Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1941-42, page 3

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-Delegate, F.W.I.C. biennial. ANNUAL MEETING (Continued from page 2,_col. 4). directors will be provuled with 2i copy ,0 pun-y information to each district aniilliihs unanimously agreed to ac- ruln the new setup at btanding Com- mittees as adoptEd by _F-W.I.C. \vith lllL‘ addition of Historical Research. Mrs. E. Duke and _Mrs. W. B. Icathcrdale were appointed the twp directors of Ontario Woinens Insti- (“it‘s to the F.W.I.C. for the 194142 [adoration year. Reports Presented \ira. James Gordon, convener of the winding committee on Education, I 1 representative to the Adult Edu. ion Section, O.E.A., presented her .lxts. The “Larger unit; of admin- .rllation” had been studied through» ml' the province. Women's Institute gildlps throughout Ontario had list- ii... ll to form radio progi'ami-iinies : lvlllSOl‘ed by Canadian Federation of l l'iClâ€"lliflll‘e, the Association for Adult Indication and the (1.3.0. llrs. R. S. Sheppard was present in give her report on Peace Educ-m ll ll and International Relationships. ill HUI) study had been effectively used. \li-s. F. W. Hicks gaire her report .l the Institutes' representative to ll Ontario Temperance Federation. iii-s. D. Z. Gibson presented the L‘l resolutions subiiiittel from Con- \‘ llion Areas. These are reported l where. ‘ ‘ ill expression of appreciation was l lei-ed to the conveners for the lea'lâ€" ll nip given to the study and working 1. cramnie of the Women’s Institutes ll l the contribution which they had i ‘c in furthering the interests of . organization. The members es- . lolly thanked those who had per- ..illy presented their reports. Tribute to Miss M. V. Powell llie Provincial directors, on behalf Elle Institute members throughout l inn-lo, recorded an expression of ill-cciation for the inspiration and u-tical help Miss Powell had given do a member of the stalf of the livieii's Institute Branch. They hal .ln- in the services which she had ltlEl'ed the Federation as secretary- l HSLll‘eI', and in her latest achieve- lit. “Forty Years Agrowing”, the \l hook to tell of the origin aml lvl'tll of the Ontario Women’s In- ’ute. In recognition of her ser- x., and with best wishes for many low years of well-corned retireâ€" ut, the Board named a committee send a tangible expression of ap- lciation. A cream-coloured thermos a tray with two glasses and a copy lindy Tweedsmuir's book "Canada" Receipts lance October 1, 1940....$2,517.93 illeration fees & exchange 3,670.32 do of Hand Book . 4500 do of Song Sheet .. 24.78 do of life members ip pin 58.05 dc of director’s pin . . . . . . 22.50 lie of Dom. Federation pin 42.75 ‘ .lnk interest and refund on i~heques 6.14 Total receipts. . . $6,387. Expenditures lllncation F.W.I.C. .. rlllocation. A.C.W.W. . wants to conventions . hoard meetings i u ll‘edei-iition represen a was t conventions .... . . . . . . . .. 274.12 “Wipers attending. conven» (ions . . . . . . 242.60 [main] members attending district annuals . . . . . . . . . 385.32 I'EIEiZate. A.C.W.W. confer- _ once. Ottawa . . . . . . . . . . 78.00 HOME A1\D ‘OUNTRY en were chosen. Mrs. Duke reminded members that Institutes throughout Qnturio can best show their apprecia~ tion pf Miss Powell's services by pur- chasing copies of her book. Business Transacted By_thc kindness of the Superintend- cnt,.it was agreed to leave the fur- thering of the Pen Friend Scheme and administering of the Putnam Fund in the care of the Department. The services of Miss Powell in this connection in the past were gratefully acknowledged. ‘ The Federation agreed to continue its policy of cooperating with the Department in publishing “Home and Country". The annual allocation of $12.00 to the F‘.W.I.C. Treasurer for the up- keep of the Peace Garden was with held in view of the fact that, owing to delay in planting operations, this fund had not been drawn upon by International Peace Garden Incorpor- ated. Affiliation was maintained with the Associated Country Women of the World. Empire ties were furthered by meeting the request of the West Aus- tralian Countrywomen’s Association to furnish a photograph of Mrs. Hoodless to place in their head oil-ice at Perth. The request had been for \varded by the kindness of the A.C.W.W. ofiice in London, England. New Business The method of election of the proâ€" ' v'incial president was considered thoughtfully. The only changes made to the rulings in the Hand Book are: amendment to the Board ruling, Nov~ ember 1938, "that once a provincial director has served on the Board she may not return even though she change her place of abode and might purpose to come up in another subâ€" division”, by adding “either for a one or two year term“ after “has served on the Board." It was emphasized that it should be made clear to all federated representatives that, when they meet at conventions to elect Board dii'ctors, they may make nominâ€" ations for provincial president to be presented at the Board meeting by the elected director. In closing, the directors expresscl their appreciation of the happv ex- perience of having had the p liege, and honour to sit on the Provincial Board. Mrs. Duke graciously ac- knowledged the tribute and thanked the members for their keen attention and wholehearted support in the tie liberations which had created long and strenuous sessions. (Contributed by Mrs. W. 13. Leather- dale, Secretary, F.W.I.O.). l NANCIAL STATEMENT OCT. 1, 1940---SEPT. 30, 1941 Federated Women’s Institutes A.C.W.W. conference hospi- tality 41.83 President's ance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57.51 S tar ’ honorarium and align] . . . . . . .. . . i . . . . . . 312.00 Supplies for Secretary . . 71.14 Conveners’ postage . 6.18 Representative to oi;er or» ganizations . . . . . . r . . . . . . 8.00 Printing“I-lome and Country" 824.72 Memberships and subscrip» tions . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 Peace Garden upkeep . 12.00 Pinsâ€"Life menibershipa‘Do» ' ‘ Federation, irec- E‘Sii‘”? .............. 116.40 Express on relief parces (Putnam Fund: . . . . . . . . 31.34 d e: ues ay- milling: an e 1 p . 33.54 Auditor . 10.00 To! 1 Expenditure ..$4291.57 Bali] Sept. no, 1941... 