Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Summer 1941, page 3

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Summer, 1941 ’â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" HOME Ai\D COUNTRY EAST MEETS WEST (Continued from page 1, col. 3) “‘ggkly Star", we knew we,'had a dunniie piece of work to do in war time as well as in peace time. Miss Weldon, Superintendent of New Brunswick Institutes, Miss Mary A. Clarkel Superintendent of Ontario \tUlilen‘S Institutes, Miss Margaret MacDonald, Superintendent of Prince Edward Island Women’s Institutes, and Miss Helen Macuougall, Director ni‘ Home Economics in Nova Scotia, idl brought to both the F.W.I.C, biennial and the New Brunswick Con- vention valuable assistance and direc. Linn. We are interested in Miss Mac- .inuizall‘s outline of the “Garden y ” as carried out on Nova Miss Clarke outlined Unt- iirio's Jam Making of last year and [he plans for this year‘s QIIOFL As inch Institute learns from her neigh- l-ur Institute, so do provinces learn .nie from the other. Social Functions Much time and thought had been LIVL’I'I by the Provincial authorities -.. our entertainment. A delightful roil down the St. John River, on in- mal reception with the ladies of ‘. B. Institutes acting as hostesses, reception at the home of His l' "our the Lieutenant-Governor and In. Clarke, and many other courtâ€" ». es made our visit one we will long . member. Mrs. Dunham and Mrs. Price were iesented with life membership pins -, recognition of their contributions i the F.W.I.C. Mrs. McGregor was won a rug, a product of the New i‘iunswick Loomcrofters. Mrs. Scott lienholm brought to the meeting a inmper of apples, the gift from Nova w ntia Experimental Station at Kent- > .Ile. Throughout the sessions lllrs, Watt ire of her wealth of knowledge and .-.perience. She brought us greet- ."JS from the A.C.W.W. telling of a nib-Committee on International Re- niistruction which has already met Miil that,among the problems dis- used, one was “Feeding the Post- ‘zir World". The ofl'ice \llW.W. still functions from Lon- ili'fl, England, and great admiration ius expressed for those who are so nurageously carrying on. 1941-1943 Ofiicers The ofiicers for the ensuing; term are .. follows: l‘ntronessâ€"Mrs. Alfred Watt, ll‘I.A.. M.B.E. President â€" Mrs. Havelock, N.B. lirst Vice-Presidentâ€"Mrs. Cameron Ilow, Port Daniels, Que. L'L’Oml Vice-Presidentâ€"Mrs. Ernest A. Duke, Port Carling, Ont. Harley Dunham. .lr-cordlnz Secretaryâ€"Mrs. Scott Trenholm, Grand I’l‘e. N.S. treasurerâ€"Mrs. L. B. Mellish, Montague, PEI. -\dditional members of the Execu- ' . W. Leardâ€"Bcdeque. PEI. H. Prescottâ€"Edie Verte. NJ}. 'I‘ownsendâ€"Birtle. Man. ' . P. Collierâ€"Bracken, Sask. . W. Thompsonâ€"Coaldale, Alta. B. F. Gummowâ€"Peachlnnd, National Conveners: I Itizenshipâ€"Mrs. Milton Wade, Glen- bush. Sask. ' Agriculture and Canadian Industriesâ€" Mrs. W. B. Leatherdale, Cold- wster. Ont. . I To those who attended the Biennial hr the first time it gave a realization of the magnitude of the Women’s Institute organization and a feeling "i Pride that we were members of «ii-h a powerful bodv; and induced a determination to hold still