Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Fall and Winter 1949-50, page 1

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" HOME and COUNTRY Published by The Ontario Women’s Institute at Toronto 5, Ontario Volume 15 FALL AND WINTER, 1949-50 Numbers 3 & 4 ANNUAL MEETING OF PROVINCIAL BOARD NOVEMBER 21, 22 AND 23, 1949 The Annual Board Meeting of the In tlerated Women's Institutes of Ont- m io was held in the Royal York Hotel November 21, 22 and 23, with Mrs. J. R. Futcher, Provincial Presi- di-ut, presiding. ln introducing the Board Members, Mrs. Futchcr stated that a large in- >ase in membership in the Women’s In itutes of the provmce had neces- -.i:tted an increase in the members m the Board from 22 to 29. The ,. vsidEnt reported that in attend- on: the Bienmal Conference of the l‘ Aerated Women's Institutes of Canâ€" / she had also visited conventions .. Manitoba and Saskatchewan. At m F.W.I.C. Conference the message .v the newly-elected Dominion Presi- .t i was that the Women’s Institutes mustl‘now think in terms of "we" nun . i'he Women’s Institute Holiday at Ii.1L'Iph was reported ahsuccess with ‘ rural women spending the full k and over 900 in attendance for nt time. Due to the success of this unture, the second week in July has ‘ en set asidefor an Institute holi- ny. A committee in charge of are rangements for next year's holiday .ns named as follows: Mrs. J. R. li‘utcher; Miss Anna P. Lewis; Mrs. Ward Benner; Mrs. Milton Weber; I‘r, W. R. Reel-i. President of 0.A.C. "Id Mr. W. D. Tolton, Director Public I tlations. O.A.C. Mrs. Futcher and Miss Lewis were appointed to investigate the possibili- Ii .- of several holi ay centres being . up throughout the province. The portrait of the founder, Mrs. Mlelaide Hoodless, will be hung in We Canadian Archives at Ottawa, an tunour accorded the founder of only we other women’s organization. A uceial ceremony of unveiling is being ,.ranged. In the report on Social Welfare wcseuted by Mrs. L. A, MacEwen "ussell, it was stated that health an ‘lucation were highlights of study in .II regions this year, but there is still mom_ for im rovernent in each of these provmces. ducation is closely rc- Itited with health in our Social Wel- m-c programme and more and more cports show the fins ooâ€"operntion nutween doctors, nurses, health units 'ian the school authorities. . The report on Citizenship. presented ‘-.\' Mrs. J. Cooper, Fort William, iniphasized the welcome being given - New Canadians by members of the - omen’s Institutes throughout the provmce. Many New Canadians have Inscome members of the Women’s In- ututes and have cantrihuted to pro- .‘rarni‘nes with songs, dancing and i\hll)ltS from their native lands. In a report on Historical Research, ~lrs. Sanford Aikins, Creemore. stated "Historical Research is at last coming into its own for the present can only [-9 interpreted in terms of the past. .xcarly eve branch Institute has “'mDiled a l'li/weedsmuir History; one Irranch reports having completed is “found volume. Many addresses of historical interest have been pre- onted at meetings and many exhibits of antiques have been on displax ‘ :‘is'representative to the Ontario His- luriral Society, Mrs. Aikins reported '[H the meeting of the Council at this bocicty held in the Public Library, llamilton. A_ report on the Ontario Women's Institute Tweedsmuir‘ History Book I'ommittee was presented by Mrs. Gordon Maynard, chairman. This lmok Will cover the first fifty Yen” 0f Progress ‘of the Women's Institutes. yReporting ublicity, Mrs. W. D. \l amer, Stam ord Centre. stated that F.W.I.0 llOA R Dâ€" NO" EM IKE R. IELIH Front Row (left (a right).- Miss Olive Maliby. R.R. 1. Woodbridgc Mrs. R. G. l'urccll (chiunul Vice-l‘rcsidunt). 