Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1942-43, page 2

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HOME AND COUNTRY HOME AND COUNTRY l‘iillhlled quurIi-rly I.) Tli in. 4| “titlinxls iuiuiuii) ii Inn in and rh. \iiuiwii~ iumi-m- immi- Iiip...i.i..vm ui _\'_'i'irii|tun, i nu Loiruitili. H\|\llTTl-Ir .\ll*\. l' iiuliiul, ltlt. . llellflillm .\li-» .‘liilj‘ .\ (‘hir rumiow \li‘ltltlis or I'lili\l>ll\li Boom. l‘il Huuumm lamina. .\i Tor i; run I'llr in. l'nwldrii' \Ii- rim-mu iiuiuue it It :, Billmilli: l’ rI’Irxit/r‘nht n ii ii , ii ii. i, IIullIir, l'iirl. r l'uflnnll ter rim: .\|r~ ii .\ii. .\, .\li‘\ ii I' Ilinr/iii‘x uh on Ezrt'iillrr null i, iiirlloiii. r, lupin- ttriiinr, my .uiliiiiui Fun .\l.irL~ si. .iiiiimimiii llirvrlaiu i ii i»‘imiiui Iii .‘li iliilii ii “win I i lili 1, i~iinulon n. on litdliilr‘lli‘ to -r, It ii i, 'I'Ilbury. , II s. itil. ,il \ln i,. ii I'Iiillilliiil, iiil, MI- lidi: \in i'l » lli iiuwond: Up ,I .iuiiii ., lilt '.‘.l \Ir\ '1' l‘. linusnil, ltlt illl Ste. Marie. \|r~< i, thiniw.) eiiiirimn, iiit u‘ui \\'.i_...i. iliirwii-k .Nrrii [uri/ 'I'rtlwiirr‘r ' ni- \\ r. i,i,r.ni.»,ii..i.. l'iilrlwliI-‘l’ (-1] m i'urmiuiniiiiiw ‘iliitillii lir iulll "liil\ iiiiil 1‘1lli.\"l'l‘s\'" \\ni « lll‘liflllb- Ilniiieli pumimwiii nl I‘Lfilli‘illillrti ivioliiumiu lldildingw', Toronto 'I'Iiir piper I\ i lll i-il lllrlHlL’lI [Iii-4 NGCH," lum- oi \i'mi l liisiillili‘u in ii... \iumnuu |il~|iliiti> illuiillmin ‘I'h EDITORIAL COMMENT .\ lil‘ll \Il PARLIAMENT \ illl‘ i'i-i'l:ill\ that [lie hk’al‘l. iii our} \\'uiiieii's Institute member in Ill} London roiivenlion urea filled with pride when she rend the eilitiiriul in the London I l' l’i'es‘s in which thr tumor, i'el'eriin', ii. the topics ii on (I at the i'niiVeiitiiui, slated: “l) on chins sueh us limp, and the gen» rrul pui'tieiplltiuii in them, made the ln'titiiti- eivilieiitinn ii parliament (:1 NJ '1] women”. lliitli iii‘ziise, thisl And Institutes will have to plain well and nork sle lfilslly to justify it. 'i‘iu-i mu . wily \‘itiil hut-sumo \\'lIIl‘il i’iilli’i‘l'll Institute members. that iii. problem will not llt‘. “What can we d , lull. “Whit-h, of the nlnny eiri, rt, l'\ rv Institute, )1 own i-Ilnue Lil llltihl'. 'l‘li.lt ehoite \vi l depend upon the iiui-iis or your parti» ('uliii' (‘IIIIII)I|IIlll\'. The Institute wliii'li (humus wiwa .\ ilw III‘iE which . L'~ eeedsl lending tlle lit-ports of Meetings Whirl] hau- real-lied the llepfll‘tnient recently ire il‘l’lt'll three comments which slmw us (hilt these Institutes were vlirinsiiig \v ely and workini.r etlectively. (tile te l “As a new seereta 'v. hal'i i had only two years of villi re life. and having been an artive city woliiilii, I think this Insti- tute is ii credit to tiny group of women anywhere. I am proud to be actively interested". Another wrote, “Never before hure we luid such a good at- tendunre, nor us many members". Another said. “The programmes brought the inenibers closer togetheix I could ilol. help notiring the feeling of fellowship that existed. Each person seemed anxious to he of servire". Could these tributes be pnid to your Institute? It will take rourzlire to face the year 1943, but Institutes have never kicked courage when convinced of the great- ness of their cnus . They will not lack courage now. They 'ill go on with unceasing determination and strong resolution to really justify their repu- tation as ii “prirliiiment of rural wo- men". n ., Winter, 194243 PROVINCIAL BOARD HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING lin, iizitil. :liiw . L Murriscy. Ch is. s. and rmvililrs .i. I'IItlersnn, sin. slim-r -, Mrs. r, w. Vi lil i “'7 iii-ii \‘lllt- il'ri M _ A (‘lcirl l-‘ ilsn-r. Blythi chum, llHiIlilliJllli- r. :u i do mam; summit-mind lnil .