Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Spring and Summer 1948, page 2

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HOME AND COUNTRY Spring & Summer,l)li =f§ ILLUSTRATING COOPERATIVE PROGRAM HOME AND COUNTRY Publilhcd Quarterly by m churntcd Womm‘l inu‘unm of Onurlu and The \Yomon'a Institute Branch and Homo Eranomics Service Department 0! Agriculture Unllrin Enimnm. CDHMI‘Y'I'BI‘. Mn. H. Smuuwrx, RR. 1. Funthill. hlrfi .I R, I-‘illcher, RR. 1, Si. Timmml. .\i»« Anna I‘. Lewis Toronto 2. Min-nus nr Pnnviscm. nmnn. inn nus BflMIflYI/ I'm-Linn. \im [\nnn P imm, Tnmnin 2 .\Irs. Hugh Summers, RR. I. anthill. Prrm'dvnl in: .v a mum. RR I. si Thomas. Remnant man-MN. \Irs Ihn .lniu . RR, 2. I no \m \\'m. .u m. m : Binmpion im iiiium I‘islior. RR 1. Ema. Diroclnn on "if Ezrruliw .\lrn Arthur Hudson. Lyn. Mrs. min" Hamilton. RR. 4, Aiwnnrl. Mrs Roy anndminw. Stroud. in: Hart Lin. Schrlnm‘lle lire n. n rum", 345 . mm- s-.. ran \Villmm, “among! Divrelnrn int innn am. RR. 3 S)Il'lli'~‘l'\'llll‘ llrs Arnold Mitchell. RR, 6, Hollm’illn in. 1-, L. IIInyncw. an. 1. nnhwnnd, MN. n .i )1 Km, Henthrntn ii” 3.x tram, no 2. We." Monlrnne. \m c s Ricki-7n. in “'nllnnd m. I’an Tinlhnvisie um um inuh. rm- Nr-rinlh si N. snnnnn \Irs r i. )Icltnncnll an 4. 'T'hnmr-svillc, .llrs dumps Lmnn. an‘ is. pin in. Arlm f‘nmphl‘ll. ant i, Huntsville. Mrs n ling. iinnimh im r \\ Kcni RR I. RicIinrd's Landing um rim}- Rniliinn. RR. 2. Genrgolnwn. Hui iinri‘nm .\Iiivhwll. n n. 1. Illinnnn .C'rh'lnn/ rrnnnnwr Mrs John H \Invnilnrh RR 2 Rruml‘ltou. ('nmcpnminnrn Khmilil hn nrhIn-amul ta "11min AND cmwrni'" The \Vnmr-nfi immw Rra h and Home iii-animin Snni » hnnnnnmni n/ Azmnhnrn I'nrl-nmNiv Iliirlriilizs. Town.» 2 This [viper in II rihqud through In. umrntnr' a of annn'u InstiIIIIr-n In n.» wnnnn-c Inslitiilh Mnmhm EDITORIAL COMMENT PRESIDENT’S CORNER A few comments by your President might prove helpful. Anv lctter an Institute secretary receives signed by the Provincial I'rnsident or the llirectnr. Women's Institute Branch and Home Economics Sci-vice should (or must) be given full reading at the next Institutt‘ meeting. These uill he as concise as possible and mi] nnly he sent out when the malt-rial they contain is urL'vnt. I-.is Institute membership meant a iiaIiDIE‘i‘. I'lthl'l' and mnre satisfying life for you" If so. he zealous in EV» tpndintr membership. “'c have 38.600 \\'nmcn's Institute women in Ontario mm. \Vo “ant all rural women to have the pi' 'iluges and helps in home» ' our Institute program :i nvw member with ynu In your ntxt inciting. Your Provincial Board has decided tn i'icniznizc. in a special way. the tiite in each Convention Area showing tho greatest increase in mem- lmi hip and highest pvil'cntage at- tendllnr‘e. Help your Institute to be the fortunate one. We want at least 50,000 members by the end of 1948. This award will he made at the Fall Conventions in 1949. Try to make summer meetings especially attractive so attendance can he kept up. What about a picnic? Often Institute business is not heavy in the summer months and can be carried on at the same time as picnic festivities. What about chartering a bus and mothers and children having a day at the lakeside or some place of special interest? This is often the only sort of holiday a farm woman can manage in the busy summer months. A change for even a few hours gives a lift. Try one of the new annuuls in your flower garden this year. The seed cat» alogues show some beautiful and in» teresting ones. Something new and different is the spice of life. You will be thrilled with the film WHAT WE GLEANED FROM THE PRESS CLIPPINGS Throughout the province, Institute meetings are held with accounts of them published in the various local papers. These small accomplishments add up and the great achievements of the Branch Institutes come to the attention of the provincial officers through a Clipping Service supplie'l through the Department. In reading the accounts of these hundreds and thousands nf Institute meetings the picture presented is most encouraging. Rural roman all nver the province are stu lying 'In groups linked and interlinked With similar groups. And each group. in addition to inestimable assistance given to worthy causes. is acquirin": on extensive education