Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Fall and Winter 1947-48, page 1

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HOME and COUNTRY Published by The Ontario Women‘s Institutes at Toronto 2. Ontario \"ulurne 13 FALL AND WINTER.1947-4S Number 3 8'. 4 F. W. I. O. ELECTS is has been a busy and most iiul year for the F.W.I.0. and {all meeting held in the Royal \. Toronto, on November 2‘7, 28 :0 had one of the heaviest agen- ~n record. .IRS. SUMMERS COMPLEI‘ES THREE YEAR TERM ‘Is. Hugh Summers, after three . of devoted and untiring service, I pitted her term of office us I‘m- ml President. At the end of the ‘ ruiher sesmon she handed over l-‘.\V.l.0. gavel of authority to .l. Robinson Futcher. Mrs. Suin- . in her address to the Board, -wed the accomplishments of the 0. during her tenure of oflicc. uey were years of many changes I at great interest. In her first we saw the close of the war, making of adjustments and the “Jim: of plans to suit the times. ng these years we said fareâ€" I to Miss Clarke and a com- Iue from the F.W.I.0. had for the I time in the history of the organi- nn the privilege of assisting the . er of Agriculture in choosing l w Superintendent and all agreed we had been very happy in our we. ‘iw F.W.I.O. was given a place on Royal Commission on Education Ell Brief was prepared and pr:- w . hc Adelaide Headless Foundation .I was set up and has reached the unnt of $20,000. The Fiftieth An- ury has been celebrated. its I 5 due to the excellent work -- hy the committee in charge. \ Brief on Temperance was pre- Iw] to the Premier of Ontari with -. J. R. Futcher, Board Director, :1: nrnmn' of the committee which do up of representatives from wvn ial'women's organizations. t year the Junior set-up was llIIEd. Two Junior members were uninted to sit on the board and n ‘5 fine relationship between the lunar: and Seniors has been built up. l'hc Hand Book has required ii “iii deal of time and thought. Due the tremendous amount of work ulvcd yvith the Fiftieth Anniversary rparations and the Amsterdam Con- rr-nce no Hand Book report could be zirlc at the full board mEetimt. l'he Biennial and the A.C.W.W. uterence nrovided a fine means of MHZ at first hand the Dominion- “Ie and J‘berId-wids ‘ picture "men's Institute work. .‘vlrs. §ummen urged that we wlden xr humans and realize that we must v- concerned not only with things in ‘Ir.own Coffin-innit); but we must wnsider the" Wallet-e of our own itinn and tionu. ‘fln ' air of hands could Alli: she told of dome. 1‘0. litters Were sent. pinto the bank and ‘ .WJ.O. suoplies $12.5“: 31:31:; on ' 3 P1: to! , MESSAGE FROM THE I‘ PRESIDENT How |I'I you ilu Instituli- Members? Tn many of you l mu .1 SlrxtllL’l‘r. but In lll‘ItI‘ in nor III’ 'III ition and high hopo“ hr in lutur- \uu um] I hnll «‘unIInnn urnilnll. ' I9l77lhi- fiftieth Ii-nr ut' lIlI' Il'uunnlnu.r nf nur qunniznln-II. \\lIl Isuull lu- lwhinil nx lint lln- :u-hirw- UIIKul‘lU “'(‘niun's menu :qu the sillislnrl u M unv ‘years .-r u .r-Imu 'nnt rrinuln “onwa ur gulll' :iInl \‘ismn, lift} yoan ilL’u. Innl thv I‘unnilntiun stunt“ of our \\'tuncn'.