Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), May 1933, page 4

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stocktaking (By Mrs. Alfred Watt) The Stockholm Conference in June will end our first three years of trial and there we shall renew our position, take stock of our assets, consider a constitution and plan our activities, including how we, llS countrywomen, can help to lift the depregion that hangs over the world‘s country- side. I believe the reason for our success ' we have found exactly the way countrywomen and honieinakers in all countries can work happily together. I believe that we have evolved a new conâ€" ception in international relation- ship. How is this so? In my own opinion on important reason is that we have embodied in a larger way the principles which have madc countrywomen‘s and home- nuikcrs' societies so universally commcndable and important in many countries. These are eli- tirc independence of each con- stituent and local bod," perfect equalin til each society within the larger body; equality of priv- ilege and equality of responsibil» and the realization of the es.ential part played by mutual understanding. help and friendli- ness. Thc next factor is that we are able tn keep in constant touch with our Societies. by means of \‘II'L‘Uldl'lZlng the full (‘nminittee minute: to all Committth incm- bei-. “tether in South Africa or Nni’u v. sending out brouil» inst lax c numbers of the month- h- leufit‘t, “Links of FriendSliip,” and allowing twith very great advantage) the attendance of pro\ics and frequent visitors to the t‘oininitlee meetings. I would next like to einphinize what st‘t‘lll: to me to be almost ,vynnte. namely. that our \, llelllflD‘ at first unconsci- has been not to build up a central organization, but to strciigthcn in every \\ ay open to us the (it-\clopment of filth ot‘ our Societies in its own country. I Inn}; forward to the tlnw when the strllnger will be incrca ngly am.- to nun the weakei sters in practical as Well as sympa- thetic friendship. I "met reckon, to... among our great nth-amaze; the contribu- tions and active help of our indi- vidual subscribers. who. i: is like- ly. will soon he giving us in tin- nual >ub>criptions as largc ti sum in the Sucictie‘ and thtr Founda- tion Friends. whose money and goodwill have enabled u- in .tnrt tin Endowment Fund. .A~i, but not at all least, there i~ the actiie part taken by the Committee members in London. I am convinced that no other t‘oinniittee tax-er gave up an much time to Committee work between nlt>el|nfls\ralsing fund~. doing office woi serving on Subvl'om- IIIllIt‘tN, tr lling about speak- lnfl on our workiin innumerable w the Committee incinbers h. t undoubtedly given L’rt‘al Servlt'c, To Oflicers of Women’s Institutes, Dear Madam: Your Provincial Board has great pleasure in extending greetings to the Women’s Insti- tutes and congratulating them upon the record of achievement as evidenced in the splendid re ports presented at the conven- tions held last fall, and the en‘ couraging reports which have come to hand si We are particularly appre utive of the splendid servicc rendered by the individual branches in looking after the needy in the immedi» ate community, and in addition many branches responded to up» peals from other centres, espe- cially the north country, to which 140 have forwarded b23195. containing clothing, beddlflfl',' lnyettes. etc. Many letters of appreciation have been received, giving Assurance that the seriu, ice has been well worth while The goods distributed could no be given n money valuation equivalent to the alleviation of suffering or want. The members of the board have been instructed to attend district annual meetings in their respective suhdiv .ions where this is pns'ililc and each will have a message of real value to present and some problems of vital interest to the Institutes as a whole will he submitted. That the Brunt-hes may know who is re]' renting them on the Provin Board we are giving herewith Ii list of ofi‘icers and directors: 0FFI('ERS FOR 1932-33 Honorary Picsidents â€" Mrs. Geo. A. Putnam, Superintendent of Women's Institutes, Toronto; Mrs. A. E. Walker, Bartonville. Presidentihirs. R. B. Collo- ton, Lorne I’: Vice»Pres tlcnt â€"Mi's. H. M. Dierlam, Ripley Mrs. . D. Mc- Dougall, Muxv lc: Miss E. P. Gibson. Bar River. Executive 7 President, Vice Presidents, Miss Nettie Keddy, R. R. No. l, llcnmll; Mia. Fred. Hamin. R. R. No. 2, Bath; Mrs. E. Secorrl. R. R. No. 2, St. Cath» arines: ll I. Graves, Scar- Mrs. Wm. Ray“ mond, New L skeard. Corresponding Secretary. Treasurer ind Recording Secre~ tarvâ€"Miss M. V. Powell, Whitby. / DIRECTORS / Subdivision No. 1. Mrs. A, D. IcDougall, Muxville~Dundas, Stormunt, Grenville, Glengarry. Subtliiisioti No. 2. Mrs. J. K. Kelly, Alinonteâ€"(‘ai-leton, Lan- zirk. chfrew, Ru ' Subdivision No . Hamm. R. R. . 2, Bertha Addingtnn, Lennnx, Brockville, Leeds, Frontenac. International Committee Most of our member- are aware that an Intern: tonal Committee known as the Liaison Committee of Rural Homemakâ€" er=' organizations. with head- quarters at 2R Ecclestnn Street, London. S.W.]