Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), July 1933, page 3

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her, 1932. "Introductory ,n on’Nutrition." Any offi- , .who has not a copy of Les- ' Leaflets No. 1 and. No. 2, ,. 'get' the same by writing to suffice. We wish to have urance that the underlying w ciples of Nutrition as out- ed in the leaflets referred to e been. thoroughly studied by - members in general before I send out Lesson No. 3. I t us all realize that the men‘s Institutes of the Pro ce can. do much to ensure the per development of the ris- ; generation and maintain the . ciency and health of the ownâ€"ups by proViding well- anced meals suited to the dif- I out ages and occupations and 's can be done throu h the lization, almost whol y, of inc-grown products. All mem~ 5 cannot give the necessary I dy to this subject, but there e a few in each branch who , we are sure, be induced to H an earnest effort along '5 line and pass the more im- rtant features on to the mem- rs in general. There is not e at the regular monthly eetin s to adequately deal th utrition, but could the TWE‘hfittdrm‘themSEIves in oups and hold occasional oup meetings for the consider- 'on of important features? Then there is the health liter- ure which should be utilized greater extent. Every mother th young children and all ex- ctant mothers in the commun- v (including those who are not mbers) should have a copy of .' Baby Book in their posses- n. These can be secured by iting to the Department of alth, Parliament Buildings. ronto. Review again the lit- ature available as outlined on ge two of the first number of . and C." Garment Making Clubs It has ‘been Eratifyin to learn om the spea ers at t e recent miner Series of Meetings that number of leaders are plan- ng to organize Garment Mak- g IClubs. Any person who is 1e to make her own house Iresses and do plain sewing is its capable of conducting a arment Making Club. It reâ€" ires that the leader devote ome little time to the work, and ome branches have planned to eimburse the leader for the me spent. From seventy-five ents to one dollar and a half er lesson has been given, but sually the service is voluntary. ‘ is preferable to devote some the funds to this purpose ather than to other organiza- ons and undertakings. Booklet nd full particulars will be fur- ished to those interested. Demonstration Lecture Courses There is possibly no service f the Department of Agricul- ure which is more appreciated han the Demonstrationdecture ourses. both the Three»Days urses and the Two~Weeks ‘urses. When it is possible for Iris and women to gain most aluable information in Food alue and Cookery, Home Nurs- i g and First Aid, and Sewing 1! attending these courses and lacing themselves in a position 0 secure literature and continue eir study, it is unfortunate hat larger numbers do not take dvantage of the classes which an be had for the asking, the cal class bearing any expenses or hell, supplies, etc. Write for articulars. ounirywomen in Council “Countrywomen in Council," y ‘Janat Courtney, reviews the ctiyities of rural women’s or- anizations throughout the HOME and COUNTRY HE September number of "H. and C.” will contain sum- marized reports of the Standing Committees through- . out the Province and the Chairman of Standingfiom» mitteefo'r‘each Convention Area will not be expected to report on activ1ties outlined in “H. and C.," but will devote the time at her disposal at the Convention to outlining methods of carrying on which have been proven effective, leading in discussion, or answering questions. The matter of prepar» ing_and presenting reports at the Conventions will be taken up in detail with the Convention Committees and the Chair- men of the various Standii'ig Committees. . In order that the Provincial Ch'airmen of Standing Com- mittees may be able to prepare their reports not later than early September. the district secretary, or the Chairman for the district should send reports as presented at the District Annual to the Convention Area Chairmen at once if this has not already been attended to. Then each Convention Area Chairman of Standing Committee should compile and send to the Provincial Chairman for her line of work the report for her area. The officers for the various Convention Areas are given herewith: v BARRIE CONVENTION CONVENTION AREA â€" Simcoe Centre, East, South, West Place and Date of Conveniion â€" Barrie, Oct. I2 and I3. I933 Convention Chairmanâ€"Mrs. Albert Walker, Goldwater. Secretaryâ€"Mrs.