Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1942-43, page 4

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HOME AND COUNTRY CONVENTION HIGHLIGHT 5 Convention» are several months not but there are highl' ta of the lint four conventions whit: could not be included in the Fall Home ana Country and about which all memhen will winh to hear. The London convolution placed emâ€" phauia on Agriculture. As the conâ€" vener of Agriculture and Canadian industrien stated. "The Flag Is On The Plough", A resolution wan paused urging support of the Farm Radio I'rii ramme, and varying problems of agriculture and price umtrul wore canaldered from widely divergent pain!!! of view. The convention conclud- oil with a round table conference which won iio nacncsnlul that it has been ri-quoiiteii for another year. and thou prenent have naked that next year mom opportunity ha. given {or dia- runnlon throughout the nunlnnn and that ll longer time he allowed for the coniiirlerntlun of area rcpom. l'onalbly other conventinm would bt‘lll'fil {rum thin auggertinn. The Guelph Area which adopted the theme "All Out For Victory" ungoym the hnnpltniity a! the city of hitrh- uni-r. As aiwnyii their convention had the intimate tone of a family party. At the dinner meeting cmphaais wan placed on (litizeniihip, enpccially on the role of women today and In tho pont-wnr world. Woman worn urged to nrropt the rrnponaihlllty which ll thelrn an Canadian cltiu-na. The con- Vener of war nervictm should be con- gratuliitc-il for her thoughtlul and tlmught-prnvuking report. which war nut Junt a hat 0! war work done. but a challenge tn every "wiler to do the tank for which she hna tlw ahlllty. From the Hamilton convention iew-r nwmlwr look huiim Inspiration {or writer Inntituu- work all a tumult nl Minn I'Zthivi (lhanman'n ndilroiui on “Tim (Thnlli'ngu of the Times". Sho iihuwwi ninmherii how their Inatliulea. functioning umlrr llll' new ntanillng cniiimitun-i, i'mslil mva the prnhIi-rna 0' imlny. Ii mm of her aildrmui may lav nlitalin-il on loan lrom Mr». A. I".. “lll'lll‘l‘. Wlniii-n'n Ilinlitllto Ilranrh. I‘arlinmi'nt Ilulliling-n 'I‘ornnta. The llllllllily and talk it" Imnlllrrnlta hy Mrn. Mnil’nlt. IInniIltnn Y.W.(‘.Ai. was: a Ilnilglilliil lonturv. Committee ro- iiorln Wl'f‘l‘ intimidating and thought- ful. lloro III iilaivwhurn wv heard the [Ill‘ll fur more ruinplntn rupnrts frurn iwi-ry iii-4mm, In wnr work the rl'pflrl iif .Inm fur Ilritnin ilrnnn‘oa npurlal llll‘lllllin. Hnmri .ii:,00n pounds han lll‘l‘li nl from llll' AI'I'II to int-d the linmlii ll rnilinns of Ilrilnin. II ILII I’riiin-aa Alirv liunnurwl the Tun-iii:- u itiun Ir)‘ her pr-viwnrr. lli Iii-r ll 4‘lll‘lill nllilfl‘ll lltr lloyal “ll'lllli'uil mid ihnt. in uililitiim in their inn {llllli‘l‘lll wnr i-llnrl lmlny \\’uim~n'n liiutiiuti-n inuat 1irs~|lnrl‘ nnw "lnr tlw iliivn uf urn-ii! i‘hnngu and ro- Ililliutmi-nt whle .v mm. and Iaiyn null izirlu t'um u . sin- Illlll. “You will liar - in nn youth Into ynul’ iiiiam'iiiii-nw and extend your InallA inim- iqu mun-innit mum-- in give Ult‘ lf‘ilil m iniuliirnlriiig life In the rural uririla". 'I‘Iin Iluii, I'. M. In-wnn nmI Mra. lh-wnu wvriv guests at tlu- Ilinrheon. Tim Mlninlmr usnrmuii apprvrlaunn for tho I'lll‘nlnll i'omporatlun 0f the Innlituiv! with the i‘rpllflment ol Aurivulturiv nml Mrs. l'ewnn brought her flTI‘l'llIlK‘. Aiziiin. iii rm-rontlnn hour was an outulmulin r u at which ruulil well be ii-wl nt ut er rum‘ontionr. (‘nrrlml on at the owning a! one avnniug smlnn ll ri-Irvahuil the moralian who won tin-u ready to distant tho quoallon of "winning and price control, At all four ruiivuiitlnns the nlrla' ll‘tlullill wna nn nutatnnillng part at the programme. Skits and demonstra- tlons varied from a lm)‘. Puppet dance (llluntrniiug The (‘omi Shelf) tn patriotic demonstrations: but all ahnwml sinrero intiirvrt an the pan of the git-In. an appmiation uf funda- mental valuu. Initiative and ability. Women's lnstitutm who aponlol' than girls can Justiilahly take mt pride In their work. WE STILL HAVE JUNIORS We still have Juniors. farm dang?!