. England, has been a strong factor in creating a splendid spirit of international goodwill through the country» women's organizations in some 28 countries with 38 nationally organized rural women's a‘rl ant-c. We have pleasure in p senniii: a message from M “’att. as taken from the "Lin 5 of Friendship," a leaflet which issue/l once a month and sent to the leaders in the work throughout many lands. / Haggarty, Jr., Cherry Va 1e) , Subdi sion No. -1. Mrs. \ . C Hastings, Prince Edward, Nor- thumberland. Subdivision No. 5. Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Orontiiburham, Hali- burton. Peterborough, Victoria. Subdivision No. 6. Mrs. I. Graves, Scarboro Junctionâ€"Om tario, York. Subdivision Nu. 7â€"Mrs. W Lentherdnle, f‘oldwaterâ€" coe. Subdivision No. 8. Mrs. Thomas Frizzell, Bognurâ€"Duf. ferin, Grey. Subdivision No. SJ. Mrs. J. A. Farleton, 166 \Vilton Rd., GuelphfiHalton, Peel, Welling- ton, Subdii sion No. 10. Mrs. E. Setnrd. R. R. No. 2, St. Cath- B. im- arines~Lincoln, Welland, Went- HOME and COUNTRY THE FEDERATED WOMEN'S INSTITUIES OF ONTARIO ' ‘i i S bdivision No.11. Mrs. T. B. Lmne P‘iiL'ygi‘tfim" Mclllim, Lynedochâ€"Haldimund, Brant, Norfolk. Subdivision No. 12. Mrs. W. H. Patterson, 46 Glen Mor« ris St.. Gaitâ€"Waterloo, Oxford, Middlesex East. Perth South. Subdivision No. 13. Mrs. John Fleming, R. R. No. 5, Cliatham #Elgin, Essex, Kent. I Subdivision No. 1-1. Miss Net- tie Keddy, R. R. No. 1. Hensall # Huron South, Lumbton, Middlcsex North and West. Subdivision No. 15. Mrs. . M. Dierlam, Ripleyâ€"Bruce, uron East and West. Subdivision No. 16. Mrs. F. Rice â€" Muskoka, Nipissing, Parry Sound. l Subdivision No. 17. Mrs. Win. Raymond, New Liskeardâ€"Tem- lskziming, Cochrane. _ ’ Subdivision No. 18. Miss E. P. Gibs ii, Bar Riverâ€"VAlgoma, Man oulin, St. Joseph Island. Subdiusion No. 19. Mrs. Wm. Grattcin, Port Arthurâ€"Thunder Buy. Subdivision No. 20. Mrs. J. \lcCoombs, Kenora â€" Kenora Rainy River. " BOARD MEETINGS Space will permit only a brief reference to some of the more important matters dealt with at the Board meetings held .last fall and during Easter Week. ‘The Members of the Bonrd will be furnished with particulars which will enable them to answer questions regarding the finances of the Federation at the d.trict annuals. We may stzite that the financ s of the Federation are in a fairly liealr thy condition, although nearly all the balance on hand at the close of the year was required to pay expenses of Federation Representatives in attending conventions, the directors in at tending Board meeting, and the regular allotments by the Fed- eration to the various convert- tion areas. The following persons were appointed as officially represent- ing the Women's Institutes in negotiating with the organiza* tions and associations named: League of Nationsâ€"M s. .1. K. Kelly. Almonte; Home and School AssociationiMrs. A. D. McDougall, Maxville; Red Cross Societyâ€"Mrs. I. Graves, Scar- boro Junction; Girl Guide Asso- cintiviniMrs. E. Secord. R. R. No. '2, St. Cath'rines; Prohibiv tion Linionihlrs, J. W. Stone, Bond Head; Royal Winter Fair “Mrs. R. B. Colloton, Lorne Park and Miss M. V. Powell, Whitby: National Council of Womenâ€"Mrs. R. B. Colloton, Lorne Park, and M . W. R. Lung, Toronto; Social Hygiene Councilâ€"Mrs. R. B. Colloton, Lorne Park, and MLS E. Appel- be, Box 451. Georgetown. Provision has been made to advise with the Travelling Li» braries in securing books of spe- cial value to Women's Institute members. The district oflicers are urged to have the district annuals meet early in the day, especially the district directors, thus giving an opportunity to discuss ways and_means of extending the or- ganization to new centres and to give some assistance and en- enurairement to the Institutes requiring the same. A keen appreciation was ex- pressed to the retiring Presi- dent, Mrs. Walker, for the splen- did leadership given during her three years as President. FINANCES The contributions by many of the branches during the past year have been most liberal, some districts reporting every branch paying 15c. per member. worth. If the Institutes would all con- 'bute. an even 10:. per mem- brelr, it will enable the Fedora- tion to carry on most etfective- ly and to co-operate with the Department in publishing sev- eral copies of “Home and Coun- try" throughout the year. A resolution regarding the placing of the finances of the Federation upon a more definite basis will be submitted to the district annual meetings“ We trust that the brancheswdl be as liberal as possible in their contributions to the Federation, keeping in mind the needs oi their respective communities. It must be left to the good Judg- ment of the individuallbrancli as to what their contributions will be this year. GOOD PROGRAMMES We are pleased to _note a growing and increased interest in the programme for rural women, as evidenced by the or- ganization of a number of branchesthroughoutOntariodui-- ing the past year, showmg that the ractical, educational and socia work of the organization is meeting with the approval of homemakers generally. Each year seems to add fresh inspiration to the activities of the branches, and the women generally are more and more realizing the value of the serv- ices available from the Insti- tutes Branch, which aid in rais- ing the standard of home and community life and thus