Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Summer 1946, page 4

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4 SOCIAL WELFARE - CENTRAL WAR CHARITIES FUND F. W- l- 0- Althouuh the war III over, the 6 Work . . .es sulfurinu and hardships of agar mm Summary from January lst. ms to May 315:. 194 3 29520 The memvenfl.‘ of Sta d world must in: alleviatm. cum: in , - . . . n in? ,r‘ plwm of un- fonner war work mmâ€" Greek w" “eh” rum] 885.25 nutbees weretooaften unable 5,‘ .55; Chinese War Relic! Fund 351.03 a clear and concise compilny . mitluc. such post-war uttiviticn are L. _ -‘ . â€" _ _ v ' . nmv listed umII-r social wrelfure alum: E,h§:l;:5:’2.,;‘,r’;gm pm", W 4.30 distinct wanna. use m _ d with community wr-ll'arc, hnslth and SW," & ng Fund {0, "main _ _ 1,032.06 Envevfier I] failed to Pep _ ‘ cllm‘atinn. it lI-I our Minn-re how: that grain}. Mir", WMPHSI A wiler _ 1,117.00 I 0‘18 Home excellent way}; “ after working no faithfully at war Garrimn Lam, VIN”). MM,“ 28.77 If “.12 anienpl' had the inf wnrk we Ilhall turn jun: me much force Two "10w? Mum)“ 6362.90 on time. This. Is one of yhe w I and r-ntllusiunrn into home and mm; 9mg.“ rum“ “W, 7 1,45 .74 of our III-gamma which con! 7 m“"“-" b”"‘""""”‘ Thmuzh mi“ We ()vé‘rllcnn 'l'ohau'n .& Hamper Fund H- -7- ‘ 50-00 be ’9'!”de )1 Each [call I, ~ shall ImIkI- II rv-al CIIntrihutilm Mnartl Kinsman.” “ilk Huh #_ 33527 gave her report at the snnual; V. n lasting [Il‘iultn rum." T11", 'u w" F 6‘ ' and forwsrded a copy Immwl'. I ,’ IIEAL'I‘II ‘ mm“ ' m’“ ' r - 6mm thg district cog-Ivelner. v I... bun-am W.“hittmmnmlnp 6.18.72 1.0.3"; ‘Efinfii‘uniilg%“““ nhnlll. Ilmny m-w llIinIm during Lhr-at: ‘ ' ' t . enu- “IIr I l‘I-nlrillln nml Hull’s llrnlm hnw- I'llllll‘ In In. nl' quite rmnmnn uni: lIy 1mm”, mul ltlulI-Im'h in ('Ilnl‘ler hnvl I'lHl'lIVI'I'I'Il Innr . ntiuli ‘ aim; show ml thnt muru I. llm- limos 5H I my ha "‘1 llit-Il unlrr llu- "w. “r “I... t Ilr m l‘mmlln durlnu \Vnrlll Wnr ll “Um mI-n IInIl mmwn In thv ArnIV. Nnvy uml Air Fnrvv. 'l'hI- ~ luv-III hilllllili hl- hillliiwl IIIIII I-wvry Ixinlnmm xiv-4n .IhI-rv II;“‘\llIiI' In lIIIIirIIVI' our nlnndnrdn nl iI'l IIIhI-r [Illil‘ll'M In luwixl will Ill‘i‘ Ilu- iIIIIIIuIIixIIliuII I»! IIll [ll'l"‘(‘iIUHi t'lllilil‘l'll null HII- Killllllll'I“ uni. III' Vl‘lll'Vl'lli ’ll‘il'nkt', l'lvl‘n if v.0, M unymrnll- Ill‘lllltlll‘l, mIIy Iwiwl In lulu lll' Iwu III' IIIIWI' IILIIdiIIq “'1' may Iln Illll' llil liulllllllr Ihr “lll’ nitnlnul. dim-II-uu Elll'l‘ATll)N IIIII' mull“, "Fur llluluv mul Foul» try” .ill l|i\\ll\lt nlllnll IIIIL Tn lIIIvI- lll'ul‘l‘ lmIIIM, \\I~ III|I‘Il lIlIvI- lIIIIIpv fnmil‘,’ II‘lIIIiIIIInhIII lII l-IIr hilllll'n Ilnd «n-an-rllllnn llI ...Ir III-Inna.