- ten in farm hanu in rural Ontario, andthiswillbetraesalougaswe have farm homu. Bi t now there are fewer girls in run district. and the girls remaining are in a younger a e mop flan in normal days. roughout the year girls have left {or war industries and othnr'work while aome have joined the military mvlca. Thin means additional war and greater responsibility for those at home. Magnificently these girls are responding to the all for "Hire .ll'l the home and on the farm, while zealously endeavourin to keep up school and club work. Ith their {arm illea they are planning farm and hnme activities, entuhlishing goals or pro- duction and family achievement. working and sharing mponribilitiea. Already girla at home are minim-rim! with the I943 Farm Girll' Brigade of the Ontario Farm Service Forte for work on the home form. Homemaking Clahn Carry On Homemaking Clubs are carrying on and re rts from east. went, north and south ndlrau- all lilnrln a! enthusianm and an nwilrnt ntsmlaril nl club work. Can rationing and transporta- tion prablrmil have mount lntalizing clubl. the emhlinhmrnt a! two or thm clubs where formerly there was om. liennurrolul members are hiking. riding hone hack and aid-ink to moi-t- in . [gutrition club member: are happy to be Ilflt'il up with the Canadian nutri- tion pro ammo to make ” and light on tho ome front". Cereal Shi-ll memborii are all out lnr (‘anada Ap- proved lirt-ad And Flour and whole grain crroaln. Girls in club: atuvly- in bros-inn Up Homo Gmwn Voice. to In or» Inrrrnsing daily tonnump- tlon of vegetables and are succeeding In mahin Iamllv moniker! vegetable hunga'. Illiy Way number-i are got. ling air ind quota of mllli anil IIIiIn IL Alhnrlng to Canada'a ("II- trial ‘md mien Iii becoming more. our huslnosu to nutrition cluha. Through clothing rial». girl! arc gaining oxpcrionre in winning and malian Harmonia Which will look smart and give good unite in war day: at a mInImum cost. Approvin- lng the rim-d to runwrvo mntrriai and minim rlnthing Iant longer through rant and repair. member» are cutting apt‘rlll nail-fartlon lrnm darning and iiats‘hlng, They tonniili-r lnrunnplr- Imus llll'lll and patches highly rum. mendnhle war uving badges. In Iho ('Iub Girl Stand: on Gunnl "lumber! an undmvourlng to stand on guard by adhering tn ilally health lhllilll. promoting family And ram» 't health. uting right food. mak- ihgnhgmu safe. learning aid 1:; emergencia and making wine nan leisure tiara. More and Ilelter Garden Brigadu Food ro-luctiim requirements. the national vnulrition programme urging Canadians "to eat dead to keep fit; transportation limxtations and f and labour shortages reveal the ar- gency {or more and better Garden Brigaiiu in 1943. The l942 record of 204 garden brigades With 1596 gar dent-rs will not be good enough [or 1942:. II {arm families are to be an- sured an adequate supply of health VI'YEL'IIIICS [or family meals. many of U’tnss: vegetables must be grown on tho home form this year. Every Farm Daughter a Gardener "1‘": I! s job for Ontario Juniors.â€" Every Farm Daughter a Gardener. The farm daughter at home or at ichnnl should to encouraged to go into action on the home vegetahie garden. Special assistance in growmg a good iranlen and makin best use 0! pro- ducts will be avaiabie wlgardenera who join county or district garden brigades. 