Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Fall and Winter 1949-50, page 6

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Full and Willie, 1549.50 II'IIl'Il III'.\ lllKIill WI)“ \\'I2I.l.l 0/!qu nlu llmnl um) lull In light: Mrs. Arthur II-mlllnn. I )IIIIIIrIuIv. I‘,W.I.(I. llnunl lerrlIIr; Mrs. FIIrrl Hullilen. , “In. I‘. It. IlIIhrrIIIIIn. IlanIwnr-d. l'r- rhsumsn: ‘IInIrInII HUI“ Ilili'l'lvl. (ill \IIDOI‘. F. \Iy- '. Ii,\l.Tl)\. Ill IUIN, l'EItTIl, l'l‘iIN <‘lll‘.\"rll".‘4 MEET IN ('IINI'I‘ZVI'III‘I AT TIII-JU.\.I1 (2| I-IIJ'II ‘.I.U. Vice-I'n-idrnlz .Virs. .\Iil|on Weber, II. 2nd \‘irr-(hnirmsn: \ln J. “'hIIn, lliplry, lIIl J. It. WATERUIII [\Nl) )Irs. I'IIIrhA-r, F.\ Li). I'm-sidan I.IIII~n IIIIIIII, IIrrn III-rrrlnry; )liIuI Anns l’. lthII, Illrrrlnr; \Irs, .I. I'ruhy, hilrhrnrr 'Illll' ’I'II N'I'IIII'IJN' UIIr I'rIIuIIII IIII l‘rI-NIIII‘III, MM .I It I"IIII).I-r. IIIII IIII- ’I'IIHllllllliliy II! IIIII-IIIIIIII' IIll IIII‘II run IIIIIIIIIu III “I'll'rllllllll' II IIIIHIIIIII.» IIIII Ivnr, 'I’IIl-I IIIII- {IIIIIIII III‘I \I'lr lIlIlIlIlI' II. IIIniII- llIIv II... II. llIII .VIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .IIIII ill’r'vi‘flr‘.’ I 'lllllllll IIlIIl | IIIIII IIIu I Hi. {III III I.. I... III.I.I..I.II.I I.. w. I.. Im plum, II lrIII I I'Illllll IIIII_ I'I‘IIIA‘IIIlII'r IIIIII II lllKllliMlll In my II I II-ll llllllll' ‘l“llll WIIIIIIIIII I-IIII'. ii!|ll|llll|'y' llIIIl’llIIIl" IIIII.I.--r I, lru III-IIIIIV IIy IrnIn III , IIIIIv I\I .‘illll IIIIII, I II III IIII~I lbll IIIIHlil',' III..." II~. .\II In“... \Kllll III r rm IIIIII II... Inn-k v.“ - um II. I..»I ......,.I.I.I- .IIII. Mm “up I II-IIIII-IIIIII, I-IIIIIII'I. IFIII‘ III III.- I"IIII r'II I‘IlhIIIIl'I‘ \l .nIIIInIry III~ IIIIII II..< IIIIIIIIIW I...I-I.IIII.III IWI |.I||I-II IIll .III In... ..I..I mm. “mm. IIII I' In IIII‘ Ill\ IIIIII IIII- ~IIrr-III Illlll' IIIII |III‘I?IVIII II IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIr-v IIHI Ir "III" 'III- IIIIIIII- III\ III IIuIII IIII II lml. ‘HILIII' MI I II..II.r.-.| IIIIII IIIIIIIIIi II.“ Il'lltll‘lll| llllll IllllIhll'l'll lll-‘ll’ IIIIIII, .IIIIIHIIII I.......I.I..I.III.I- mum II. IIIIII IIIIII III\'I~I\‘ luhllrl IIIIII IIIIIIII In Il IIIII kynnl i'IIrIlqu I'IIIan' III nu III-ll r IuIlIIIIv III 'IIHI‘ III' IrIIIIIIlI-, IIr .IIII1.~II..IIII.IIII I. ..IIr mun. IIIIIII llln “Ink III IIIIIIIII II. n MIH’Ill‘II IIIIII xl'v iIII: IIIIIIIIII I.--.IIIIIIII in n lIHlI' luv» Illlll I'IIrI'). IIn ' IIIIIIIv IIIII ill]! “"1 HIIrII IIIII IIII .\IIIIIIl..II|III III...-I- \Illll‘li MINI In IIIr II.» lll'\l IIIII Ill\\"l LIIIIII, Mini ll'\\l>I I-I IIII I'lflllllnlnsllr .II.I.I...IIIII.,I..~I IIIIII llIlIllh' .I..p. mm- IIIIIII.