higher the s‘andards which we have raised. To those who have attended several Hie“"315. it was a meeting of friends as well, Mrs. Dunhnm in her address as in- romin'! President asked co-uperation and help from the provincial units. "nil as Ontario‘s President I pledged the support of our province. It is to you, the Ontario Women's Institute members. that I look for this support. (Contributed by Mrs. E. Duke). of the ' YOUR JAM IS NEEDED That Qntnriu Jam is Iving I‘L'II Iii-l hr small English war victim this |i|(‘tui‘e from lunulzind wf rhihiiin cnj . shown by Joni from anfol Cuiiiily. lnL FEDERATED WOMEN’S INSIITUIES 0F ONTARIO EXECUTIVE MEEIING 1941 The Executive of the Provincial Board of the I“.\\'.I.I'>. cniirrncil |IUI" mg tci' Wat-h All int-mom cep!ii_ Mrs. J. i 'I‘hoiiipsnn \present. Weirliliie :irtiviJc' for n \mrkiniz pr Illlll' \\L'l'l' ciwervl in IL‘II‘Jlily ill u :iuns. Conseriziliiiii Programme Attention “as KIVL‘II to conservation of foods. SuIViiL’I: cuiiipiiigns, II , it: Canadian. Iiuyin: li‘i h and makâ€" iiii.r the best use of home products. The use of more InriI a homo- ui‘oun product. in pi'eIeI‘eliru to im» ported oils or vegetable pl‘mlut‘ls, was sire. ed. .liim Project It was agreed that the Women's Institutes c iy on n JHIII Miikini: pl‘ogi‘umllll‘ attain this ir, It wiis recommended that n >ll}.'i|l‘ and fruit l'und he established in which Insti- tutes in localities Whi'l'i‘ fruit is lint in abundance may contribute . igvcslcd Activities The IoIhi nu we 1' suggested for Institute activity: â€" (1) Quilt mid Blunki : II. was sug- gested that Institutes collect old used wuollens to he made into Iiliinlteis. (2) Skirt and Sweiiter for adult. (3) Afghan miide of 8 inch square blocks, wmil. Central Fund The Executive ratified the recom- mendation of the Central Fund Cinn- inittce that $10.00 be for 'arde'l from the Control Fund to the ti'i'asui'cr (if the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada to help make up the $50.00 SIIOI'iIIL’l‘ in their gift of 3" :0006 tn the Department of National llefcncc. Pcndini: the approval of the other members of the Board. it was ii'n'ni-d thnt the Central Fund Committee be iiuthorizeil to supply ten Survivor’s Bundles to the IIuvy League oi Cun- min and increase the number as the reed arises. Finch bundle is valued at $25.00. (Note: This has been (lone). Victory Loan 1941 Mr. A. H. Gilninur, u representa- tive of the National Wnr Loan Comâ€" mittee. nddrosscrl the meeting. He was assured that Institute mem- ters throughout Ontario would be encouraged at district nnnunls to purchase Government Bonds and thin. these bonds would be recommended as an investment for any special funds on hand in Institute or district. Service on Ontario Farms _ The support of the Women's Instiâ€" tutes was urved in the proposed plan of the Ontario Government. through the Departments of Labour. Al!“- culture and Education, to meet the shortage of farm labour. Correspondence Re letter from Mrs. H. McGregor. Zlnil suggestions I'i'L-sidunl F.