“ In II..- l'UIIlIIIlllIiiy Ilnd In mlr vullutrl. 'I'lIIq-l- IIru III. munv wnyu \ I (In IIIulilnlu Illl'llllil'r‘l, or Inn thi- [II-:Iiilllr ImrII, mm m IIIII' IlI- “I‘ll II... «I-hmd lI-lll lInIl llII- whnul lmIIrII. lluu plummm ll I-I “I...” In.- lI-m-lwr run. that llIl- \Vllllll'n"l lIIulIlIIII- ii. I'I‘Hlly In I'ivn- II lll'illlllu hlInll if lhl- nm-Il llr anlw ii In lln mnrl- Illnn nl-I-v‘IIIIr lI|I|I‘ll III n lIlI-rnrv Illl'l'lll hr )Irnvllllnlq ll'llll'lluvrllllillll [ll III-igllllIIIlI-lnl’ -| liniillillhl' In ullvnll nu anIlIuiI'ul I-IIIIII-M 'l'hvrv IIn- m: IIIlIny lillln- lillllif‘l nu I'HII Ilu, ulIII-h Hhh'n' \vI- lIl‘n IIIlKlIIIIII In illtt’i' IIII- I'I'IlIIK I'lhl'l'lllllln lwlII-r I-IllIl-IIII-II IIIIII il'll'4i furl In I... I .m, ll..- mml , ..I.. in nu! HIP lll‘li' II. gm l IIIIIIII: wlurh IlIl~ “II”... ...-..,.I.- lmw-. ltnl‘nl illill‘||l'il“\ Ill'l‘ \'.I‘|l \IIIl'lII \Lurklm' fur. 'l'I'II 'illlll’ lulu-“rim hnw- III-«Ivml \’l‘l’\‘ IIl IIIIIl «IIIIIIIIII lII< lIm-II “lulu- Illlrl In I IIlllll'P \Il- l'IItllll I'lmnm' llInl II'.» II' rIIrIIl II Iplv llllYlll’: illII'IHlI'N In IlI'l III in II iA'l. Ill lllll. rl||'|'|‘i Ilu- II|I|III|IIInil bl IIIIIII-III-II III “In IIIIIIII llii|rlll\" Winnrn'n llI-IHIIILI- IIrIIIu In Inn-Iv I‘llrlu Ur ur I‘ - Im-I- .IIIIII in mum ..In In. llIIIIlI-IIIII :IIlIz i'lulm lll'l‘ nf III'oIIl \llllll‘ null l lhlnh I‘m h I'lll‘lll IIIIIIIIIIII~ Illllllllli "pun-m IIu-m. Nul .me .I» II..- mm II-IIIII JI'I‘lllll‘l In l‘?lil|unltn. l'nnhlm: nIlIl ‘I\lll|’, vtl'. lull Illnu IIIIIII,“ II ll-IIII llll‘i ll'lll‘lil'll \’IIiIlI|l lowu In, III-I I nlnnll l|l|l' hIIIIIIrI -I- I III llI-lIIIIII II'.II' mrln III i'll' - lll‘ll I‘I-I IIIIl lII-lIiIIIl IIIIr llnnlu l'it‘llllllllllllifl. 'l‘hl‘ l'nlf i'lulm IIIIII I'IItIIlII ('IIIlm fur I‘lu‘n nnIl I'irlu KllIlllili Iml lli‘ Illiull-I'lI-II. \VII mum gums...- lhI-uo I.» II. II. "Any IIIIIlII'I llIlII Ilt'l'l(~< In illll‘rl'V iltl (IIIIII'II. IIIIIIII Ill IIIl IllIII-II unfr- zuunl I . mun-nun" "I in mm» ..I~....I.