‘ IIII I‘m-I. III w"... ..I IwIIIIIy m lllnllv In IIIIIIIII, III.- III-nIIIlImrirrv As \lIlI nll III um I 'I‘I. "H'umIn I.r IlIn yrnr “IIII III 1 'III‘ IIII'iIIrn iIIIIII, \Illll [hr llllll-l III~I--I III IIII IlIvIr IleIrv I»! I'IIIIIII. III-I IInk “illI IIII-Ir Iiuvkrr llllll't' lITlIll'I‘ Vlll II IIIIII [luv lllllll’ll'll IIllII\\ll||f II IIIIIII- IIr rml nil "lung lhII rIIIIIlIuIv. 'l'lIn l‘llllllb!“ In llll‘ I‘IIII‘Ur‘ mu I'IIIIlIl IIII IIIIII'II Iu cum-n In “0 I-ruwml IIIII IIriIlm- {IIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIInIl llllIl I III-II’I IIIlIIk IIIIyuIIIIIr l‘lll‘ In "I" \wrl-I rnIIlIl i'I-II I‘IIIII Mth II Illllfi‘ II|IIrI~IIt lIlanv II! I‘lllllllr Tho rIIu-l “iIIIlI‘Il nIIIl thvIlI‘II l||IlIn llsrll’ IIIIII l|l\\l|\‘I| ll Iww WIIII .Ir lII'Illli\ rum”.- VII” "'4 Ion [IIHlllll‘ll Inn IIIrII Alum? IIIII \\II)‘ \ll‘ IIIIIIIIIIII nl n llm-k MII'IIIIIIII III \\'IIrlIIIII>:tIIII. uhvvp \\n "I!" Illl‘ minor. Mr. N N, IInrrIIInn "1‘ is :I IIInn \IiUI u III-ullh nl run-ri- II I‘ III lln» l‘\l'lllllll|~‘lll II! lhn "\th urIIls II! this I'llllllif)’ Imvlnu- [‘rulpl‘r- InII IIll l'|\‘l‘r rrIIIII IIII- I-IIIII IIIIII-InIvII IIIIIIIIrI‘IIs nIIII IIIIII‘ III tnll sturins II! IIIl hi: Illlnl‘l'fllll III lnyml. I\II l|\'l‘l‘ illl‘ llIIIIIl. “'I' (IIIIIIII n zn‘nt lll'lll III‘ IIIlil\'l‘ rIII-II I Ni in ths I'unstrurlinn III“ their lIIIIIInIrs Ind Innmorinls. “’II nus-«l Ihruuuh llirrh Ilii't‘r. \I’hvru II IIInIIuIIII'IIt III‘ Imtivu n l‘rI‘rll'll II; IhI- IIIvaI IinIn, I has II.- IIIIIIL u! llu‘hun'fl, 'Dnlll'lu, III In IIII-III r; I-! l'rnnhIIn lwlulm I v- II-II. III l'fl'fll'll'nl II! 'l'hII I'IIIII-Il ~.IIII~»I II! Allll'rlrll. III... Illlllllfl hm mum-u. III I‘IIIIIIII Immuim [Irmr I.. In» ImInnr guns-r I mw ll"’|I'll lll" Illirflnlrltlilll' 'Altll‘l'l. J‘ll‘u' ll’l I III Aumnl IA. 1"“? HM» .‘ll'l$ II-III-I IIIIIk I.III.IrI~. II! IhI- lIIIlIIIH IIIIIIlrrn u! III hnul Illl'l l l-ml 1h: IIII~l MY llIV' n \‘I'II n-IIII I. .II- II..-; IIImIII x ..I.I IIllll \tl’rl' yInII III ml and “In”. ’I‘hI- Ill'Il IIII-IIIInII Mr moi MI," l‘I'Hy. lIIIllII' numm WIIIIInII‘I IIIIIIIIIII- IirIInIII r NanII Ii IIIIIIIrm lllI‘l Im III-I illl‘ll‘i III IIII~ IahIIIIrnII. I‘llH1 I'vmv lra\ III-II IIIIII II. 1 r IIII~ nu III‘ lllll II II "mi N ruIIIIIl I IIlll II I-IIII III IIIIIl I-IIII frII-nIllv erI I. ’IIInI Ilni'. \IIIIIII .\lr «MIMI, \L’rlllll'|lf|l I:. IIVI II. mum.- (III III-- IIImI Dflll‘ll' IIII«| .Inmu III II. II” II.I [IIIlllll -II IIIII-rrII III,II Iu-IIIIII II ~,IIII II Illl'I lnm.I III 'II‘ II~IIII~IIIIIrrI-II \\I- I.1I llm mum» III "In I'nnnrlinn sum In”. [14. \hlll‘rv‘ ili .IIMI I‘ IIIIIIIHL illlilll‘ll‘ “ll-lIl‘Il II II ll-Illllvl It" Imam II. Im usr-l In llll‘ I -.»I I-IIIII'. III ill" I' A In It IlIIt lur ill" II.IrIII-IIIIII' II! IIII IIII-IIII \\'II «HA IIII~ [mm-r hmnu- sI km'n 1mm uIIIIn .II....II.