through a wide range of demonstrations. confer- ences and short courses. More and more Branches are adopt- ing British Institutes. patients in Christie Street Military Hospital and children made desolate by war. Many Institutes report County Library Service well-established with a Do- nosit Station functioning within their Branch. The benefits of County Health Units is a subject of study in most groups and a number of Instiâ€" tutes are now sponsoring Health Units. Much interest is being shown in the Better Farm House Contest and at least 350 Branches have decidâ€" cd to enter this contest. I Grandmothers' Meetings rem ai n popular and throughout Ontario. Insti- tutes are celebrating their thirty~fifth, foi'ticth and forty-fifth birthdays. Debates, panel discussions and plays enacted by Institute members, have held an important place in activities. Short courses, demonstrations and conferences have been enthusiastic- allv received and \vell»attcnded. New Junior Groups are reported orrran- ized with Girls' Home Garden Clubs again popular this spring. Pictures procured from the National Film Ilnarrl i1an shmvn at numerous meet- ings and social evenings. Many ad- dresses and papers on the A.(‘.V\'.W. ('nnferencc held in Amsterdam last September wcrc presented. Accounts on the whole are wellv written up. A majority, though. fail tn give first mention to the speaker and the topic of the incetiniz. A con- densed report of each Branch Meet» ing held in the district during the month is published in some papers under a two-column feature. titled “\V.I. News". This seems to he a very worthwhile district plihill‘lt)’ project. “nme accounts are embellished with the Institute crest making these apâ€" pear much more attractive and imâ€" portant Our Institute (‘rr-st heading all press reports would. wo chlSiEif‘l'. In» a worthv addition. (Mrs. “C II. \Varnei'. Publicity Convener. I7.\I'.I.O.I “Let There Be Light" showing our Fifiieth Anniversary llay at Guelph. This film will be shown at our 100th Aniiivcrsari‘. What. kind OI steward- ship will the members then witness» int.r it feel \'nli and I have given this I'M“an fifty years? To show steady growth. we must. keep our Institute work broad in scope. enthusiastic in effort and high ideals. Through our various organizations we speak an International language. I hope every Ontario Institute mcm‘ hei- supported FIWIC. by payment of the 5c fee and the A.C.W.W. by the payment of "A Penny for Friendâ€" 5 ip". Let us understand our sister meni- bers in other lands better by estab- lishing “letter friendships" and adopt- ing overseas Women’s Institutes. In Ontario arrangements can be made through the Loan Library. Women's Institute Branch. Chestervillc. Dundas: Membership has greatly increased. Meetings are peppy and interesting, A homemak- ing club group is sponsored by the Branch; nearly $300 was collected for the Canadian Appeal for Children and a $600 project is under way to furn- ish ii room in a district hospital. ' An P. Lewis. Director of the Women’s Institute Branch and Hum Ecoiiiiizics S'Iieii'vice, in Conference on the 1948-49 (AI-operative Program in Home Economics. Mrs. Clarence Hayes conducts a course in “Aids to Effective Spent w: for Women’s Institute Meetings"~/\n Administrative Leadership (‘Oufsl' Young children are looked after by older women so mothers can aI‘N‘d Co-uperative Program courses. INSTITUTE FILM HIGHLY PRAISED AT ITS PREVIEW 39m.“ a “we gathering of dii‘et'tui's of the Federated Women's Institut-w of Ontario and representatives of the press and radio stations 3 preview wt the “omens Institute film, "Let There Be Light" 3 given at the OHIIII'I” Agricultural College on May 2. The film was acclaimed as a splendid I‘VE-i entafilon 0f the work of the Women’s Institutes of today and of the 501“ Annu'Er-‘ari' Celebration held at; the O.A.C., Guelph, last June. It shows mi “hark ofath'c \I omens Institute through their standing committees. 50"” "I t 0 mm‘“ 0f “"9 LO‘r‘lli’l‘aIive Program in Home Economics. in addition to the scenes from the eclebration at Guelph and the historical W1. Pails“!t Presented there. The while fil ' ‘ . V. _ ate musical accompanimegt‘ "1 ‘5 I" sound and technicolour, with appropri

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