â€"Fâ€". “C Brown, Goldwatei. Chairmen of Standing Committees : ..Mrs. R. M. Black, Elmvale. . . .Mrs. F. Spearing, Beeton. Education .. Health Agriculture and Canadian Industries . . . Mrs. M. R. Faris, Bradford. Home Economics . . . . . Mrs. A. Wice, AIlandaIe. Immigration and Legislation . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Gover, Goldwater. Community Activities and Relief . . . . . . . . .Miss Lila Culham, Edenvale. Historical Research . . .Mrs. Robert Boyes, Lefi-oy. KINCARDINE CONVENTION CONVENTION AREA â€" Bruce, East and West Huron. North Perth, North Wellington Place and Date of Convention â€" Kincardine, Oci. I7 . and IB, I933 Convention Chairmanâ€"Mrs. J. R. McKay, Kincardine. SecretarykMrs. Allen McLeod. Kincardine. Chairmen of Standing Committees .Mrs. Robert Davidson, Dungannon. rs. W. B. Moore, Lion's Head. Education Health Agricultu . rs. W. J. Turner, R.R. No. 3, Clifiord. Home Economi rs. Sidney Smith, Shallow Lake. Immigration . . iss Elizabeth Alton, R.R. No. 2, Lucknow. Legislation .Mrs. D. Wardlaw, Ethel. Community Actiwties .Mrs. Malcolm McBeth, Milverton. Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. R. T. Phillips, Goderich. Historical Research . .Mrs. Geo. B. Armstrong, Formosa. Canadian Industries .Mrs. 0. L. Paisley, Clinton. Publicity . . . . . . . . . . . .Miss Lily Dempsey, 108 Erie St, Stratford. KINGSTON CONVENTION I CONVENTION AREA â€" Addinlyion, Amher‘si' Island, Brockville, Froiiienac, Leéds, Lenn’ox Place and Date of Convention â€" Kingston, Oct. I? and 20, W33 Cu'ivcmior. Chairmanâ€"Mia. Fwd Hamid. R.R. No. 1. Bath. Secretaryâ€"Mrs. G. W. McNaughton, Sydenham. Chairmen of Standing Committees .Mrs. J. F. McGuire, Westport. .Mrs. E. A. Wright. Odessa. i. ,._ Miss Willanna Clark, Odessa. ' .Mrs.w. W. Redden. Tamworth. Immigration . .Mrs. A. E. Huffman. Moscow. Legislation .. .Mrs. C. A. Corp. Harrowsmith. Community Actiinties .Mrs. C. W. Amey, Yorker. Relief . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. Earl Bolton. Portland. Historical Research . .Mrs. C. F. Yates. Athens._ Canadian Industries . .Mrs. J. M. Percival, Addison. Publicity . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. William Clark. Godfrey. stressing the excellent making the money order payable Education . Health . . . . Agriculture . Home Economics . world mANNUAL CONVENTIONS results attending the efforts of the women in England and Scot- land. Full recognition is given to Ontario, the pioneer in this modern effort of women. The following significant statement as to the accomplish- ments of the Women‘s Insti- tutes: “A success so rapid and so striking that it has surpassed anything before done by women in any part of the world or in any age of history,” is effec- tively supported in the story so excellently presented by Mrs. Courtney. _ A special price of eighty cents (We) per copy has been quoted to the members of the Womenfs Institutes who address their orders to the Institutes Branch, to the Oxford University Press. If ordered in lots of twenty-five or more, the price will be sev- enty»five cents (75¢) per copy. "Fixing Up the House" By F. Lionel deN. Scott. deals with background. walls, floors, woodwork, arrangement, color and color schemes. furniture. upholstery. curtains and draper< ies, different rooms, taking care of possessions, etc. This book may be secured by remitting to the Institutes Branch, making money order payable to the 0x- ford University Press. The price is eighty cents (801:) per copy, or seventy-five cents (76¢) per copv when ordered in lots Parliament Buildings, Toronto, of twenty-five or more. OTTAWA CONVENTION CONVENTION A’REA _ Bundas, Gl‘enlgarry, sior'moni. CSrIeton, Lanarli, Renfrew, Grenville, Russ‘ell Place and Daie of Convention â€"- Ottawa. Oci. 24-25-26, I933 Convention Chairmanâ€"Mrs. Calvin Blair. Billing’s Bridge. Secretaryâ€"Jill‘s. G. R. Bradley. 