Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Golden Anniversary 1897 - 1947, page 7

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Golden Anniversary 1947 HOME AND COUNTRY OUR SUPERINTENDENTS THROUGHOUT THE YEARS MR. GEORGE A. PUTNAM 1904â€"1934 war-1.3x f. MISS BESS McDERMAND 1934-1939 illss Bess McDermand, B.Sc., was 1 qualified to become the fourth llm-intendent of Ontario Women's titutes. She came from a farm me in Elgin County and was a grad- ‘c of Mocdonald Institute, Guelph n1 Teacher’s College. Columbia Uni- wily. For A short time Miss McDermnnd wl been on the Ontario Women’s Inâ€" lute stafi and was assistant Super‘ ‘undent of the Women’s Institute: Alberta and also on the stefl‘ of the 'cnsion service of Columbia and -rnelI Universities, USA. .\Iise McDermnnti had a keen ons- Hcal mind and devoted her energies raising the standards of home- lliing to the hi heat level” She wa'ed upon homema 'ng as a science. ml the Women's Institutes as a tan: of furthering adult education .111 that would assist women in the Me vocation of homemnkinx. In the brief time tram 1934 to 1939 n] Whig]: 3:6 served ao‘egicieétvtly, the V‘ “Cu ion m 0 B omen l rtstitote was 191$?“ a cooperative ms otter-ins; - definite outline of My In Home Economic! in all its "£13598. and developing the meoibgrs -r the localjmtitmtes b prowdmz M We: Taming gchooln {or 'Fm‘m‘l I'vwfilteito act I! leader: 1th the u‘ndiflhnding tint they .mlg conduct the local anathema!- '. W0!!! “mm a _ mince {ma 11%!!th In human 2' and-Immatsrmmw- lodge. .\IK JOHN I. HODSON. 1897-1899 Mr John I. Hodson n' Ontarlo when (he formetio as given in schedule A. of as the Superintendent of anm-rs' Institutes in n of (he hrst “omen's Institute nus uutlmrilml _ the Act and Rules Governing Forninrs‘ Institutes and automaticall' became the first Superintendent of Women's institutes. mmrgigeaii'h \rs Mr. Hoxlson hnd hccn prominent in Municipal and Agricul- A . I .. mm: on examiner in Agriculture and l.I\‘\‘ Stock nt the Ontario gncu ture College in (.nclph and rhorrnmn of the College linunl. For fourtecn‘yems .\lrr Hudson hflti lwcn 3 must :L‘n-pmhlt‘ lw‘hln'r at Farmers Institute nwetings and was more or (he gruwink’ mtvn‘st shown by rural women in community alTnirs [Ind hnnl nr‘ivn l'VIl‘QSSk‘il (lu' hope that, (he (lay was not for distant when ouch l’nrmcrs' Institute would have n “omens lnstitutu ntfilioml with n. -m.l that young nmnon us well as You": men mnzht rt-N‘ivo specinl truini tr lln‘h’irt‘ llwm for life on the farm at a Provincial School where {nrnn- ' \lnmtim‘rs “nulxl ln~ tuuxht Home Economics. Mr. Hudson only lived to see the «trlflnlrntinn u-f tn'n mun- lnsmntm‘. that of South Ontario at Whitby nml Grey .\‘nrth nr Krmlfli‘. DR. GEORGE C. ('[ii-IEL‘IAX. HEW-Will Professor Georgr» C. Freulmnn \\:\= :Inpulnll‘J tv- mum-l .\lr "IMlMill in 1899 end renmmml Superintcmlrnt of lnslilulvs nnlil it‘N. Whr'n ho n-(irml to assumofiis duties as I‘n‘sidunt n! the Arriculmrnl (‘nllngt- in Guelph ho retained his kr‘r'n interest in tho urnnth of \\'nnn~n's lntlluh-s 'In undressing the \Vonwn's Instituni llulu-ynh-s at [he Thinl .