agriculture; Mrs. John H. McCuiioch. Secretary-Treasurer. R.R.2. Brampton; .\iiss Aniia P. Lewis, Director, Womens Institute Branch and Home Economics Service: Miw Gladys Hougbtun. Bcctoii. w. M G M Pb “ RRI SECOV'D ROW: Mrs. Thus. Meyers. Zurich; Mrs. R. I. GiliiS, RR 6. Inflon: _ rs. - "C fl 91'. . - . Owcii Sound; Mrs. George Ridiey, R.R.3, Caledonia; Mrs. J. F. Woodland, R.R.5. Umnggv-ilq; Mrs. A. 1:1- Dudson. Mi. 4. Tiibury; Mrs. A. Woolford, Fort Francis; Mrs. .las Black, Campbellinrd: Mrs. .A. n. Iionnedy. Agincourt; Mrs. Herb Alkius, Cuilander; Mrs. Milton Weber (Home Economics and Heallii Convener). R.R.2. “est Montrosc; Mrs. R. ii. Ross, Wntford. THIRD ROW: Mrs. Earl Boyce. Hurrnwsmitb; Mrs. Ira Lime, Ida: Mrs. Darrel anzard, Silverwmr. Mls. Wm. Smith, R.R.l, Dayton; Mrs. J. R. (icddes. Mississippi: hIrs. J. A. “ughnnail, Nlonsc (reek; lurS. R. W. Banner. R.R.i. Ai'luicr: Mrs. J. Coupcr (Citizenship and Education Conven-n. 209 \. Marks St. Fort “Illiani: hits. .I. C. Thompson (Agriculture and Cnnadinu Industries Convener). Beanisvi R.R.3, lldcrton; Mrs. S. E. hiccmcken. 46 Prospect Ave.. hirklanil Lnkc. _ BACK R0“: Mrs. K. Embcriey, Slouey Creek; Mrs. Amoid Darrocii. Clifl'ord: Mrs. H. _}Iopper,_R.R.l. \Vesflmm; Miss lna Hodcins (Cnrnmunil) Activities and Public Relations Convent-r. Carp; Airs. S. Aikins (Historical Research Convener) R.Il. Z, t‘reemare; Mrs. W. P. Simpson, Byron: Miss Harriet Groves, i\ukabeka Falls; Mrs. Loren Guild, Ruckwood: )irs. E. H. Diniond, RR. 8. Simeoe. _ _ ___ â€"___ F.\V.1.0. BOA R D REPORT (Continued from page 1, col. «1.) \irittcn by Clara Lintell Dcakin and submitted for the consideration of the F,W.I.O. Board by Ottawa Area is printed inside the front cover of the Song Book. This Gracc, recom- mended for use at W men's Institute functions is as follow : \\‘e thank Thee Father for Thy Carr, Food, friends and kindlincss ue share .\Iay we forever mindful lic- Of Home and Country and of Thee. RECORDINGS 0F OVERSEAS BROADCASTS Recordings of interviews sent by short wave hack to Canada were re- viewed by Board members and. on the recommendation of the Board, recordings have been made available to send out on loan to Women’s In- Slitutes or radio stations requesting (hum. Those prepared for Women‘s institute meetings can be played on an ordinary recording machine. in- stitutes wishing to borrow these may write dircct to Miss Anna Lewis, 1207 Bay Street, Toronto 5. OVERSEAS TOUR A delightful “relay” travelogue and report of the A.C.W.W. Conference was given by Mrs. J. R. Futcher, Mrs. R. G. Purcell, Mrs. J. E. Houck Mrs. Arthur Hamilton, Mrs. Arthur Hudson, Mrs, J. H. McCulloch and Miss Anna P. Lewis. F.W.I.O. TENT AT INTERNATIONAL I’LOUGHING MATCH Mrs. Bell, Convener of the Evil. 1.0. Committee in charge of this tent reported that over 2,000 Women's In- stitute members and 744 visitors registered at this tent during the 4 days of the match. Visitors to the tent included guests from British Columbia, Ireland and Jamaica. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Miss Anna P. Lewis in presenting her report to the Board stated that there were now in the Province 1,463 brunch Women’s Institutes with a mcmbership of 46,000. From April 1 to November ‘20, 1950, 29 Institutes were organized. Seven of these were Junior Institutes. There are now 77 Junior Institutes in the Province with a membership of 1,554. Miss Lewis spoke in high praise of the Board. She said in part: "May l express sincere thanks to all Board members for the splendid co~oper- ation and help they have given in all our activities. The co-operation which exists between the Federated W0» ms 5 Institutes of Ontario and the “‘0 Li's institth Branch is of the v highest order. The credit for this is due in no small measure to the splendid \i omen we have on the Board and the interest they have ‘frir the good of All Mankind‘. "It has been an honour and a privi- lege to serve you. “Great responsibilities are yours. You are the official voice (if the rural women of this province. In electing you to the office of board director, the Institute women back home have shown confidence in your capabilities and your sincere desire to serve un- selfislily the best interests of rural folk. “Through your vote you hold the power and shape the policy of our organizationâ€"the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario. After you have determined the policies of our orâ€" ganization, then we of the Women’s Institute Branch help you, in every way we can, to carry out these policies. “District Annuals were attended in the 109 districts by approximately 12,000 women. Thirteen Convention Area meetings and the Manitoulin Conference have been held this fall with attendance of approximatelv 53100. ‘ "We were glad to welcome our new South-western Area which last year came into beingr through the natural expansion of our Women's Institute work in that section of the province. The size of the meeting in Chatth and the splendid response of the w - men surpassed our expectations and showed the need for this new area." .\’[r§. Jas. Bell. R.R.3, Coldwnicr; Mrs. D. A. Carmichael. k Litcrature printed since April 1 ‘i the Women's Institute Branch iii through co-operation with Stati.t.. and Publications Branch have cluded: Foods That Healthy Childi. Like; Oven Meals; Let’s Cook Right and Your Money’s Worth Food. Salads All the Year “0‘! is now ready for res-printing. The it ietin “Good Food for Every Clllli‘ has been published by the lll‘w departmental Nutrition Commun- (comprised of members from i Women’s Institute Branch as well . members from the Departments Education, Health and Welfare). The Women’s Institute Brunch Ill“ Home Economics Service has n stu of 44 serving the rural women arid girls of Ontario. ‘The new course in Cultural Ai‘ll‘ tubes is progressing very favourahl Three districts have been served. Tl. aims of this course are: (1) To pit mote and stimulate interest in u w appreciation for cultural activities to our home and community life. In To promote interest in music, art literature, drama, nature, radio, filin- etc. (3) To encourage parents i keep abreast with the widened M‘s tural horizons of their children Cilu‘ in this way to develop and Illilil'lilil‘l a balance of interest and knowledw between the parents and children w home life. The first Workshop in Home Grain proved very successful. This was held in Cochrane with a total enrolment of 75. The average attendance “:1” 14.9. The aggregate attendance tor the 151: week was 148; 2nd week 153'? 3rd week 136. Seventy-five difierent people 3‘“- ceived training in Home Crafts \i‘lill‘l1 shoivs that the workshop is mmh more efficient than the short coursP method. The members still receive their instruction direct from the stall instructor, they have more choice in the Home Craft they choose to "0 and more people are served. In connection with this Workshop. 3 Home Craft exhibition was he“ which was open 3 afternoons and 3 (Continued on Page 3. col. 1)

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