-", (’(IMMI'NI'H‘ wnu‘nlnc .II'I'IVI'I‘n-zs 'l‘hix in mum-thing whlI-lI Ilil‘l‘l'ru in dill‘vrvnl IIIIrlI of [hp l‘rnvlnrol \tht units illll‘ I‘IIlIlllllIllil)‘ IIIiIehI not nIllI llnIIlhI-r. Still, 1 lIrllI-vo, in must Illlrts of tin! l‘r'uviln-I- rIIrIIl [mullll‘ [nutty \vI-ll llllVl‘ tn IIIIIhv their own fun. I'll-Irv nru IIII many wuyn. \I'llivh \\'l‘ lIIl know in WV". Tun oxmnnlrn lll‘t‘ tllI- I‘rIIIntI‘y llIInI'u IIIIII Full Flinn. lloth IIf lhlsnv IzI-tâ€"tuxl-Ihurs hIIlIl n IrIInIinI-nt [ilm‘u ln I-uIIInIunlIy nmllnl. ho Institute corininly hnn n part to lny in these (um-lions. Each "lumber III out helping to keep the what]; turn- ing-thus milking her community a better place In which to live. To kenp us from Izrcm'ing‘ old too my lion-131m War lit-IIm’ Fund 7-! “I'll Urn-II, nntnrin i' iwln or l‘r I‘lrn. Wimtnn i‘hur"hill'~. innll -rs l'TiSII'lCrH of War fur Bunk- lindmv. In England .V _, HnVI- (hr ('llildIâ€"I-n Fun-I illInll vf'll‘filfl‘l Fund HI-rvm- ll'illffl" (nr lirill h .MIN Iihridmnq I‘nr [trin- lltmpltnl for Sirk ('hildn I'unmlinn Frinnlln \l‘.lr Fund UJI (fanndinn I‘nncvr l-‘nnd _ ,, WIIr Vr'tr'rnfl‘ “lmp‘lul . - . ivillll'i‘i fur rifll’llll'nli‘ . - llIInk Em-hnmw, sump“ s- .Ir Ilnml. Inr 3 Tumor” ,, Alno (Tluthiny m-nt II~ IIVI' llll-‘l 'I‘l I'l ISN‘TITITII Sugar l"unll- JIIIluIIry l! mum, I'u uhnnlll inlprnw uur "III-nu. WI- nu ~r know vIInII IIIII-Ill ul- Illa-n In Ilur millet II“ will lIII\-I- I’l\'rll lllll' fnlk IIn nnpnrlunny ln nI-l “I. th.‘ «mum "punk l| pll‘l‘l‘, ..r slnz II 'IIIIIL’ /\ In. .,r pm. um IIIIl-linhml .u Ilw i" lrrlln y nuIvIllt'r «If Ilw l"IIrIIlIr'- .‘lll Ill", 'I'ln-rv mu HI mun», lllllll'. ".IV» In- Inn lfl-Kllillll'n I-IIII ml. r llIlU mm. mumly lifIx This 3» \\.l' Illlll lr' II. IIII II \ 5 [IIIrlllllillr m III. Ililll‘l‘ In our I'lrlllllllll’ll'll'n‘ mum] I'h'il'ill‘lllillll u! u..- Jun .\nm "I lhI- “lv‘Ir-Il \l'mmn'u illilllllll- "illt'h lnt-lllultl \IIlI I|-~I~IIl«- IIII lhl- IIIIIIIrn uf IIIIII n In MI I miuhI In”! mI Ilw mag-"IIIqu II-II unh III; III I'rI-Ium- II In...” ...I I...“ Inur lII-ItllIIlI- illl'l ull'wII-d Ihr I'nllllII'InlII “llli' I'- inrvI» III-n, I'll Itnlllnl In... Inn-4......" \‘Il. lIIIrn lllslnn. lfill l‘rol n- II illl‘ur) or \UHI’ il'l‘l'i \Vllllll‘ll‘n Ill'iiilllll‘. \'.. .»nmmIInIly in rumplrlu “Ilnnm ll» 4'llllrl‘ll «- lI-I un. Im IVIIIUI‘I’ \\h‘li I-nr lll‘flllllllllnlllin Mum] lmhlull IIur l’ll‘ll‘l‘ll. “‘l'lln umru Iu- lml mum.” \vr'll luv". POST W .\ ll .\ ( 'l‘l \’ ITIHS .