1943 Girls' Garden Brigades The Agricultural Representative Branch and the Women's institute Branch ilfe sponsoring garden bn~ gniios (or {arm girls 12 to 26 years of age inclusive. Gardeners who are members of brigades will be given an opportunity to purchase 20 varieties n! vegetable needs and 10 (lower seeds through the Agricultural Representa- iive's nllire. They will be expected to plan. plant and cart- for a garden at:- i-nrding to recommended pmcticen. to propan- vcgrtablcs for family meals. tn rim tomatncs and to store vegeâ€" table: for winter uae. Leadership will be given to garilenerr throughout the owing MIMI)" by the Agricul- tura Representative and the Home Esnnnmim (‘onch in garden culture. Vugvmblc cookery. running and stor- age. Then- will be First Your Garden Brigade]! for new members and Seeond Yi-nr {illl'llt'n Brigades for members of I'J« linrtlen nriizmlcs. Further information may be ob- tiiinml from the Alfricullurhl Repre- iirnintivu or the Home Economics ('mu-h. Menitwrrhip will be limited for each rnunty and district, and rcgiuirntmn will clone February 10th. Appiiratinn {or membership should be mmh- immodilllelj.‘ in the Agricultural Ilepl‘t‘fl‘nlnlnl' or Home Eronnmics (oath. ti'untrihuieul by F. r. Eadie. w.i. Ilrnni-h.) K FINANCIAL STATEMENT OCT. 1. iQdi-oâ€"SEPT. 30. 1942 Federated Women's Institutes anrrs llalann, October 1, Ii)!l...JM.(l95.tlfi l'mlorailon {m I: nxrhann. 3,410.80 Sale of Hand Hunlin _-___ 40.213 Sale of Song Shula _ __. REL“; Salo of lllmtoi-s' l‘iiui _ _ 18.00 Sllt' nf Mamben' Pins __ H 40.50 Sale of l-‘.W.I.C. Pin: ._ 313.00 Refund. upon-n A C.\\'.W. Confrmnro .__ ._ I160 Refund. I'rvsiilnnt's Trnu-i- ling Allownnro 24.01 llanli lniomt 5.66 Total MINAâ€"85.71833 Barnum-runa- Allucatlon F‘.W.l.C. .___8 500.00 Adoration A.(‘.\\‘.W. â€" 50.00 Grant. to Conventions __ 395.00 Board Director-r Martingaâ€" 70m Fodnrntlon Rspraaentatlm lo Convantlonl 333M Praldaat'a Expat.- toCon- vantlona 213.30 IInariI I'IMIDPS to District Annuals ‘___.. 248.88 I'rvsiilcnt‘w Travelling Allow- nnru R. 50.00 Representatives to other or ganizatiann _ 9.75 Secretary's honorarium and honda 312.00 Printing “Home & Country" 817.60 l‘utnam Memorial Fund __ 10.8‘ lllllm supplies. stationary. punlagi' La _ ~ 101.29 Provincial mnvenera' postp ago _ I_ .â€" .___. 12.03 Mllflhl‘rnlllps and nuhscrip- ‘twns â€"_.. _.‘_ ll 28 I‘hnsâ€"Womt-n'a Inntituto 73.00 hillâ€"M. v. l‘owell 15.66 nun-mm an KIL‘DOlIIv-fi ia'en ( helium payable _% 13-00 Auditor ._.._ __ 10-00 Total Expundilnn 4,972.03 Balance. Sept. 80. “ML 1,140.90 55,718.83 Certified correct, 1. C. PRIOR. Auditgf_ for th. ones. It inviting ti: o in. fort when they are huztgor is wherefiJoyi}:‘hahars-dn;nd in W: W m are mull v mpemd and land, where i are wanted when the simpicu good enovig’h for kings becni. earned. are many Is not portant an Icindn'naa. Th “"1” “Ending... a... we . ‘ op to pay tribute to no. Mar; our Superian to M Leathardale. Provincial st tree-liter. ande Miu M. v. The memory at the mlallw cisl anvili1 penanal'.‘ which! it ii i...“ my pr'l emoy. W) as! inn as life will; ‘ To the women who have Cu and the Provincial Board of Diri pay tribute flag, and chm-go n. .. "never be weary in well dun A wonderful organiaatlon "I- :u leadership which you are : ii. give. Provincial Convener: too h i m of their but. have handled i i re- portn with t patience. and i wan hoped for that day whicl ml; comes. when all areas re rr ‘ in good time. Will you [learn up: my Thank You. To the stat? of the Womui.‘ l tute Branch of the Departmw ricultare I express my aim for the eta-operation given i..- To all the Women's Instiiw ‘vm hers known and nnlmown. l '- “Stnnd at attention, and ' "if salute". Itisi i'i-m NEWS FLASHES FROM lHE INSTITUTES Gndnlllll. Pmll Co.â€"ls pr v; ZWHP Ilium. E with an Instru‘ Ji- lowing timalor this at every i' H : Jubilee. Frontenac Colâ€"H. . (lei-taken a food pro eat in cm 1 with locker storags. h mom rm stored one or two kinds of Wu v‘ii ‘ or fruit folio the moth lined in the 04.6. Bulletin mi i Frozen Fruits and Vegetablr.» Burner. Manitoulin l-.â€"Ai Iectureâ€"demonIh-Itinn In Acciilv nation and Pint Aid member took the following projects,» aid box in any J. home. inf on “How sale Is my home?’ review of thaeliaa at a “gulit‘ ing later. Waahsslisna. Sham Ginâ€"“V boxes in our WJ. Hall are vi this year “All” much to tlzv Imam Oneâ€"0m - any in . a! f .: Guida- 7 arm ‘ A"; “mg...- Wis...

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