21095.95 $6,387.52 Certified correct, _ J. C. PRIOR, Auditor. RESOLUTIONS CARRIED The following resolutions were car- ried at the meeting of the Provincial Board and action has been taken. Board directors will willingly explain action taken on any resolution from their respective areas. Ottawa Area: I. That the W. I. inquire into the matter of state medicine. (Referred to the Provincial convener of social welfare and recommended to the In- stitutes for study). That the Hydro Electric Coni- ioii be petitioned for cheaper rates for rural communities and that two subscribers to the mile be re- duced to one. (Tabled {or duration of war). liingston Area: 3. That we petition the Ontario Government to have the rate of hydro levelled for rural and urban residents. llelleville Area: 4. That we petition the Dominion and Provincial Governments to con- sider immediately the restriction and ultimate suppression of all traffic in intoxicating beverages for the dura- tion of the war and for such a period thereafter as is deemed wise. 5. That we recommend that the De- partment of Education include in the curriculum the fundamental basic truths of religious instruction which are common to all religious crccds. Central Ontario Area: 6. That we urge every WI an.l every member to consider the matter of intelligent and interested citizenr ship to be of prime importance; That we urge our llominioii and Provincial Boards to promote a nationwide and aggressive campaign to pledge all members to vote, to take an active interest in municipal and educational alluirs and to organize every com- munity to such activity. if possible. (Referred to Provincial convener of citizenship.) 7. That we respectfully petition the Minister of Health for Ontario that the system of municipal medical ser- vices and its possibilities be studied by his Deparlment. 8. That we support any cll'nrt which the Federation of Agriculture is attempting to bring about a greater equality between form prices, the prices of other commodities and the general cost of living. Hamilton Area: 9. That we encourage a more libr oral use of lard by individual meniâ€" bers of the organization and home makers generally; that this matter he brought to the attenlian of the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture and the Dominion Dept. of Agriculture so that an educational campaign will be con- ducted through tlie radio, press and other facilities to focus attention on the value of lnril as a shortening and the need for its use as a matter of national economy. 10. Re the larger area of admin lrution and township school boartâ€" 'I‘liat \ve strongly recommend that on educational pr gramme be sponsored by the Provincial Board to acquaint Institutes with the advantages avail- able through this plan and that In- stitutes urge the adoption of this plan for a better educational organi- zation in rural areas wherever DOS~ sible. (Referred to Mis. Jaiiics Gur- don.) 11. That the following suggestions be seriously considered as necessary changes or additions to the Naturali- zation Act: (a) That the applicant for Natur~ alization shall be required to read. write and speak the English (or French) language in a manner ade- quate to fit the needs of the day. (b) That applicants shall be l‘e‘ nuired to have at least an eleiiientni'y knowledge of the history of Canada and of the British Commonwealth of Nations in order that he may have an appreciation of British traditions and of his responsibility in maintain- ing these traditions. (c) That the necessary textbooks be made available for applicants that they may have such information Mr tainable in a concise fashion. (d) That regularly appointed times be set for hearing of applications after the preliminary representations have been made by the applicants to the Secretary of State for naturaliza- tion. (e) That regularly appointed and specilic times be set each year {or the granting of citizenship. (f) That the granting of citizen- ship shall be done with ceremony and dignity as will befit the privileges and rights which citizenship in this Doni- inion hestowes upon its citizens. (1:) That the youth of Canada who enjoy the birthright of citizenship in the British Commonwealth of Nations shall upon attainment of majority be included _in the ceremony of granting (itizcnship each year. London Area: 12. Similar to No. 4. 13. That we respectfully urge upon the Government the advisability of making further concessions for free transportation for men IJI‘l home leave. Guelph Area: 14. That we go on record as op- posed to the establishment of wet canteens in camps in which our young men are being given four months of training. Bruce Area: 15. That we protest any further legislation licensing special excur- sion trains or any commercial enter- tainment on Sunday throughout this Province or Dominion. 16. That we respectfully urge the Provincial Government to enact at the in t seSsion legislation enabling iiiunK' politics to employ a doctor to provide inspection and mcdiral care for all persons resident in the muni- cipality and to raise the cost of such sEl‘Vlccs through taxation. Huntsville Area: 17. Similar to No. 4. 181Thut‘girls be allowed member- ship in Junior Farmers’ organizations in Ontario. Alizoma and St. .los. Area: 19. lle. municipal doctorâ€"Similar to No. 16. lienorzi Area: 20. Re women's beverage roomsâ€" Thnt \ve petition the Guvei'nliieut to have these places closed. :21. In support of the Health League of Caiiada~That the Dominion Gov- ernment with the (‘u-operatiou of the Provincial Governments, organized medicine and such agencies as are interested in public health measures. embark on a nation wide programme of public education on those matters which do vitally affect our present war defence programme and our future post-war strength as li great people. The resolutions re the Co-opei’ative Programme were referred to the Superintendent of Women's Institutes. CONTROL OF CANCER The Canadian Society for the Con trol of Cancer is anxious for the sup- port of the Women’s Institutes in the fight against this disease. The Society will supply medical or lay speakers to address meetings free of charge, rovided there are 25 or more in at- endance. In addition, the Society has free literature for distribution. For fur- ther information write to Mrs. I. Jaqucs, 100 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ontario.

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