‘inny ("’1‘ (ho wuu "I uhlrh \Iv "my hrlp Ilnll mush In nuulml, I'nn trllnIl - I)! mum-y. I-lnlhnnn nud t‘VI‘II rotlun mupnm IIru III-I'I-ptuhlv. Eurnponn «Imam. "my I... ...I..,~I.ul IIII-l pnl‘u‘ln IIII'I)‘ he wnt IlIrI-ri tn “mun-um Institutes lll‘l'ml! th-v "In, Ilinr rurllII-I- lnInI-nmllon write [II thv- Wumrn‘n lnrtltutr Brunch). WI- hnw our own returned now mun luIIl Wumnn and many wnr hrillvn to Wl‘ll'ullll'. Ar» we working to milk" nur rom- munith n hnppy whnlnsomn plan- in whirh to II'vo. Am wr makink our lnntltutn mm‘tlnzx no Inn-resting lhnt ovor)‘ \vumnn ln the community rev onlvnn help MM In! lrntlnn und Iron homo n hnpplnr nnl boner informed citllun? This In our rhlllonn. "To k. the co wv mun mnko life worth Mom!“ Contributed by: Mn. R. noun. Connmr. Sui-I Wrflm (Ilu-‘lllvr Ill“ Navy Llruuuc or toms-la, ()nlnrxu lm .ln liritish Chilllrt'll'n Wur Sl‘filil' fur Mum! Hymn:- WIII- Vl‘ltrl'llflfl Alllp'lllllilln Hum», 'rmmln , l'IInnrnnln l'IImr'nI 4'0. "ll'l‘lrl I Mulull KILIIII'N liar. I} "r... A hot u! gifts Ir. ‘Ihlp ’llllii III l'an ,-\I'lllur .VIJIrI ll lil‘l. ' Sin-k l‘lIlIIIrI-n's llna'nlzll “Illillllli' l'vlnd “T v; law-n __ \l.. (7(JN'I‘IHIII'1 IONS lllll'EHEli 'l'llltlil'lill THE WOMEN'S lllt\\(‘ll in 7 “ml lnuIl fl. III lI.l.l u"'|I'l.'Ir_\‘ IIIlllll' llIrHIII'lI IlII~ movllI-III-u of hvr work. III IIIIIIIIinII In ("1' rruulnr reports. I II mlIIIIIIrIIIivo state- Iln Ill III IIlIIIh :-ill' Mill in nu interest- ilhlllutl‘ h:u| the I- In uwmlll-rnhip, the .rmn. l mum-.- of paw-rs nnII nd~ in [ill- UnI» III".\' lnstliutn (Ajax) mil-rusting incl. lu-lnLv IlIIIl I -\ pll- -nt lIlQIlliK‘T'lhln of Hi ill' unu- lll'.’ wny |’III|il‘|l lili'l'l'I vlr-MI II hwll IIILIII". .I .|\ “rm-n VJ. llu- pmll your. almlmn “Ian gin-n II. only a few qwml llr:IIIIII IIIIIl ilusir Fl'flii‘nl .Il' Ilmr [on] I‘m um! I: m lllll‘lllllll‘lk Imp. I. l'llcr SlImlI'II-ld IIIIr River Port Ar'hur For: \VII am Sun Lulu-Md Cnlhmllt-r Ottawa Kinwston Bellovillo rrie London Guelph Toronto Hlmlllnn VIIluI-d “La IIIs‘l‘IIII‘I‘ ANNI'AL MEETINGS I'IIIILiIIue-d from pIIgI- 1 mnkm II. make the llay on IllIII-II «urn-<3. Ilm- gum! IIII 0‘ III II-Iu-k rr-ported Ill-w WIN “\I‘ me-Imn- ..{ I‘m. “cm at life has nlrI-udy been I rock garden. park, 'rlw IrIlIIII lv .1 II. ,\I-l'_\,illlli)' Ia imp is \vurking. “Morin Snulh III I'll: Ilistrirt the I» h N' h -': “as m-nll- I”. “I mum-n Imm 7 IlInlrII-h and H IliIlI-rI-nl lIIslilutvs. \li-u ('nllin~ \'l~ s the East _\\’lIIl-v llItl~Ill|inu {our \I'I-l-ks of (lis- [I‘ll‘l lllllllllll llll‘i'llllufi in Iho Eastern (hummus. In; lm_d II glimpse of the lll'll\‘|[|~" uhII-h Iflil'l‘t‘sil'd Ihv mom- lu'ru ..r IIII- \I'Inm-nk InstSIIItI-x dun‘ny