345 East Mary St, Fort William; Mrs. Hugh T. L. hennedy. Minister of Agriculture; Mrs. uty Minister of Agriculture: Mrs. J. H. McCulloch. R.R. 2. IIrnmpi-in. Surctnry-I‘rousurur miners (Past President). R.R. l. I’onthill: .l. l“. I’utchcr. President. R.R. 1 ('ol. The Holmurnlllo 'l. Tilnmnfl‘ 1'. l). Grnhiiui. Dcp~ i‘liHN Annn I’. Lewis, Director. Women‘s lustitule Branch and Home Economics Service. Dcpiirtmcnt of Agriculture; Miser Gladys llougli- (on, Beeton. Junior Institute Activities. Second Row (lelt to rial"): \lrs. R. H. Geddcs, Mississippi; Mrs. Hugh Wnrncr. Millc RDCIII‘R: Mrs. W. I‘. Simp- son. Byron; Mrs. D. A. Carmichael. lIi‘lcrton; Mrs. J. C.'I‘Iinmpilon. Ileumsvillc. Conicncr. Agriculture und Cunn- dinn Industries; Mrs. Sanford Aikius. R.R. 2. (‘rcemorm Convener. Hintorirnl Research: Mrs. .lnlncs Iilxick. Comp- bellford; Mrs. L. A. McEwan. Russell. l’nst Convener. Sucinl \Vclfnrc; Mm. .l. l“. Woudlnnd. R.R. 5, Uruugcvillc; Mrs. A. '1‘. Cadcall. Anthony: Mrs. Carl Moyncs. RR. 1. Oukwood: Mrs. Wnrd llcnncr. Iluylicm: Mr». Arthur llnniil- ton (Regional Vice-President). R.R. 4. Atwood; Mrs. Darrel llnznrd Montrose. Home Economics Convener; Mrs. R. .l. M. Kerr. Heuthcutc; dent), Lynn; Mrs. R. J. Gnlis, R.R. Back Row (lelr to right): Mrs. J. S. Saunders, 209 North Marks St, Fort William. Citizenship Convener; Miss Elsie Little. 6. Wiarton. \‘ilverwnlcrl Mr». I‘liIiiIn \vt‘ill‘l’. R.“ 2, West Mrs. Arthur lludsun (Regional VicL -Prcsi- RR. 1, Prescott: Mrs. A. Woolford. Fort lirunrcs: Mrs. J. Cooper, 670 Norfolk Ht. Norlh, Simone; Mrs. R. H. Ross. RR. 2. Watford: Mrs. A. E. Dodson. R.R. i, Tilhury; Mrs. Thomas Myers. Zurich: Mrs. A. 1'}. Kennedy. Agincourt; Mrs. George Ridlcy. R.R. 3, Caledonia; Mrs. vener: Mrs. W. D. Warner. Stamford Centre: Mrs. C. W. Goldwater; Mrs. Herb Alkins. Callandcr. Mrs. W. Smith. Dnylon. increased membership and the organ- ization of 54 new branches has given wide publicity to our work. The large increase in membership has necessitated the setting up_ of nine new districts and the establishing of a new Area. The announcement was made of an Award of Merit granted to the Fed- erated Women‘s Institutes of Canada by the American Association for State and Local History for the spon- soring of the writing of tho Tweeds- muir Histories. _ Reports on the Csnadinn'Society for Control of Cancer. Society for Crippled Children and Canudmn Asso- ciation of Consumers were presented by Mrs. L. A. MneEwen. An _mI_di- tional report on Canadian Association of Consumers was given by Mrs. A. E. Kennedy, Agincourt. Mr. John Fisher, radio news cn_m- mentator and president of Cunarluin Child Welfare Association, spoke on behalf of his organization. A re ort on the Nutrition Conferâ€" ence he I] in the Parliament Ilulldings in June and October was presented by Mrs. Milton chcr, West Mont- rose. As a result of this report. 11 decision was made to ask the Impartâ€" ment of Education to ini'lutlc ' m morning broadcasts for school child- rcn, a series of lessons on nutrition. Also requested is an additional course “Nutrition for Children” to IIP‘ in- cluded in the Women's Institute Brunch (To-operative Progrniuiiiv. A special drive will m: matte o. Inlurt‘st Institute members in this l'uursc. In a report on Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. J. Thompson, Bcamsvillc. stated that it is very evident [lint our women are realizing more fully. ycur Ii? year, the importance of our basic industry â€"agricu1ture-aud the port ll. plays in the economic, social and cultural life of our province, our dominion. our world. The vnlue and necessity of educating our young people and in- deed the older. too. back to the real- izntion of