\\'.I.O lliul rllilliini: end comforts to Lvlt'ut liritiiin hi'nr an Institute liihel. It \i'u SilL'L’rsli'd iiizii Inca] Women’s lnsiiiuu-s mm have their own lubvl but the Fed :itiim Should not some responsi- Iiili iii supplying same. FVi'L-rpls “L rend [ruin -i\m| l)_\' Miss Florence l'. iruin the Old Liind (’XIH‘I m: up» pruriatiun for the gin ni‘ n'l‘lIS tn members of [he \7iiiiniiul l-‘wlcriitiun of Women's Ilisilluu‘s in I'Ingliiiid. Siniiding L'iimmitiuos Outlines of [\l‘iIKl‘ulilnll' sugizo' inns prepared by the various l'lill\'L‘lll'i'.\' nr sliinllini: ('oiniiiitlees, 0 wpliiiu’ thiil nr Legislation, were pin-Mimi and adopted. Mrs. .Ii|nlus w. iizlit, (‘h nick, Ilii'ectur for Suhilivi ’on No. 11», nus iippointeil Convener uf Imuisln- lion until the end of the Board your. succeeding M‘s. \l’. 1". Simpson whose I'i-siiznutliin no. iii'i'opIi-(I liliiI I'L'rnl'iiod \ 'ui ri-L'ri-t. The l' grouping of standing |‘um- iniitL-L-s wus iliscu . A rumiiiilli-i- of Mrs. Iiukix, i\l illi‘Iiim'L-II, .\I .' ('l.rku Iiflll Mrs. In-nihi-rdnlv. with power to iiild to their number. wiis named to brim: in reminiinvndiiilnns ii: the annual iiievllniz. Arlinn Re Resnlulilins A new i‘uliiiiz L‘nlllil i-il wi ' that [ho I'l‘flVIIlt‘Iill Convent-r of I iiliiliuns shqulI svnil In viii-h (“'03 vmwoni-r id resolutions il report on Llw iwiiim taken on the i'osnlulioiis .wui up from the urea, utini: II suns fur action when the r olution is lust, and Im- infnrniiitinn a copy .«hoiild In- si-nt to each area Sk’t'l't'tlll‘y. Reports I’rcxcnlod .\Ii' .Innios Gordon. the Iiistiiiiti-s' representative tn the Adult ICdiivii- lion Section, O.E.A., presented her report and spoke of rompliiiivnix in the Women's Institutes for the work thui they are doinizI which had Ill‘t'l'l expressed at the [turn] Trustees nnil lintepaycrs' section. Mrs. F. W. Hicks presented her ro- iinri. of the Ontario Temperance Federation Election of President Miss Clarke presented the report of the committee named to bring in recommendations re method of clock- ing Provincial President. F.W.I.0. The report revised bv the Exocutivc is to be given to each Board member. in advance of the annual Bonrd moi-v iniz. for discussion at the annual meeting. Treasurer's Report This showed that with all accounts paid to March 3lst, bunk balances at the bezinnimz of the financial year amounting to $2,517.93 had been re- duced to $494.21. Ir'l li'i's I‘llll | iv SEEDS ARRIVE SAFELY The following letter, dated May 28, Ill-ll, and received by Mrs. W. I5. Leutherdnle from Miss Edith Walker, Assistant Secretnr Notional Feder- :Itiun of Womon' Ins itutes of Engâ€" hind iind wings, speak. for it If. “'I‘li'-o shipiiimils of seeds i'om you 'c ed siii'cly in port and are being: di ltlliL'lL A sziiiiplu poi-Rot h ' Iii-on sent to this oilirv and “it wrio iill \'\-i'_\' ox- i-itud at opt-Hing it mid Iimling pnckuis of pun, hon“. union and uni-â€" iut svcds with the lllllill: of your 1'ch ion on them. wiiii ri-uiird 1.. pm ll|i||lil' ilmut ruminuiniz to srml ’ M'iiils inr in-xt _\’ ii'. \u‘ ill‘l‘ l'lll‘lihllll." Iii-rL-uilh ii ll. n the sci-d \\'l‘ IUIIIII ri-ri murh like to rm-uivu in mi; I’iiliirr rink siizniiicnls. \\'c I‘ll\'|‘ nmrch-d \\ilh n riuss IllIVSL‘ \\Illl'll no Ill‘i'lI innsl. il N possible no .