make a very definite contribution to national advancement. May we emphasize the value of individual effort in making the organization of still greater value through faith in the work, faith in oneself and a united effort by Department, Provincial Board and individual branches working together for a definite object, the betterment of hu» manity, through efficiency on the part of the homemaker and homekeeper. SERVICES OF BOARD A question which is sonic- times asked is “what pur use is served by having 2 Fe erated Board and what does the gen, eral membership get that: was not available previous to its in. Caption?" The Board bears the expense of bringing together a body of representative women elected by the members themselves from every section of the Prov- ince for full discussion of busiâ€" ness and problems not only common to all but also those peculiar to their respective sec- tions. These contacts, with their varied points of view. are a great stimulus to the mem- bers themselves, who in their turn carry the enthusiasm aroused and the fresh viewâ€" points gained back to their areas to arouse fresh enthusiâ€" asm and interest there. This steady and ever increasing in- terest in the provincial wide aspect of our work has been one of the very noticeable results of the Federation. The Provincial Federation is in its turn a unit in the Domâ€" inion Federation, which is again a unit in the world wide Fed~ eration of Country Women‘s Associations. Without its Fed- eration, Ontario, the birthplace of the W. I.I which has been taken for an example by these women all over the world, would not only fail to take her place with all her sister provinces in the Dominion Federation but would alone fail to be a member of this‘great international or- ganization of rural women, surely an almost inconceivable situation. The Board also deals with many appeals which concern the Institutes but not the Depart- ment, and which must therefore be decided by the Institutes' official body. ‘ Then a few of the more tang- ible benefits are briefly: May, I‘m Grants towards financing t]... various conventions. Payment of ex eases of Fey oration Represen ativea to CD... ventions and of Board membm to their District Annuals as well as to Board meetings. Co-operating with the Depart. ment by contributing toward the expenses at common under. takings such as freight on re. lief parcels and shipments, mu. Ing this Home and Country- News Bulletin, preparing \\', 1‘ exhibits, etc., for W. I. Wing 01 Women's Building at C. N. E, preparing Ontario exhib‘ In: the “Ottawa” Exhibition in New Zealand, etc. Financing and furnishing song sheets to branches unil conventions, also financing the “Supplement to 8 Handy Guide to the Laws of Ontario." Contributing to support at Dominion and World Feat-m. tions and this year toward the expenses of sending a reple- sontative to the approaching world wide convention to he held in Stockholm. Financing Life Memberslmi pins now available under Lli‘ same conditions as Life Men bership Certificates, at an at ditional cost of $1.35, postpohi. on application to Institu Branch, Department of AL culture, Toronto. Also innumerable similar tr l smaller services. And last, but not least, I u Board is prepared at all tinv to deal with questions of lor .. provincial or national impu ‘- tnnco; and to place such, advisable, before the pro authorities. It would like n1 point out, however, that the im. ‘, tiative in such matters liv- largely with the individual branches. districts and convc 7 tion areas. The Board is tlir . mouthpiece and armed \\i'.l. their mandate is ready to a. preach the Government or 0th '- nuthority in a vigorous efiort i acquire desired changes in t1 r istint,r conditions. RADIO PROGRAMME We are pleased indeed to o r nuance that the first Rad vl "Mothers’ Meeting" will be pr »_ sented through the courtesy Colonel the Honourable Thos. Kennedy, Minister of Agricur ture, by the Federated Women Institutes of Ontario on Mondu . May 15th, three in the afternoon, as they contribution to Mother's Day Mrs. R. B. Colloton, President. will open the meeting. Colonel Kennedy will express greeting: to the mothers of Ontario, fol- lowed by Mr. Geo. A. Putnan. Superintendent of Institutes. A complete discussion of eac- phase of Maternal Welfare W‘lll be presented by Honourable Doctor Robb, Ontario Ministtt of Health, in his address or ,. “Ontario Motherhood," by Doc: ttir Bell, Deputy Minister 0: Health, by Miss Edna Moore. Director of Public Health Nurses of Ontario on "Edufiilr tion for Motherhood," and hi Doctor Phair, Ontario Direct“: Maternal and Child Hygiene on “Safety and Motherhood." Musical selections will be pro vided by the successful Women“ Institute chorus in Peel Counti' Musical Festival. The programme has been 81' ranged by Mrs. W. F. Parsons Convener of Public Health and Child Welfare, Federated Wom‘ en's Institutes of Ontario, Porl Credit, Ontario. With the co-operation of the branch and district officers We can look forward with confi' dence to most profitable branch. district and convention area gatherings. Sincerely yours, Mrs, R. B. Colloton, President. Miss M. V. Powell, Secretary- Treasurer, Whitby. between two and i‘

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