Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Spring and Summer 1948, page 1

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HOME and COUNTRY Published by Volume 14 The Ontario Women’s Institutes at Toronto 2, Ontario SPRING AND SUMMER, 1948 Number 1 8L 2 MRS. FUTCHER PRESIDES AT SPRING BOARD SESSION FOUR DEGREE COURSE AT MACDONALD INSTITUTE ANNOUNCED The Spring Board Meeting of the Federated Women's Institutes of On- mrio was held in the Royal York Hotel, April 5, 6 and 7. Mrs. J. R. F‘utcher, newly-elected Provincial President, presiding. Decisions were made regarding the administering of the Ontario Women's Institute Scholarships to Mncdonald lnstitute, Guelph. These scholarships v ere made possible through the Ade» liide Hoodless Fund, a Fiftieth An- r. rsnry project which resulted in a >19,0DO cheque being presented by the Federated‘ Women’s Institutes to the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph on March 15, 1048. Four-Year Degree Course The Board were pleased to hear the *unouncement of Col. the Hon, T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, unit a four-year degree course in ronie Economics at Macdonald Ina vitute would commence this fall. This nurse will be open to a limited numâ€" ler of girls. Five annual entrance scholarships of $100 each will he arded to students entering the rec. Scholarships are regional, vying students throughout Ontario in equal opportunity to win them. i scholarships are being awarded Mugirls entering the fourâ€"year uoursc ‘iIS fall with preference given to daughters of Institute members. Thc emainder of the fund will be used to i rovule further scholarships for rural ‘ITIS. The Scholarship Committee for lie coming year will be Mrs. A. Ham- zton, Atwood; Mrs. Wm. McClure, rirampto'n, and Mrs. L. A. MacEwen, along With Mrs. J. R. Futclier, Pro- ducial President, and Miss Anna P. ewis, Director. W.I. FILM "LET THERE BE LIGHT" Miss Anna F. Lewis, Director. an» nounced that the new 16 mm. techni- colour sound film, produced by the ‘lepartinent in honour of the Feder- ‘ted Women’s Institute of Ontario. ‘ould be released early in May. Inâ€" .ntutes wishing to borrow this film may apply direct to the Department V blic Relations, Film Extension nivi on, Ontario Agricultural Col- lege. Guelph. Requests for the film will be filled in the order in which they are received. HOMEMAKING CLUB TROPHIES The Junior Homemaking Club Tro- phies were on display. These are be- ing donated by the Federated Women’s Institute to the winning Provincial tsams. in Clothing and Foods and hutrition Homemaking Clubs. A.C.W.W. COLOUR PICTURES During the evening session, Miss Anna P. Lewis presented a report, Illustrated with coloured slides, of her trip to Europe and the Amsterdam Conference where she oflicinlly repre- sented F.W.I.0. at the first post-war Conference of the Associated Country Women of the World. PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS In the address of the president, Mrs. J. R. Futcher stated: "We have a. high record of achievement to maintain and a record for unselfish effort to uphold. We can be a tremendous Power for good because we actively Support the finest things in life. "Brotherhood and international good-Will are a must if civilization, as We know it, is to survive. We are In} aplendid position to help bring this about. Through our various organization: we @9815 an intern!" tional language. We have a h the pulse of the world and musfil‘i :ii weflcan to keep it beating. Democracy is coming to realize we can never have world peace until all people are free. with sufiicient food and enough security to guarantee hop- Diness and contentment. You all know something about thc Food and Agricultural Organization and its stu- pendous program tn feed the people of_ the world, to so distribute food sup- plies Vthat ncvcr again will there be bursting gi‘anai‘ies in the Aliiericns and misery and want in Eurnpc and Asia. Along with agricultural ml- vancement will go Home Economics to teach the better use of (mid pru- clucerl and better ways of homemak- ing. We should never cease in our efforts until rural women all over the world have, in some measure. the privileges you and I enjoy. “For along with advnnccincnt in agricultural methods will go Home Economics tn tcach the hetter usc of the foods produced and better ways of honicinaking and will give your work an impetus that nothing else will. “It is a high goalâ€"and may take a century or more to bring nhnut. But you know the sayingi‘A man's reach should exceed his grasp or what's a heaven for" If no wmilil catch this vision of what our work can mean; we would labour to grcater purpose and it would give enthusiasm to our elfort. I know of nothing that can take the place of enthusiasm for one’s work or play. Application isn't enough. It alone is tiresome and dull. Enthusiasm springs from absolute confidence in your work and the vision of where it can lead. I have n favour- ite storyâ€"it tells the things I am trying to express in a much better way than I can tell it. A stranger in a town was walking along the street and he saw three workmen husy at Work on a building. He nSkl'il the first what he was doing and the answer was, ‘Ohl I‘m just mixing cement.’ He asked the sccnnd work, man and the reply was, "I’m laying brick,” but when he asked the third workman about his job, he said, “I'm building a cathedral to the glory of God!” All three were doing what was asked of thcm but the workman with the vision is the kind of workman we want. "A vision in the heart gives en- thusiasm and inspiration to one's work." DIRECTOR'S REPORT Miss Anna F. Lewis, Director, Women’s Institute Branch and Home Economics Service expressed her ap- preciation of the fine co-operntion of the Institute women of Ontario. “If we work together harmoniously and unselfishly we shall achieve success in the great work of our organiza- tion." Miss Lewis reported that In- stitute membership now stands at 38,- 600 in the Province of Ontario with twenty new Branches having been organized since December lst. This summer the Ontario Institute will have two distinguished visitors, Lady Haworth, Chairman OI‘CI’IEBI’IH‘E Federation and Mrs. Ida Brain, a vol- untary W.I. organizer from Hartford- shire. Plans are being made for their sister members to visit Branch and District meetings throughout the Province. Cooperative Program Eighty-three districts were served through dlltrict Home Economics pro- PRESEN'I'A'I‘IUN 0F ('Hl‘lQlllC Mrs. .I. It. Fuichcr of Si. Tlinnias, President of thc F.W.I.O. presents n cheque for $19,000 from (he Adclaidc Hmdlcss Monmriill Fund in Mr. \V. Ii. Reek, Prcaidcni, Ontario Agricultural L‘nllcge. [or Ihc csliililishmeni of scholar- ships for rural girls atlcnding Mncdonald Instilulc. jects while 43 districts IIK‘IlI rallies during 1947-48. Miss Lewis rolled to the attention of the nicmhcrs tllnl some (lislricts had fallen down in their arrangements for these coilr. hence attendance was lagging. As rcsull of this lhn Department had «It idml tn ofl'cr only one district scrv c this coming your. either a homo ccnnnmii's projcct or a rally. All Institutcs are urged to give the district project m» ccdenre over local meetings, puhli- cize well in advance of tlic cmirsc and, where possible, take rcgisirulinn ahead of time in order to hc aurc of good attendance. With the cxvnptinn of the Local Lender Training School there is no limit to the attcntluncc ni district projects this year. All wninpn in thc community nre welcnnic lo lnke advantage of the services rim-rm]. Short rnursea were anonsnrr-d hi- 300 Brunch Institutes. the grcnlcst number of requests being for cmirscs in From" Fonda, Oven Iilcnlsi, Mnd- ern Dressmnking and Fsyvhnlogy for the Homcninkcr. Miss Imwis pointed out ihnt mnnv changes hnd been made in [ht- Comp. erutive Program in order to better meet the needs n! the busy hnmc. maker. Spccinl courses such as “How Your Elementary Srhrml Child l’ievclnpa", "Clothes for Young Children" and "The School Lunch" are ofl'orcd for the young mothers in the community. Older mcmhcrs are urged to cncour- age and help the young mothers an that it is possible {or them tn attend. "Remembcr", said Miss Lewis, "these courses are sponsored by the Branch Institute but they are open to all women of the community". The length or course and enrolment varies neiâ€" course, hence the necessity for fol- lowing the Clo-operative Program specifications very closely in plan- ning the Institute short coursc. Loan Library The VVomen'a Institute Brnnt‘l’i maintains a Loan Library to assist Women’s Institute members in the preparation of papers, talks and pro» grams. The material in the library is classified nccording to the stand ing coiiiinittecs and any nicnihcr Is welcome to have nniterinl on loan for E period of two weeks. During 1947745. 1,304 Bi‘unrhca made use of this sch- ice and 7,651! individual folllcrs of rnfltci'iul were sent out. Of the English hooks sent as a gift to Ontario Institutes by the Women's Institutes of Grout Britain, 197 have been circulated. Fifty new pen fricnd have been completed. nvc is hnxos, tllc adopting of Brit- ish Instiliiics nml the contacting of pen friends in various countrics. (Names nnll addresses can he ohtnin- ed through the Women’s Instituti- Rrunch). “After till, it is true", said Miss I.1-wis, "if we understnnd peo- ple hctlcr we ahnll understand notions hotter#flnd through our nrgnnivntinn we have ninrvcllous npportuniti a (nr closer contuct and a deeper. richer, understanding of Country Women evorywhcrr‘. Let us cherish these conâ€" tacts and grow in understanding". Amulcrdnm Conference Reports of the Amsterdam Confer- ence were given by Mrs. I-Iugh Sum» nicrs, Past Provincial President: Mle Anna Lewis, Director; and Mrs. Wm. MrClurc, Board Director. The F.W.I.O, decided to pay the ap- plication foe of $25.00 to the Associ- ated Country Women of the World [or one European country unable to pay the for. Rev. J. B. Mills. Executive Secre- tory of the Ontario Trustees and Ram payers Association, spoke briefly re- questing the support of tho Board in the work of his organization. Miss Lewis was re-appointed as representative on the committee in charge of the Radio Program “Kinder- garten of the Air". _ A resolution was passed requesting that, because of the alarming increase in undulcnt fever in humans due to Bangs’ Disease in herds. a province- wide policy of calfhood vaccination be adopted. Mrs. W. D. Warner, Publicity Convener, F.W.I.0.) l /

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