~ Instituti- strnighl minim [ knnn it is your prnyrr, as It is mine. thnt no linvi: Ihi- inr ht uml spiriiuul strength tn cun- ue IIUIIlIIIIL’ in like Innnncr That most wonderful nnil Sn {yintr Irlay at Guelph. nilh its Imnui ' Illl Its inspiration. was u littim: i'llmn\' to Itii'ty y of u lliah vll'nrti'l‘hnn- Isand. ul‘ lh’, inning trilunu tlIul duy to W I‘tliin: thnt unl' III\lItull 'tnnils fur. wont huInI- nilli high , hes in L'runlur i-Irurt. Thu llnunzht l wunt lu I you fur [he now your Citizenship" in um l'nur squ-m of _huInc. mmmnnily, nntinnnl nml inti-r- inutiunnl. Active ritizvnshiu in lhr! hnme cxnhrut‘cs all our Insiiluli- pro~ «rum uf better living nnd butler han-lnflklnL’. Hrn‘ we lny the limit founrlntione of [:mnl riti1 muiu by teaching uur CIIIIIII‘I'n' lnynlty, toler- ant-c nnil rn~nnornllon. Artivi- citizenship in our rum- munities inlls {nr nnr sunlmrl nl' nll worlhnhilr- prIIjI-i'ls .uru ns rum- munity centres. I -1:rnuni . pnrks, etc. It means constructin- int est in our schools and hcnlth nulls, It rnlln for urine help fnr our Juniors nml the nhsnrptinn nl‘ m-wmnmrs into community life. Dr zvnluus in ex- tenilino monthershipâ€"rnrnl women need the privileges mul menus n! sen-ire thnt our nrgnnimtinn nll'crs. 1911 now us with ("nnmlinn citlzen» ship for the first time. Tho I’llfiht-n! form of ti ‘ nship is nsr of frunrhlsi- â€"â€"lhu lowest form is espionage. Im- Iniizrnnls nre flockin to our shores. We must help mould those different \IltS. J. It. 'I‘t'III‘iR. '1‘" “i”, 1'. \V. l. I). II" ' “Arm”. __â€"# a a. nnlinnnliliw into one grnnl. l'nnmlinn‘ spirit. ('nnniln needs their crnflsmnnrl quu nl llluir thrift l:_\ uuunmr gem Minn they'll Inan ~Illlhndill rilimns. 'I'hi- \inr hns Inndi' nnrhl citizens ulr uu nll. nur ritizonahip i-Iant iuuutl now he int-'rnntiunnl In snipe. Ilmv‘ l‘urlunull' \\l' “'nnlun's Institute Inl'm- IIA'I'S lll'l' fur lllmugh our Inlcrnnliunnl (Iruunizuliuu uu um uu enslly hcln in ' Ilrnmnte illlurlulllnlml uiulurnurullm" Ilmneinln-r in )Ilnnning next r's prugl'nm In wt nsillu nu. l-‘uhrunry lllt'rllllK l'nr Inlurnutinnnl Inn. Whnt nn iI -rI-stlna (II urn llvn nhcnll ri‘nlly Innking ciII nship nnrk! To Mrs Smurum I my Wruuukl you fur n j i well Ilnnn!" l will [Ill my Iii-st, nu (nr nu I run lIIIll‘. tn follow her cxnmplr n! devoted si-rviru nnIl outstrinlllnu Ionilcrshlp. And unu. "my hum-mm nml snlln furlinn on nllh you In your nnrk n» )nu fnl'l‘ WV New Your Dorothy I“. IL". I. l’ntrher. SI Thnmus‘ WE WELCOME OUR PRESIDENT Women's Institute members from him nint‘lr nn outsuindlnrr rnntrlhutinn all ports of the province welcome our toward the wrli‘nrn of hnr community now Provincial President, Mrs. J. hr inking on nrllvn purl. in II" worth Robinson Fun-her. while rnnimunltv sntornrlsns. She hnl A tenchor before her marriage, Mrs. marred on the Elwin County Fedora. Futchor live! ("I n farm nenr St. lion 0! Arrlrulturc nrnrullvr, tho St. Thomas, in main County She hnu Thom!" Music (‘lul- Iunl thv Eluln one son at home on to form, n Hilturirnl lealy nxm-uilvr, [laughter in trnininv for n nurse and Her frlcntlly personality, her I‘ll-or, Iwins «Hemline St.Thnmns Collewinll‘. lngicnl mind nml Ill‘f k'Inh'll‘I'L'fl n! For twenty-four years Mrs. hilt-her nn'l experience in Innlilnln wanr nll has been nI . tlvr Institute member. allnlirublv I‘ll her for the wry ren- hurinz Ilmt time We hm- held unrioun nonsiblo poi-illon who hnn lIN-n olurlml oilich in her Branch nnd District. to fill. She wns first elected to the F.W.I.O. The Wnlm‘n's lnntllutos of this Bounl In 19“ and while sean an province PIN-ml wan-nest rungrglnll. the Board acted as Iialson allicur be- tlons I‘lldl unovl wishes for n succosntul tween the F.W.I.0. Ind Wartime tenure of ofllco as Pruldent, Feder- Prices snd 'D'uds Board. wan Chnlr- oted Women's Institutes of Ontorlo man of the Flames Committee and and pledge roâ€"opmllon nntl rupport. Wu instrumental In org-wilting n delegntion comprised of represent- ative provincial women's orzlnlutlonl to present a beverage room brlel to the'PrImI Minister of Ont-flu. 1mm “hka III-TI Jigs-"by . . “P05 K I" swim, [glands om] sued-ta. .’ , h "* - 'Jin;fieu Elms Gut". North Perth: Give don- Itlonl {or uolteou Ind beautification a! umsterlu. he! with local (air. hen first old kl In six dlstrlct “or schools, sulst wlth (undo for public oh: 7 "bury. &. min“â€" NEW PRESIDENT AT ANNUAL BOARD MEETING REPORT 0 )l Rlit'l'Uli. WOMEN'S l. "RANCH Miss ~\nnn I'. l. s, llirectur, inn-sum I highly i-ncnnrnging report on X|FII\‘|(I\‘S. F 'v new Institutes hnvu ln'un org"! | nlnl :l “horizon- I.‘i‘il since April lh. I‘M? liringini: Ihr tutul up In ' which tln‘ .Iuninr Institutes. lulnl un-mlu'rshin is nvi-r ' In' the In» .Iislrn-I ‘_‘ lnul ruin ilvlnn‘lnii-nlnl :1 this your nlnl llll shurl ruui, . for IanI IIIN linu- II. - n- l r...- nuuuluiiuu iuiurun minim: nu~ inungs‘r u-.uu.-u \\n~ lmiiili-Il on! nlnl uu uuuuul nus uuuu- lhnt huuril Iliri-rinrs I‘III'IIIII In'nnrlu-s llllil ulislriels In I'nllil the uhlitznlluns ullh rvful'cin'i- In nltvmh nnrv nt mnl nIrnnui-Inonls l'ur Ill-pull nu-nlnl V‘I'VII'P‘M "It is our n". xninl Mists Li-nis, "In limit: tn the \\ull||‘ll ur this ln'minri- the Inuit wru'I linwil-Ii- ninl this vun only In- (IUIII‘ \ilivn I-nvh lnslilul 1n liripnling nun-Ins its rmlunmih 'l‘hr- alnll’ of (he \Vnnu 'w lll‘lllllil' llI'nnrh nlul Ilnim- Hi-nnmnirs Sl‘l' - lmu' I.- 'nIIIIIri-unl ”r ..I numu l uu um . Iu-I.1 :wlnllmts uu.| i-lurii'nl \I'urkI-li, \Ilnnllon ul thrrmviw lnslltnlw line hnlnlrml ninl lllrvi- llrilinh lnr «um um. I .-u quumuu luv tlw “ii-numb: lnnlilnli-i nl' (lnlnrin In quantum uh...” nu. 'Inn in“ nun iminlwl mil, "n n Iml nlmw nu- ninnl' .qu nulnn mu... of nrlirlml .qu .uuru-uu, u Iu uuu-I. mun- lllnn lhnl. nn inllmnli- IIIII-rvnl Ii Ink-n II_\ I'lu'li or III” In'IIlllllun In It lmllurn nrr‘ lilo".- 0T .i-Ili-I- ln-lilnlwi nrurnunn -l. Iunnui. untruruu uun lullu'ml IIIHI n vlmwr IIIIIIII fru-n-hhip llllII nnilurninmlilu.v nhliuhml I:t'l\\1‘I-|I nnr \Vllllll‘ll null l ' nunwn ut’ lhu IIIII l.nnrl. \Vu l'unnil In \luilim: lIIi'ir limlilulw: thnl ll nu-nnl n L'ri-nl l't'tlI In llll‘lll in Iunm' lhnt. nu urn | nmnnlly ll‘ll'r‘l'NIl‘lI In Ult'l“ uu.| iruI .~u.u II In u rI-nl mnrnlt- Ium-nnr" Any Imliiqu-I ui-rhlng Iu IIIInpl n lll'itiuh lInIlIlnli- mny nl'f‘lll'i' n W‘l‘rfl- lnry'u nnmu l'rulvl le Annn l’. lmvln. l'nrllnlnonl Null-lint", 'I'nruntn. Mi-an-ru iii-re rnmImh-II llnlt hunks .Ir-pirling llfu In tho nrlllnh lslnn nru ll‘nl‘llllllllt‘ from tho I.ul||l LII-wry, annn'n Innlllulu l'lrnnrh nml Home annmnh-s Svrvlrn Those hnnkn hnvc luu-n m-nt nu n lnknn n! npprcclotlon for llw help KIVI'II tn l'lrltlsh lnstltntM .lurlnz the WM 'rnrn. llcquuntn fnr [.nn [ml- In In or Inmln mny ho nrrurrrl from lhn snmu mlllrnsn. KIndorflnrlon n! the Mr Minn IA'WII urw-d thnt wn irivo Inclil nuhllrlty to tha- Klnilonznrtrn of “11' Alr progrnm whlrh III hrnmlmst over (‘IIC stations nt 10.15 n.m. Monday through Frlrlny. 'I'hr' \Vnmnn'll In slitutos, by sending: in letter» 01 nppernllnn in (‘DC will Influence the continuum» of this worthy rrojcct. Fllllrlh Annlrcrsnry F In TM; 16 mm. films nn the Flftleth Annivernnry Cull-hrntlnn wlIl he nvnll- nhlo l0 lnntltuten throughout. the ru- vlnrn, A in mlnute block and w ltc Inunrl lllm cntltlrd "For Home and Country" rndurctl by the Nntlonnl Pllm Boar , Ottawa, Is now roody (or clrculntlon nml may be procured through the Nntlonnl Film Board runl circuits. The other. n 16 mm. .10 mlnutc technicolour film. woduced by Mr. John Colombo for the omsn'n lnstltuts Branch and Home Economics (Contlnnsd on page 2, col. 2)

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