\nlmnl (‘th ventipn in Guelph in 19M the .\lnmlnnnld llhliluiu‘ worse in llmnu Fn'umuuics was Introdurcd. Dr. Cronlnmn. ns l‘rmhlvnt or the L‘nlh‘n, sum, "1 m-lmnn- you here with a full hnnrt. lmmusn I {w} in u w 'uu nro nn' cllilnlrml. "1 have {on pm- :im 1 “ammo-.1 from one Institution (0..-\ ‘J lhnt while we had met with sun‘t‘ss in hrinuing nil-ml ilnprm-ml rmnlttinm nl‘ an'riculture. thorn was n want in tho I'nrm lumu‘ ilan ml: nut lming lunrhml When I was Superintendent of Fnrnnvri‘ lntilliuh'n l folt lht‘rn n-m smur- thing lnckine. The Ilvlcunhw rnnnrtml impnwvmonlq in «lion. in fnrln lwnild. inks. in stock. mnrhinurv nnd inlltlmvu‘nts hut th.r.~ no on.» In li-ll Im- that the farm homo woe ln-ttor \‘t‘nlilnlo nnvl lhn hnnn-s ll rrmunr morn» attractive and convonin‘nt so I llmuuht ' mun: mum horn is- nn «mun-Inuity for you to do something in this lino. l! you Alt! not nnulrrtnkn it you will nut he doinz your Iluty to (ho Stun” " Thus Dr. (‘rt'rllnnn ni<lml in snllimv up the Home Economics runrsn fur t'irls. \IR lilianiE .\. l‘l \' \\l, ISIIIHMI The nnmo rvl' Cenrzn ~\. htlnmn DEA In no «ln-u-ly lull-nun“ 'nln the story of “'unwn's lmtitutn: .lurinu tln- thirh- \‘vuri (rum Hill In I in which he was its Superintrnulont. In his lunv lrrm of “(ll-1' in‘ I|\\' iln- rnxlvlnl develnpment of tho nrl'unizzniiun gran in nnmln-rs Hum .1 1.. ,‘Jlllfl memhers. Mr. T‘utnnm \vns ,1 nnlivn n! Elvin ("ulmlv :unl nfln-r hi- urnulu Minn from Aylmor Hich Rt'hunl tnulv n Inuciru-s n-mlrcr- :nnl lnh-r juinwl tlnv mlnIY nf illv Ontario Amirunurnl ml n- n- rm'v lrnr. :Iml st-rrvlnry u. lln- I'rr-snlu-ltl u! that institution. FTP rt-x nul nt Ihn Pull-“'1‘ for (\\'I-l\'t| vrnru unlil hi4 n,» pointmont ns Sow-rintunhmt or \anr-n'»: Institutn-x nr 'lnlnriu The lnsti'ntv \vn: urilrinnllv n rurnl hnnu-mnkun' urirlmlfliiinrl hut H was not Inna hymn \Hmn-H of vision and mlrmnint-w smr that tin-v hm] n responsihility nml npnnrlnnih' in fli‘lii'inll tn tlu-ir humv .lnliw FIIIIHIIIIHII\r housekeeping :lonmn-lml lhvir numle :unl thny h-u'nn tn ink-I nu uriivn interest in srhnnls, lihrnr‘lws. nr‘t'il-rlml rvnu-tnrh rulirl rlvir lmprnw‘mvul and nthor nrniorts which rr‘quirt‘ thv rumprrnlinn f [In nhnln rummuniiv Tho zrontMt Intilurlv \vns nllnnml tho nfl'lrvrn nn-l mmnlu'ru wilh llm result that mnny nriprinnl itlrnu \u‘rr‘ (lvwlnpml inln fin-- rmnmunily I'n‘t-r prises. Mr. l‘utmun wry \rl-wlv nsml (hr- int‘nrmntinn rmnint' tn hls nfl'lro nu n hnsis fnr twin cansidnrntinn, n» .«an in nrnzrnm nlnnnlnv nntl tun-um: for the lncnl Institutes nml rnnw‘nlinnv qunlifiml in-ilrurlnru "an lnrtttrrrq, thus dnv‘nlnninc thrnunh this mnthml nn nrsznnlnriiun n'hirh prnvlt ll nn opportunitv for lndivirlunl month, inrrvminc hnmn Nikon-v: lnlrmh Inn: co-opemtivt’ methods. Minhllshinu hivh ntnmlnrtl- 'nr NHnmuulh‘ nrl: iinn and providing hotter {urililins (nr r-tlumtinn. nnzusmnnnt nml snrlnl inh'rrnuru» nnrl servire. \IISS MARY .L ('LARKE. 