nII-Iu. Hgmpitnlizntinn Units. wrung Iri [3‘ In has illli \I'nrll ntlII-r ‘ VI‘l‘l‘tL'vSlH'I- tl-II- Children IInIl. l‘rIncI-ss Aliu- Fund. Hospital were suggested. with a calm palnt and print legible name: boxes as a beginning. Anyone wishing to awn": ~ deyelop public interest and ' atIorI In some community I' could begin in a small \Iay lr izmg s' study-group and . series of meetings usinI; C'\'l-r able assistance in study angle of the subject helm, to interest those who IlliL’I: different or even antagonisl. Onc district had as thcl. guest Mrs. Strum, M.P.. \\I briefly on "Mothers and I stressin the fact that DOWl'I‘ the mln s and conduct of l‘\- voter, and that our citizcm vitally important in our development that we cannot stop learning. We appreciated the cnpnllll in which the hostess lninIv. vided for our comfort and One thoughtful provision \V.‘ with our approval was to ~ water, soap, wash basins ml towels had been brought In ,I by the entertainment comm" In reviewing the day-h}- perzences while. attending th lugs, and meeting women “I. sent the Canadian rural II. thought that grips is: ‘vl‘ . cerned with living and buildl -1. creating with the things will v worthwhile. The opI-w lIre boundless. To make Ihl» them we must keep ever I» that it is not the future tlml us. but we who shape the Illlh‘ 200.00 nml every- I'nntributinn NEWS FLASHES Radio Station CF08 (0mm I launched. last November, :I m - of programs featuring ml the W.I.'s of Gre County. Tl: was insu rntody with Mi - Doyle of OC Interviewingr trlct president and secretary that time on views of WI :t have been reaching our mend- this station. Chisholm, Parry Sound Nun chased hunk shelves and r ‘ books tor the Institute LibI v Simeon. Norfolk North: Al" to pay (or on artificial ice an Vandorf. York ‘North: Pru' community hall {rig for you“: one night a month. West ODS, Vittoria Vl'esl: to buy linen for the West 0; In Ross Memorial Hospital. | Sprucedllg, .Plrry Sound “ll” Mode its war brides member Women's Institute. CBPI'M‘. Sudh Has plum my equipmenm‘n the school. most such as: s. Orator- un I-vnlent CONVENTIONS 1 947 Hall Dale Hnll " bcr II Hall “fiber 1 ‘ ‘ 5t. Paul‘s Church Sé‘ptembc ‘â€" Clty Hall _ A.» " " umber 1' _ -_» her 1-: Omngo Hull - - y p: be! 3" Chateau LluriEr wen"- Univernity 7» ollegnllo lmfithw- Oddfellowl‘ Temple 7 g s I r-S’flfiéber a-w Joan fiogllkogdon . ., I o o L Uniudr Roy-l You: Hotel Rail! Conn- '

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