-. .. If w ill" Isl-"III, III-Imml In IIII \IllJy" IIT I‘llI'lIlll‘IllllllVlfl. IIII» Ilrsl wIIImI Ill‘l IrII'i III lIII~ lllflllli, :IIIII Illl‘i and \II. llml IIIIh HI I I: . VlIINEUII‘ InIIm-I \mu r..y lhnl ,Ian 'l'lwrr, III-n, I..- nnn IIII- .N'I l‘IIIIl'n .lIII-llrnn (’hIIrI'II. I'll \I-nr-I Illll AI \IIIIIII-IIIIIiI-I, “III-r.- \In nIn Illnlll'r u! I‘lKlii IIIIIl IIIsIln I - Inn run u! "I" .m. I... IlIlP-‘I'll'll II.» SI Fl'er‘IIG Ur It-IIIoI I'lIIIrrh II! I'IIu. InIIIl. u IIvuIIIII‘ul IIIrIIrturI‘ Illl'lIlI' I-( IIIr IIIIIIW mi. and II . III-mm.» IIrIIIn‘l. um! um II.I«I.- IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII- IrnquIrI-q I‘IIIIII l'nirlnII-l llll'i I-Ihrr IIanII III illl‘ vIIIvIII l'urIng lhu‘ IllI... .IIIMmIl In VI‘N mm “In lln'mnn fl'lII !A\\ IIIIIIII II! III-r Ina-urn summâ€" III. rIIIY ill-VIII u lwuull'lll nm-IIIII IIIIIIII snII yum yum [‘I-‘illl‘u Illl'i!‘ 'IV hrr t'l‘lllIillIIIlhI‘l In." IanI Mun".- I‘ll-Al IlnlIImn Hm next Iln\' Isl (hr “In vnnIIIIn "Intll‘ II Inwm IhnI ur «III-II llll'l‘lll\ «mung IIIII mm.“ Thn mnwnlmn IIn Ihr I-luml um III-III nt SIlvnr Watt-r, nthIIt l? milrs (r-IIII I'I-Irr IIM‘ it Is us I Invrly IlrIw- In lhr I‘II’IY mnrnine, IIIIt rthI-r "v". Ind nml not A rum] Ilsy fur III-run." Hunting Ihn uIIIIInn III-III Just like he Inv at my turn rIIIIwIIIIIIIL III I'm-t I uwt nnu IIl nur INI rnnh‘nlinn run- \‘l‘l‘I‘V‘I fh‘nl lininv Riv". I:th huII Inova tn thv lslsnd and hell nnl hum shlr ill sllrnII nur rnnwnlinn. [Mml IInstruIin I ,IMMNI tn hm I part of nil upan fine. I "taught. rsthrr Intern-slime. Ins the wsy In («III I \IIIrt SIIIIII: tIIIInus u'I-ro “I! In IIIII {II \'III.I, I'II Inursell IIIlII lhl‘III IIIIII “N.-II:IIIIIIur]inI-us is I‘IIIIIIVIIII." A. II..- IIInnII ll!!! now 1.. ..III.- I. I.an I.r IIInII-r rnnn-ntion IIII- II .II-I. III-n. In I'll” the annual II. II..- IIIII I. -.IIII III- ronIiIIumI, a IIII {I II III w mIIl IIII- IIlliI'I~rs \vI~rI- I-lort‘ ..I II. I.II<I~ I‘I'lYI' III lhl‘ flrl'fll'lL’l'flH‘lli! lur IIIIIIIIII-r :.I~IIr 'I\lll'I\ it v.Ill lII- held .It I‘rutIIIvm-Iv liuI. Altogether it was II IIIII-II IlllI'rI‘VJnL, InIl IlclIghIlul Ilny. ’l‘III- mu llfl‘y‘ 2w II-II tho lslnfld. (lfl‘v'I'llllH' II. 'i'lll‘IlilllII“ where we sum-«I III IIII- llnInI SIIIIIIn while we Ilni llu- I-IIIIIvI-IIIIIIII IIt sum-Ila): IIIIIII‘I lill' I II Mu ll Inns: IrIp, IIIIII~h III II over l'lvl‘li IIIIIIIY I'I'Ililrul'iliifl nIIIl rI'psIr. “III III .II-n- IIII .lL’rW'Hl‘l" KT'WP kn" II-Illli t-II IIInIm In IIIkI- [Ir the dust “(lan lflI‘I IIII» IN Hill -II -III II IIII- l‘llllnll “In as lIcnu- IIlul "N r ‘-\l’h mm nI-wr surl' IIIII IIIrIIIrI- \\Ilul'l 'lll‘l‘ you IIrIIunII 'lll‘ lurl'l. 