~l “III III\'\' tlii-sv . i‘ds in . \‘i- during the months uf Iii-i'L-Iiilii-i' lull ll|II -Ii\l||l‘ n nnd Fold-nary ..i’ I .. that. \\l (i ll tit-l II‘K'III dislrihuli-il Il' mirly sprinu Sim int. \\'i- or very gi-niiri‘ul in you :ill for Mr hind lhuuuhls and i...~ ~uni- pr: l‘lll l\|'I|L \\'i- urrr lii-i . e working 1mm i'ni- \liliil‘)’ .n‘ \\hii‘Ii “r I||'l' roiiiidi-iit. ;\i “w Illililil'III we “11' i:i'viitl\' i-hi-i-rt-d Iiy [hr sinking o lluI IiiSlil '! \\i-. in this nllii - urn .nn-timimiy plunsvd iinn llii' Ailnnin- should lie that muvli ili'ill'lll' I'iii' IIIK' L'i‘ ni‘ your n-rr nonunion gifis .t'i‘lI " Mi» .si-i-ds' in i'i'nl. \\'n|ki>|‘ I|.\l.~ IIK'.\IIIII)I(', l‘iiii. I‘iiiilillimiii'. .'\llli'l‘li‘l|ll I'i-:i lip. i 'I‘iiiiiiiili. IiHIHI ni' Sui-i-t i‘nrn, ] irgu liisl I‘ni' rhivki-ii l'i-ivd). [hr following: uni“... 1.. k, II:ii'Ii‘iiL Miniluwoi- The [II'L'flIlIt'lli [HIIIIIWI Illli illl! 4|II\'I<iIIS III'I'II of n siilisliiiiliiil IIIIIIIIII‘K‘ in Illllllli'l' llii- KII'L’IIIIIMIIIIIII iln-miizli (he [isriil }'|'I|I' iiiiiil im'vipls :ii‘ii lniilt in. in- lhi- ruiiiiltzini'i- .' rid Iiuii i'i-i's which III'I' Llii- i'hiid‘ siiiii'i-i- inf Iiivuiiii- of “w I’i-iIi-i-nliuii. Iiirri‘iiir'u l’iu AL‘IIIIL' iipuii III" I'l‘l|lll‘,\l iii“ :i pr... \" ‘IIiI l‘KIIlVi'III'I' III In“ Liaiiili-d Ihi- |II‘I\'Ill'|:I‘ id' \\'l'I| 'iii.r lhi- ()id rin piii uilh liiii' \\'Ill(’ll is now or 'IiiIiIi- iii. no .mh in Imlli nrln'i- and pant irlm-s of 1m I‘i'u\ini‘i:i| Illi.‘l|‘4i. ii nun-oil lhiil (his IIIIIIUIII’ should lie for ilii'cciiii'a iiiili'. Dvpnrlmrnliil I'rngrniiinu- I‘IIH‘i Miii'y A. i'liii'hi» slimmed Iliiit . itutrs sliniilil In- iii-mi in inn-l. in. niinnunnni .n-nnmnnnn. si mi tliir Iiir-Iiiiih‘u In I'm-l l' l‘lli'UlI :inmsili r i‘ni- III>II'II'I |Il p-i-ln, iiiid iiii-inhi'r lo >iI‘I\'l' fur III.|I‘IIiIIIII|'\' llI. sinnnni \' Iliiy lil 'Illl‘ sinnnnny irny llii ting. \vi-i i-\' | and II v t puinind nm ilini lhii war-h nr H..- Im iI IA‘INII‘I' 'l'riiiiiiiii; Srliiml \\" * I'lII i'uiiiplvtv iiiili] lhi- Siliiiniiiry Ilny hud III'UII III'III. Legiulnlivr I.ihriiry I'rIYIII'flL'n Mr. (E. I". “0):” , limpiin Minist of I'llIul'llIIU", in I IIIIIM: iii Hm 1‘ dual imi-Iu by [hi- \\‘iiiiii-ii'.~ Imd mil-s nr mum-m. LEI'HIIII'II [H‘rllilshlltll to iiii-niIiL-i's In In in ImnIiH from [In- Lori illiw Iillll'll , nf llw l‘iirli:iiiii-iil Buildings iind I|I'~'l| (mm (in- I.i i i-y of “14‘ I‘ulii' IiIllI'llI'll‘H III 'II, This IITIVIII‘LU’ “l ' extended with tho UIIII('I':~U|I|IIIII[{ lliiit int-mlii-rs of Women's Ii liIuIi-s will iilis- 'i- rni'vi‘iilly «iii-Ii i'i-iruliiiinns iis IIll'l‘l' iiri- i'oizxirrlim: (Iiv l'nl iiinl pi'riinpt return (if threw hunks, New IIIINII‘I'HH It \\'JI.‘4 IIflTI'WI IIHII. Ihi- \\’umi-n's Institutes Ilfll‘th'lllfll': ugiiin this your in lhc ifnniiilinn Niitiuniil I'Whihitinn priiizruinmc, Women‘s liiv' iim. Mrs. IIIIIIfl'. Mimi ('Iiii'ki Mrs. Rum-or and Mrs. Leiilhordulo wi-i'i- "IIIIIL’lI to lie the minmitl In cloning, Mrs. Iluke extended best wishes in the directors in their Vifllls to the district annuals of their respective subdivisions. (Contributed by Mrs. W. B. Leothcrdale. Secretory, F.W.I.O.)

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