‘lrs. Clarence I-lnln - ul' ’iellerille \‘ clerted president of the Ontario Women's Institutes ilt the annual liii-i-liiiu of the Prnviiil'iul Board held In Toronto, in NiH't-inlJi-h She 'ur- reeds Mrs. Ernest A. liiih . [’ui't furl- ini, who for three yt-ilrs guided the Institutes thi'DuKli u ilill llll \\';il‘ pei'iiid. Mrs. lliike p In rourtt 'ded at :ill nun \, \‘Iiilh lliet- Mr iriilly i'el'eri d to sorrow \\‘lI|l'll lizid mm.- Ill Illi‘ family or llll' Hon. it u. Gardiner, Federal Minister of Airrir vulture, ill the loss of his . ll l‘iloi (lllii-er John Edwin Gui-diner. lulled ill :irlioii ' iiJiilp; liieppiu A letter Ill mnllnlenee was sent to the Hun. rind Mrs G' diner, President's Address Mi . Itulie expre ed the honour \vliieli liiid been [i in servingV the Women's Institutes dur li_r her three year term of presidenry. She ex- rim-s. itive ol 'ers rind member. for .‘iilly and til-operation (it all She hoped that the \\'.l lii'lr iniille would not be curtailed iil ny y and :sureil niembi of her run» tinned support and best \\I'l - lii her mid» of her uetivlti s Mrs. iliilu- reported thiit it Ii.ul required well over one hundred iliiys from home There had been niiiuy iii\itu~ which she had been ininllle tn vi and in all e s ri'eetings iiiiil regrets for absence h. d liven sent. As pmuh-ui :ind conven l' of the Ventral l-‘und (\\'ar Charities] i‘onniliitee some 21-? personul letters had been written. as well as eirculzir letters tended appreciation to the dire l‘il' Superintendent‘s Report Miss Mary A. Clarke. silpei'inteiu‘i- eilt, brought greetings from the lie. pilrtinent ilnd addressed the Hoiird ilieiiibers. She stated that she was en- enui'iiized about the work of the “"0- men's, Institutes in (Jiltnrio as eviA dent-ed at eunventioils and ill reports. The superintendent called upon the directors to support the Home Econ- (iuii ‘ programme. The need for stim- uln mi; interest among younger wo~ men \vus pointed out as reports some- times showed too high a proportion of older women at meetings. This yenr nutrition work is beiui: curl-led on in seventy-five districts The Women‘s Institutes have pion» cored in nutii ion in Ontario, and are continuing this activity, taking their purt in the Canadian nutrition cam- paign. To meet the problems facing homemakers today, a new study on household budgeting is being planned. lion, Ali-s ll Slimmeis, .\i;lrk< Si. ‘Illll <, honours” I1. 7. I, Fillitlilll, Furl \Vllllflill: i\i i:,n. i. Biril~ Marie .I'leid. 11.1}. I,Isliiii.:|nii;h1r. i, Ministor iil' [\i. lillurr. Mr il‘fis‘ IIisIllIth, .\ir< \\' The Superintendent favoured the organization \ ‘hlllL’ toward the es- tablishment oi 'iill‘rll educational op- purtuultv for ull cliildren'X She re- (‘onimeii ed that Institutes continue activity in this field. .I unior Acth ties A letter from lili Florence Pl L die, llireetor of Girls’ \Vor , \‘l'.I. Brant-b, lleiizll'tment of Agriculture, on Ilehalf of herself and the Home Eronmilir: i'nnehes. conveyed apprecir allul) for the interest of the senior Women's Institutes in the Junior Pro» {4 amine. She explained that C.GlItT. and Girl Guide Groups may carry on the I’Ililllt‘lllflklllg Club Programme providing a lender from the organiza- tion zittt'ilds the (ruining- school. Nerrel airy-Treasurer's Report Mrs, W. II. Leatherdale reported that during the fede dlloll year more ihan 1,201) i'illl iluniczitions were writ- ten by the r. reiury, 9,375 “El. song sliL‘i‘ts’, 1m liulid bunks and 