19.194915 Miss Mary A. (‘lnrlu' “A jnim‘d tho stnll’ n- Snnoriutnntlvnt in .lnmmn' 19.19. To this pnsilinn nht‘ hrmloht nn nmmmllv flm‘ pflrlnnnllfy nml mlunlly fini- ncnrlcmir qunlifirutlons. .\llss Clnrkv n-hrm‘ homo wns ln I‘nlmvrslnn. Wellington Countv. ls n zmdnntn in Hon-nhnhl FA-nnomlr- from anuntn Universitv and hard.- nn MA. vlrmno from (‘nlumhln nulwnnvfl wow york Up to the firm 0! her npnnintmt-nt as Suprrintrnvlonr sh» tough! nn lhn ntnfT of Mnr‘rlnnnlrl lnstitutn. Guelph. I Miss Clarke ndmirnhly mlilin tho :lutlny of tho Inmtutm lhrmmh [ho critiral wnr noriod. Throth 01M!- wnr your: whlrh wl‘ro \‘t'nr: "hymn-h testing for Women's ln-tifuton, Ml“ ('Inrkn m-vnr r\'nl\'rrl~ll ln hnlullnv m firmlv in rluty nnd in luv-ping us in rnmomhmnre n! thr- high lrlu-nls nml stnntiards of nnr nmnlmtlnn. As wrll n! gullllm' n.» «mm hr nur n.â€" stitnton, Mis! ('Inrke nhlv nrtml run Pn-Ildont of (hp Qut-on'o Park \Vnr Rnrvlrn Guild, nn omenlurtion of the women mnmhvru nl‘ lhn Civil Sn-rvlrt- Ammrlnilnn at Ontario. . r I In 1945 Miss Clnrkn jnlfli‘ll the Dopnrlmont n! Diurnlwn .mrr us In- spector of Home Economics (or the Province of Onlnrm. Our hut wlnhnn go with her in her work. We Shell Look Forward to Mulan You ml The FIT-TIETH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION O‘A.C. GUELPE ON JUNE l8. 1'!” A flu-noon To: 4 o'clock Pllennl 5.30 lo 7 p.111. Maul” Ind Greednn 1130 mm. NIISS .\l.\li\' \. ('l,.-\Iil\l“. IElIlleil-ifi \IIN‘S ,\\'\ \ l'. l.l‘:\\ lHilfi- \lI-u Alum l‘ Imxi , n.\ , who": I'm-vtor um «I “le ,\lnry A. l'llllkl- n. u- Inlmulvnl in ‘lulv. l'Hu. nHtl HlIn-Iuh ill|4 \'.Iv|l llll' lll‘lll’lN «if nll Ihu v» \-.Ill| “lllllll llll' hH‘l unmi- m I'nlliml 'l'lu- :qurhlvr or n \\’unn-n‘n lnnli~ lulu mvmln'r, Ml: i. l.v\\'in nun horn on n furl" nonr . murer Au n girl who um mllw in Juniur lnnllluln- -, uk. 'I'lw huln nn.| mn-nurmzt-nn-nt u-url\'w| III lhn nnrh inlltwnrml ln-r tu «Univ “an!- E-mummw. l-‘nlluwlng "run-“n...” n...” nu. l'mrt-Mltv or 'rnmnn. Mum 1mm rnmle-Lr‘ll hm- “nun-“t vllt‘lltmn immmhip “t um 'l'arnnln liv-m-rlll Ilnnpllnl, lH'l" [t-nr‘hI-r trnmlnn nt Hu- lmtnrm ('ulh-gq nr l'ftlurnlmn untl hun tukI-n lnml-Hrml- unlv unrk uL l'nlumhin Univmity. Shn- llm luul n nnm-l-wlfltl nnrl Vurlwl v' fI'i'I' n'I IllI-llllun m. Ihl- Wanton hnuntnrimu mul l'nruwnll Gl'nnrld llnnpllnl mul nu n |m|4:l|l'r of Homo i‘:l‘t)’llllllil‘}4 ut Ihu Vocalinnnl Srhool, Ht. 'l'hmnnn, .\lm lA-niu hm» nlnnyn inn] :1 firm sunm- or rnmnnmily responsibility. .\‘lnt-v nnsuminu hnil'l' \linn Lowls lulu vxvnmlml Um prugrnnl in Hume Fr!» nmnirs Nlurnlnm, Mn" unluriv-n hnvn, hcvn itnuruvml and under hrr uulrl- unu- muny now lmlilutoe hnvc hat-n {llrmi‘tL With her Hinton! unvl cnthualutlc interest in Inulltutc work. her know- lL-d 0 "ml npproclntlnn of rural lift: on her klmlly umh-rntnnrling parson- nllty wr: hove hiKh hope {or the fu- ture yrozruu 0! our orznnlzotlon‘ (Contributed by Miss Edith Collins)

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