152 Third Ave. Ottawa. Chairmen of Standing Committees , . . . . . . . Mrs. R. 1. Davidson. Iroquois. \Iiss L. L. Alfleck, Lanark. . y, Vlrs. J. D. Robertson, Burnstownr y, mu, . . . . U _ W 4 . ASH. Robertson, Masville. 421, .6. . W. J. Craig, Osgoode. Community Act . H. H. Cole, Almonte. Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. D. Grant, Moose Creek. Historical Research ...Mrs. Hayes Boyd, Carleton Place. Canadian Industries ...Mrs. Wm. Lacey. Prescott. Publicity . F. Tanner, Vars. LONDON CONVENTION CONVENTION AREA â€" Elgin, Essex, South Huron, Kent, Lambion, Middlesex, Oxiord, S. Perih, Waterloo Place and Date of Convention â€" London, Ocl‘. 3|, Nov. | and 2, I933 Convention Chairmanâ€"Mrs. Bolton Fitzgerald, Thoi‘ndale. Secretaryâ€"Mrs. Norman Anderson, Wilton Grove, No. 2. Ch rinen of Standing Committees Education Health . . Agriculture . Home Economics Immigration .. Legislation . . . Education Mrs. Arthur Rundle, R.R. NO. 3. Exeter. 7 Health . . Mrs. C. R. May. R.R. No. 8. London. Agricultur . Mrs. J. C. Macmillan, West Lorne. Home Economics Mrs. Peyton Ranney, Mount Elgin. Immigration . W. T. Meade, Blenheim. Legislation . . M. Simpson, Ridgetown, R.R. No. 1. Community Aetwities .Mrs. W. J. Anderson, St. Mary‘s. Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ ~ A. George, Dorchater. Historical Research . Mrs. P. McArthur, R.R. No. 4, Appin. Canadian Industries . . .Mrs. Gus Campbell, Mount BrydeS. HAMILTON CONVENTION CONVENTION AREA â€" Brant, Haldlmand, Lincoln, Norfolk, Welland, Weniworih Place and Date of Conventionâ€"Hamilton, Nov. 7, B and 9, I933 Convention Chairmanâ€"Mrs. Adam Inch, Fennel Ave, Hamilton. SecretaryiMrs. J. A. MacLennan. Dundas. i Chairmen of Standing Cummiltms . . ..Mrs. L. Wilson, Box 103, Scotland. . Mrs. Education . Health . . . Arthur Adams, Courtland. Agriculture . Mrs. Gordon Cornell, R.R. No. 1, Troy. . Home Economics Mrs. John E. 'Hchk, No. 1, Chippewa. Immigration Mrs. A. Disher, No. 1, Burford. Legislation . .Mrs. Harrison Arrell, Caledonia. Community Actiwties .Mrs. Win. Paxton, No. 2, St. Catharines. Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. W. A. Waltz, 88 Dundas St., Brantford Historical Research . . .Mrs. J. M. Mussoxi, Niaglirnâ€"on-tlie-Lake. Canadian Industries ...Mrs. C. A. AldL‘l‘SUn, No. 4, Hamilton. Publicity . .Mrs. D. C. Parkinson, R.R. No. 3, Jarvis. Junior Activities . . .Miss A. Johnston, Vincmount. BELLEVILLE CONVENTION CONVENTION AREA _ Haéiings. NorihumbeLi-Iand, Prince Edward Place and Date of Convention â€" Belleville. Nov. 9th and IOih. I933 Convention C'haii‘mun~Mrs. W. R. Munro, R.R. No. 3, LIernui-cstville. Secretiii-yiiilrs. M, B. \Veose, Redncrsi'ille. rnicn of Standing Committcvs ..Mi's. J. Sager, R. R. No. «l, Stirling. : Mrs. F. J. Nichol. Eldorailo. Mrs. J. A. Devincy, Veinonville. Mrs E. Denyes, Latta. Mrs. F. .I. hchl‘tllln‘, Cobourg. Vliss Mulholland, Grafton. . rs. J. Black, Wurkwortli. Mrs. I. C. Moon, Madoc. Mrs. Howard Clarke. Cunipbellford. Mrs C. A. Bleeckcr. Marmara. M' s E. Ketcheson, R.R. Ni ‘7 Belleville. . . . . . Miss E. Post, Brighton, R.R. No. TORONTO CONVENTION CONVENTION AREA â€" Durham, Haliburl'on, Peierboro, Victoria, Ontario, York, Dufferin, Grey, Halion, Peel, Wellington Place and Daie of Convention â€" Toronto. Nov. 2l-22-Z3, [9333 Convention Chairmanâ€"Mrs. Harvey Harris, Port Credit. Secretaryâ€"Mrs. A. W. Milligan, Burlington Beach, Stop 12. Chairmen of Standing Committees .Mrs. J. M. Abbott, Erin. Dr. Margaret Patterson, Toronto. Mrs. J. M. McClure, Brampton. Mrs. W. A. Scott, 26 Pottinger St., Lindsay. Education . . . Health . . . . Agriculture . Home Economic lmmigrati'on Legislation . Community A Canadian Industries Publicity . . . Girls' Work .. Education Health . . . Agriculture Home EconomiL. Legislation . . . . . . . . . Mrs. W. R. Lang, 55 Woodlawn Ave. W., Toronto. Immigration . . . . . . . . . Mrs. H. J. Charles, Aurora. Community Activities . Mrs.3J. K. Bailey. 40 Nurwnod Rd, Toronto. 1 . Historical Research ...Miss E. Appelbe, Georgetown. Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. Geo. Atkins, Bronte. Canadian Industries ..Mrs. W. R. steeper, Mount Albert.

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