90 \\’.1. pins lizid been distributed. The, finzi :il 'fltt'llIL‘l‘lt showed a balance of 1.7-1 I, but expenditure: lor the _\'L r llilll rxreeded receipts he run {SPL‘ page 4). Accord- lllL’ to ft'ilei'dtlllll fees received there was a falling all of some 2,2300 meni- bers during the Ilsk'ill year. This was attributed to the movement of young.v women and illzliiy rural families to larger eeiili‘i-s to take their plaee in war 1ndu ‘ Tile SC It iry was instructed to write to \\ ullziiid County Women's In- stitutes thunkim.r them for their gen- erous voluntary remittance of 13) Cents per iileinbcr. rather than the usual 10 rent federation fee, to help swell the treasury. Standing Committees The tentative Outline of Functions of Stundiiu.r Committees was pre» sented to the Provincial Board by the superintendent niid was endorsed, This is now available to Institute, dis« triet. area and pr ‘incinl conveners of standingr committees of the W0- men's Institute. There was lively discussion foll ~ mg the Publicity report and it agreed that generally speaking Insti- tutes could spend more for publicity and that this should he considered in relation to the total budget. Refer» Innate was made to Mrs. Price's pub~ ici y sugf'estions ' “ News" as u“ guide. m Fademted In connection with the Hi ‘ Research committee there was5 3,361: n. \Yicks, (-niinuriz; Mrs. R, (2. Butler, Fort Curiiw ii, I, His, 7‘. n. L‘mvan. n.n. 3, Gnlt; Mrs. L, w, Chunuiui, l r H Findlay, Arnr‘rior: Mrs. 4:. Hoinm. l . 13. Duke. Part Carling (Hon, Pres B. Luatlli-rdale, Goldwater (Secretary»1‘rez iii-ii . play of The Tweedsmuir Villd tories of Clute, Timmins uni Falls Institutes in the Cochrii l‘l». triet, Stroud in Simcoe (our one from the District of Wrsi iitii. umberland. \‘Var Work Mrs, L. W. Chulland repel lllL‘ large amount of war work ill ind money raised for war charitll 'hr combined efforts of the mem ml the Women’s Institutes in tin ince. From figures reported, mom for war work last year totalli $576.83, knitted articles 1'3. i - titles of sewing 104,300. Anioi its of money, designations were Ii ii in the FWTLO. Central Fund, .1. For Britain, Sugar Fund, Canudin ltnl Cross, The Navy League, Briii ‘»\ :ir Victims’ Funds, Russian Iil'lli ililk for Britain, gifts for enlisted ll no other funds. Stamps, certificates and bull .i-ru bought by practically all Inslii Central Fund, F.W.I.U. Mrs. Duke, as Convener of ii ill- t--l Fund, reported the yen liar tics, Receipts from January til October 3lst, totalled $5,081d‘l Hid, \,_. with amount brought forward, 03. After meeting expendlth in date a balance of $1,675,011 \ ll” hand. Through the Central Fund, ,‘~' in sex County \Vomen’s Institulw ll, contributed $1,072.46 for ii m We kitchen. Directors from the i Mi Area were asked to take till wishes of the Provincial Bw W Middlesex Women’s Institutes {oi iii»- cess in reaching their objectin The Sugar Fund Statement it hurt- ed by the superintendent slin\\'r rc- his: mipts of $2,163.66 from 298 ('Olil l illu- tions. Seventy tons of jam and i iiiu'i' had been shipped out of Torunw i it,\ras hoped to meet the objefli 300,000 pounds. Pr vincial down from the fruit-growing areas , it» ed themselves in favour of sum the Jam project continued next YCDT- d Mrst Clarence Holmes was vl'j!“ convener of the Central Fund lune mittee succeeding Mrs. E. A UHF?- Voting directors. include Mrs l \“ Cliallund, Mrs. _E.‘Patterson, Mr - Summers and Mrs. J. Reid. 3 - Mary A. Clarke is honorary “"1"” without voting power.. Mrs. “~ ' Leatherdale was X‘sâ€"appointed SrLTC‘ p0\\'BI- Id.

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