'lhr trnIn truck IIIIIsl “ind II IIIIII-h :u the I'llfl'l‘d‘fl) I'nr III-IwI-I-II SnIIil I'IIrrIvnl nnrl l‘lqmnnlh. IH' were [IIP‘V'Il lIllIl rI-IInI-le III' II short train «I IIIIIIII IInIl-I, \Il‘ I'I~lt ulmust Inmil‘ I..r -.IIIII Ihn IIIIgInwr in the rub and Ith l-r.IIII-rnnn In thr IuIIIuIIsI' to whom ,... tun-II Iurh llllu‘ IIIll’ pnlhs rruss- III. IIIIrII nl’ulll IIn llll‘ IIInirIlIInIl 1h:- I Mr II! Ihr fnlmzv unuml with In IIIIk [-InI-I. «I-rIII uml IIIrrh In .~\I.I--II.I IIIII I.- . mum.- and I‘llk. \l,I;II\I \ I 0,\\ F,\TIII\' I? mIInru Ta III-IIIqu Murmur '00] Tim III‘XI Im- II)! « \\I‘I‘l‘ spunt st ihn I‘IIInf‘Vllllln III SIIIIIIIIII‘ and once :IL’IIn I MI III hnnII- IIIIh llll‘ wIIIIIon. IIIII Irn'n I-uIIIvnnIIIIII has been re- nrrnnuml nnIl I~n|IIruml to inrlmln \lJlIl'IIIIlIl’I, SuIIIIun. Alumna and SI. J-I-I-IIh'u lnlflllll um] I uu- [III-ssul II ll‘s‘ lhv‘ wry IIIIqIIInhlI- uny In which ilil‘ III-II III-Inris “I'r-I nvlcnnml nnIl llml (th .lulnknlns nll inok nn nrtivs- lIsrt In nll III-rquIInu. A: nn I.th ~lnnll. lhrrr \\n! :I Hand rI-nrrsuvntn- IiIIn IIl lIrunI-III-I nrrsvnt (rum all dir mm and I NIII-u- Ihr "('W ullrr ol m’nnls (.Ir lruwllinr I-trven. s {mm UH‘ l'v'PuriIlll‘lll has haw-n n Irrl‘nt hnlp in Ihnqn .1 us from the nnrlh who IIIII-I trawl IIII 'ar In mI-Ivt toiulher. IInI- IIII~IIIIIor Ir-IIII llI-lIlmm lily, on .“lmluulln lIlsnIl. IIIIII us (hut she un- unlv '.’.'I mill-I lrIIIn lho Inmlim‘r II.- (in- rrmr flies but she hud in tru’el 1'35 mIIrII lu‘ rIIuri In rrsrh Surreth Snmrthlnr lint-H‘stfil mr wry luv~ IIIInlIlr. ll Wu the nrintrd pro- grsmInI-u whirl: srv put nul hy lhtI III-Irirll In them nrr lhv- pro- mmmu of All the hrnnrhrs In thnt dIslrlrl. listing plan and lime n! mntinr Ind itm- n! intrrut in umâ€" nirtinn with their planned pron-mine fur the year The“ un- printui and Thr- rnlrm‘inz cl sold to the branches st met um only set us a stimulus to the hm but serve as s connecting link u, I, the district closer together in nniL Here once .IZIIH. the reports a.- very interesting and well tomle. They showed a development or he” hem-lines; in preparing muls {or - bereaved and presenting gifts m . citizens and a growth of Citizen in the Hester interest shown-I in I school district and through the :1; taken throullh the Co-aperative i~ gramme. At both meetings I pleased to hear the report {nun - Junior Convener and the int»- shown in their wellue. Mr. .I. “ .