pride in tho profession of agriculture, to contentment in fnrui- ing as a way of life. wns stressed. Also stressed was the importnnro of guiding young farm people Into club work from juniors to seniors and helping them and their clubs in every way possible; of explaining the vnluo of the ultimate prizes such us tho O.A.C. scholarships or the awards of the lntcrnationol I'loughing Mulch. tri s to Chicano, the 'I'cnncsscu Vuilcy. the llritish Isles. The prur- ticc of form accounting wus reported as growing but not very fast und it is felt thnt in the matter of income tuxcs the fnrmcr needs a much siiu ler form for returns. iss Anna 1’. Lewis, Director, in n report stated that through the yours it has been the desire of the Women‘s Institute llrunch to help rui-iil \vani to hclp tht-uiselvcs. Our orguuizutiuu \\'iII ruiunin strong ht'cnusc we hit“: ulurt, nrtive, unselfish \vumcn work- ing together to bring Ilhu hunt {or (‘1 untry. "ucntym 'V’l‘n We" nlLlIlllIeriI I Are . i king in lulul of ‘l' lnsliluic brunt-WW . nil n mr ii 1 ’iiT All i'mI. The minutes a on new .iuTrrc'rs brim. {III' lotlil to 109. in the \Vomtn'a In~ hiliulx: Iirflnl'i‘l Ihi-ru I» now. n nlnll' of I n|(‘ll\IIl‘l‘H. Lozin Library u'urk hm Im'ri-niu-vl grcully this \‘vnr. l'I-u l'uls and Friendship kw “ilh \l'muu 'a Institutn moniIu-rs in other r'nunilit‘s uurp l-nt‘nuruiu-(I uni] llll‘lll- lwrs \voru urged in set fluid >' ium-timf for the study (if l‘.“.l.C. uml \'.\\’. and so brouden nur llIll‘< :zun Two hundred and fifty outrins u't-ru rt-mivcd in the (‘multclilinn “A (‘nuntry Womun's llny” sponsored Iiy tlu- Assorintcd Country Women of tho W rlil. The winners are announced clseuhcrc in this issue. G. W. Keyea. Wolfe lsInnd. Post Home Economics Com kickers, 136 Main SL, Port Dnlhoui‘it‘; Mrs. James Dell. New olllrors for the your nnml‘d us follows: ilonnrur dents, Miss Anuu l’. I.L‘\\'IH, Mrs. I-luizli Summers. R.R.I. I-‘onthill; President, Mrs. J. Ii. Fult'ht‘r, R.R.l, St. Thomas; Sorrctury nisuror, Mnl. J. II. McCuIIuch, ILII . llrnmp- ton: liouionnl Vice-presidents. Mrs. Arthur Hudson, I’l'n; Mr». Arthur iluniiltou. R.R.Al, Atwood; und Mrs. II. J. l‘iirruII. ll'nrt \ViII Con- vcnors of Standing {luimuiltvou were ull follows: Citiz ship and lllxlurution, Mr». J. Cooper, Fort \Villlulu: Agri- culture l'lnli (innmliun lllliuflil‘iufl, Mrs. .l. C. 'I'liulnpson, Ili-iimsvillv; Histor- irul Rum-arch uud llurrt-ut Events. Mru Silliford Alklllll, ('rt-vuiuru; Home omit-H hurl lloultlt, Mm, Milton ~r “Ii-Ht lilrmlrum-; (‘muiuunity .-\i|IVIt Ii und I‘IIIIIii' livlulimm, Miss Inu llmluins, (Tur : lioanluliuuu, Mrs. lluirh Summon. I'untliill: .luuiur lu- Hlilutn Avilviticu, Mia» Gludyu Ilougli- lun, III-ulnn. Mrs. (E. \\’. Kryt'a', \anl‘u- lalmul. in u ri-pm'L ("I ilOIllL‘ IIIt-oumu dull-d llint rv-lmrts url' of u illL’Ill' Ipmlity lIqu in tiny provinus your (If lit-r I‘ani-ut-raliip. (tunwm-m .m- slump.“ in annual. .nirmt nmI pride in mun-t. lug I,Iu- work f tIu'ir rouililtLI-os. I‘Iuliy llislrii'l vols um! I villllil' wcro l‘l’CEl» Short l'oiir:tc~i uI ('nul'i'rl-ul' have ill'l'fl ill‘IlI imliuul ll”,- pruvilu'u. IHII'I‘I‘HL in Ia' (Iliili Work In i'I~- pnrlml in most tin-nu u'ilh muuy pro» pm huviug 1...... i'umplvlwl IIy .Iumnru. In W rt'purL nut- finds llu- HHIII- 4‘\'|IIl'||l'I' ul' ill‘I|lf|IIll1‘HH; quills, jumH and pit'klml Imvu lieuu yiuu Lu [ii-I‘HUIH who huvn lost their - \' uml u-cli-nmea il'l‘" popular hot-u prusuntcd Im- [In and many gifts Iun.’ In tIirqum'ml |vrrsmm. A rl'purt m. Junior \VIIIHK'II'S In. Hiltutr-x was prcsonlcd Ily Mia» ()livo Multlu Womlliridgc who expressed fl|lllr film “I the Scholarship ((7 nlinucd on pan 1“, col. 1)

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