‘Ilsclntnsh. District Agricultural l1. rcsentmive. Sault Ste. Marie. sI[.Iv «I the meeting Ind stressed III. IIith the You"! people on thi- if through our school fairs and work. He said we should devnl ' more mosperous rural life by Izood farmers lollawed by 20ml 1 . ers (the suns). snd that der-rn VI-niem-es should be provided In farms because they were east-mm cumlort. Pirturcs 0! other pnrts and II- nre always u! interest and we I». v inlerustcll in seeing the slides Miss Lewis showed. We also II‘. see ourselves another year and Lewis is building up s very III rollectinn of slides taken as 5hr (rum group to group. An ndIiI-Il ' um of the evening meeting II:I showing of the film "Lot Thur Light". (In Suturdny morning onto we l’l‘lffll‘ell our steps and In.- In Suvlbury, arriving there in tII . lunch. Even in the week's KIWI“ .I lprcncc could be seen in the {ltllfll' the trees. It rained on FriIlII, mum and more the leaves wen- |Iiniz to the ground leaving the III: standing stark naked among (m (If the evergreens. At Sudbury. I dropped to make the trip back I Lnkehnnri and how I envied IN N Ihrec who continued on [author had been a must delightful “l‘l'h 1 (fit I wns leaving old lriI-nII they travelled onward. TININIINS CONVENTION u mamasâ€"as nut:qu ~Inl¢ndsuco 130) Mrs J. ll. Futchcr in reporlim («Invention stated: “The two-day convention wn exrclII-nt am: with a good inrroII nltendnnrc over last )‘Cllf.‘nl‘l \\Ql’l‘ splendid, well urusmml rIIpnhly presented. In this arcs. of the branches have compiled Il' «titute Cook Book. One brunch ;' n prixt- of u back to the pule in I nude in their local school who 51' the most merited improvement. 1 Agriculture, they reviewed tho {Tess in farming methods 0v past 40 years. Need of dents] m.- the whole ares was stressed and hoped the Department will suon some way of meeting this need, '1 had I: splendid evenin session ’ well Interweer wit IzsrnI-s music" PDWASSAN (8 Dumasâ€"u innum- â€"4wusum sun Again. Mrs. hitch" reports: "As I listened to the ropor'n l‘owssrnn l resllud how very Iv improved the re were. At «I convention they Id been wall or.‘ izod. with emphnis on important I' In“. The msjorily at them riled 4 wrestler-Is for future study. I Inth sum» new idess here. One lnIII him its members brim: u Whig“ (nod to euh meeting, thus ennhlIr nrscol of food to he sent all to s -I< Institute in Britain ouch month. "One branch bought I lubvril“ tn the Ruder's Digest Ind III" mused mund among the "\fMi’: They studied luvs rtslmnr. women snd children I kept I III I' {III err- on Iorsl school boards. 0" ' wall 0! the hall where the mer'gT were held. I quilt I'll hlnxlnr “3: mm drlwn on It to the sell: "- mlles tn the inch she'll! nlllnl truil when he kin-"I’d V wutmsys in this part of Ont-Ir

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